Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 545: Stole

"Supreme swordsmanship, the Seven Swords of Great Sadness? You ... can you make it?"

Seeing this set of swordsmanship, Chu Yang finally couldn't stand still, his hands were stacked one after another, and a handprint was blocked in front of him, and his toes exploded backwards a little on the ground.


Chu Chuyang ducked away, others didn't dodge. Zong Yan's great compassion and seven immortal swords did not show mercy. When the swordsman churned, the white noodles on the ground and the rest of the boys were broken into pieces.

"Zong Yan, you are trying to kill everything, you are trying to die!"

Seeing that his subordinates were instantly powdered by the opponent's Supreme Sword Technique, Chu Yang felt that his lungs were about to explode!

However, his roar was not over yet, Zong Yan on the opposite side bent his knees, "Oh!" He rushed out like a cannonball, and hurriedly came to himself. The sword in his hand flashed, and the seven-pointed light flashed again. .

"What? Can you play a second time? Impossible ..."

Seeing the opponent's tricks, Chu Yang was almost frightened.

The Great Sorrowful Seven Immortals Sword is the Supreme Sword Art of the Sword God. Even if the strong ones accumulated in the late days of the overpass, the mana will definitely be consumed with one stroke. How can this Zongyan perform the second stroke like the other person after it has been displayed?

不是 Isn't he almost the same as himself, when did the mana storage become so powerful?

When Chu Yang was full of doubts and fear on his face, I suddenly felt a pain in my lower abdomen and saw that the other palm of the other person had been pressed up.


For a moment, Chu Yang felt that his body was overturned and almost spit out the leftovers in his stomach.

It turned out that the opponent's second sword was simply a false move. This is the real purpose!

"Ah ... Zong Yan, you forced me. Today I will show you what my hole cards are, so you can't die!"

I was knocked down with one palm, and Chu Yang finally became angry.

He and Zong Yan have known each other, but they are also old opponents. They knew each other. At the beginning of the battle, they did not plan to show their hole cards. After all, killing the opponent was not good for everyone. Now they are attacked by the opponent repeatedly. Then, he was hit directly, and the three corpses jumped with anger, and he was so furious that he would never hesitate again.

In the howling roar, a ghost-like ring appeared on the palm of the hand, and the five fingers were about to be thrown.

"I got what I want, I won't be with you!"

Xi Zongyan also seemed to know the power of this circle, and suddenly sneered, his body retreated!

He originally approached the entrance to the cave, only took a step back, and ran out.

"Where to go, stay for me ..." Chu Yang didn't expect the other party to turn around, and left without any muddled water, annoyed wow, hurriedly chased out, and at the entrance of the cave looked suddenly a little embarrassed.

I saw the outside and the wind, there is no half figure, it seems that Zong Yan just was his own illusion.

"How can I run so fast?" Looking up and looking down for a long time, there are no traces of excavation on the ground, and no mana fluctuations in the air. It seems that Zong Yan really disappeared out of thin air!

"Abominable, **** ... huh? My jade card, oh ... you stole my jade card? Zong Yan, I and you are indifferent and don't share the sky!"

After searching for a long time, Chu Yang could no longer find Zong Yan, he took the ring back, and the ring just disappeared. He seemed to find out what he thought of what Zong Yan said just before leaving, his face flushed with red blood. Squirted!

It is no wonder that he is like this, because ... all the jade cards he put in Nawu Dantian, even ... all disappeared!


"Isn't he in danger?"

Hiding behind a rock, Ye Jianxing felt the energy in the cave directly in front of him, and his face was worried.

Just now Nie Yun said that he was going to find a jade card. As a result, there was a spiritual fluctuation in the cave that can only occur after the battle. If you do n’t remember the other party, remember that the other party ’s methods are as ox hairs, so you ca n’t help but rush directly .

"Let's go!"

When Ye Jianxing was thinking wildly, he felt a figure standing in front of him for a while.

"Nie Yun? Are you okay?"

Seeing the boy in front of him, Ye Jian was unscathed, Ye Jianxing's eyes brightened.

"Oh, of course it's okay. This is not the place to talk. It is estimated that the Chu Yang son will rush over in a moment. Let's find a safe place to talk about!"

When he saw the other party, he asked himself if he was okay, instead of asking if the jade card was unsuccessful. Nie Yun knew that the other party really regarded himself as a friend, smiled slightly, and rushed forward.

"Hmm!" Although he didn't know what happened, Ye Jianxing also knew that this place couldn't be stayed too much, and immediately followed him and flew away quickly.

The two men marched all the way and flew for about half a day before stopping in a deserted valley.

Bian Nieyun opened a cave on the mountain wall and drilled into it.

"This time we got a total of 147 jade cards. Let's average the points. I will take one more and give you seventy-three!"

I entered the cave and Nie Yun threw a bunch of jade cards.

I saw Ye Yuxing's swords crisscross above them, Ye Jianxing's eyes widened, some couldn't believe it.

"You ... did you succeed? You snatched all of Chuyang's jade cards?"

Lu Chuyang ’s strength in the late stage of the flyover, and a variety of hole cards, so grab it, how did it happen?

"Hehe!" Nie Yun smiled and did not deny ~ www.readwn.com ~ did not explain.

If you say you stole it, you must be involved in stealing talents, which is more troublesome to explain than to say.

的 Zong Yan who was fighting with Chu Yanggong just now was naturally disguised by Nie Yun.

Using the talents of the Master of the Earth and the Eye of the Sky, I saw their dialogue before they came. Nie Yun immediately moved in his heart and became Zong Yan.

"I did not expect that the power of the ghost sword is so great that it has increased my strength so much. I will fight against the bridge in the late stage without falling into the wind!"

When I remembered the fighting scene just now, Nie Yun couldn't help but sigh.

Before he became Zong Yan, he only planned to steal the jade card and left. As a result, he entered the cave and found out that even if God stole the talent and wanted to steal the things in the dandan, he had to put his palm on the opponent.

When he saw Qian Huan in Aurora City, he just stuck his palms to the two brothers of Master Yuanxin before stealing the contents of the opponent's object Tandan.

The method of stealing things is not as good as the other party. If you want to steal, you can't be separated, so you have to do something to Chu Yang.

Of course, this can also eliminate the other party's concerns and make him believe that he is Zong Yan.

During the battle, he took out the ghost sword. The ghost sword has the pure soul of Xie Zhanghuizi, and there is no **** ghost atmosphere. On the contrary, the sword spirit is displayed like a human sword.

So even if the son of Chu Yang saw it, I was afraid that it was a king's sword from the depths of the ghost. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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