Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 543: Ye Jianxing's decision

When I first saw Ye Jianxing in Guwai, I didn't stand with Zong Yan and others. When I saw that I was decisive and I was not willing to be with the same people, Nie Yun guessed that he and Zong Yan must have Great contradiction. M ()

Nie Yun doesn't think he is very attractive. Ye Jianxing and his team are formed for the sake of safety ...

Besides, just when Ye Jianxing heard that Zong Yan's strength broke through to the late stage of the flyover, his body shook, which explained a big problem.

It should be happy that the strength of the same door is growing, but Ye Jianxing, like encountering some kind of fear, is naturally wrong.

"There are contradictions ..." Ye Jianxing shook his head and sighed after a while. "In fact, it is not that I have a conflict with him. It is that Uncle Wen Xu and Uncle Zong An have a contradiction! Forget it, these are the things of seniors, and the text Uncle Xu is also dead, let alone say! "

"Uncle Zong'an? The one who lied to you to kill the Venom King last time?" When he heard the name, Nie Yun thought for a moment.

"Well, Zong Yan is his close nephew!" Ye Jianxing nodded and said, "I was trained by Uncle Wen Xu, and Zong An was trained by Uncle Zong Yan. The two uncles themselves have contradictions. Coupled with my rapid progress now, I have received the attention of many senior elders in Zongmen. Uncle Zong An was afraid that I would take the position of Zong Yan in the future.

"Location? What is Zongyan's position in Zongmen?" Nie Yun did not expect the so-called "famous door decent", and his intrigue was so serious, he shook his head and asked.

"One of the candidates for palm teaching!" Ye Jianxing said: "The candidates for palm teaching are all selected from the core disciples. As long as they have the strength to reach the bridge, they are eligible. Although there are many core disciples of the sword **** sect, there are also many who reach the peak of the bridge. But not many are really qualified ... "

Teach candidates. In the future, to be qualified to stabilize the existence of teaching, not only must have strong strength, but also perseverance, talent, Ye Jianxing is so young to have such swordsmanship, the potential is much stronger than many people, as long as the strength is reached to obtain such a quota is very simple. .

but. Teaching candidates is just candidates, not teaching. Fight now. Zong Yan including this Zong An is really narrow-minded!

Hearing this, Nie Yun was almost 100% sure that Zong An had asked Ye Jianxing to hunt down the poisonous king. Definitely uneasy.

"These are after you reminded me. I went back to Zongmen to find out. I used to think that Uncle Zong An was good to me ... hey, forget it, don't say it!" Ye Jianxing shook his head.

"Hehe!" Seeing his lonely expression, Nie Yun didn't ask more.

Ye Jianxing cultivates so fast, because he has a childlike heart, which is similar to his brother, so he is disgusted with conspiracy and the like. Investigate a teacher who treats you well, and discover these. I must feel uncomfortable.

"It seems that Zong Yan is not at ease with you. I am afraid that this trial is to find a way to kill you. Forget it, I will do a little favor for you to make him suffer!"

After thinking for a while, Nie Yun understood it and chuckled.

"Zong Yan is a man who must report. You previously damaged Qian Hong by hurting Qian Hong. Although he didn't have an attack at that time, once you meet here, it will definitely be a lot of trouble!" Remembering what Zong Yan said to Nie Yun, Ye Jianxing looked worried. "Moreover, Zong Yan has a set of Supreme Swords Rune! It was given by Master Zong An. Once triggered, even if you cast the Seven Swords of Great Tragedy, you will never be an opponent!"

"Supreme swordsmanship falcon?" Nie Yun Yizhu "Isn't supreme swordsmanship only qualified for elders who have met the virtual realm? If you remember Uncle Zong'an, it should be just the pinnacle of the bridge!"

"Uncle Zong'an broke through to the virtual reality after the last poisoning incident, and, like Uncle Wen Xu, he also won the champion of the sword **** trial, and once learned a set of Supreme Sword Techniques!" Ye Jianxing said .

"Breakthrough?" Nie Yun was not only thankful for this man named Zong An.

It is more difficult to break through the virtual realm than the overpass realm. It is the high-level of the real floating continent. Only when it has achieved this strength can it be qualified to become a real strong man.

"By the way, Nie Yun, the Seven Swords of Great Tragedy is the secret of our ancestors. If you meet the Sword God Sect, you'd better not show it. Once found, it may cause the elder to take the shot and repair you. To abolish ... "

Suddenly Ye Jianxing remembered something and said solemnly.

Da Zong Men is very concerned about his martial arts and mystery skills. The Da Bei Qi Xian Sword as the Supreme Sword Art is also a secret that is not transmitted in the Sword God Sect. Otherwise, it may not be only to become the elder or to win the sword **** trial champion. Qualified!

Nie Yun may be performing in the Demon Wonderland. Once it is displayed here, it will be found to be transmitted to Zongmen, and it will definitely cause great waves. If it is not good, it will send Supreme Elder to find him in trouble.

After all, Nie Yun is not a sword god!

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

He still knows a lot about the rules of the Futian mainland ancestral gate. Even if Ye Jianxing does not remind him, he will never perform it.

It is precisely because of this concern that when fighting the white-faced youth just now, they did not use any swordsmanship.

"Okay, don't talk, they're right in front!"

Seeing Ye Jianxing still want to speak, Nie Yun smiled slightly and pointed forward.

"Just right? Where?"

Looking forward, Ye Jianxing saw the mountains overlap, and he couldn't help seeing any figure at all.

"In the cave, you wait here, find a place to hide, I'll come in a while!"

Nie Yun smiled.

In the past, when the white-faced youth was turned poisonously, he left a trace of tracking in his body, and it was easy to find the other person. In addition, Tianyan can see through the rocks. When he came here, he found that Chu Yanggongzi and others were in a cave in front of him, and he wanted to find a way. Treatment of white-faced youth.

"You go by yourself? It's dangerous. I'll go with you, one more helper ..."

When Nie Yun was about to pass by himself, Ye Jianxing was startled and was trying to stop. Before he finished speaking, he saw that the young man's body disappeared from the ground, as if he had gone underground into the ground.

"This is ... this is the talent of the Earthmaster? This ..."

Seeing this scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ye Jianxing was startled.

He can drill into the ground without any trace, and there is no trace on the ground. Only the legendary earth master talent can do it. Isn't he a healer or camouflage master, when does he have a land master talent again?

The Master of the Earth is one of the three great escape talents. With this talent, he will not be afraid even if he is found. No wonder he dares to go by himself!

"Really strange people ..."

After a while, Ye Jianxing shook his head and laughed bitterly, muttering to himself.

"I don't know how many cards he still has ... I don't think he can ever be against him ..."

Shaking his head, Ye Jianxing made a decision in his heart. (To be continued. Mobile users please go to read.)

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