Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 552: Stealing Again (4)

"It looks good. It's only a matter of time before Ye Jianxing defeats Su Xu. I want to continue ..." While watching Nie Yun, he watched Ye Jianxing's situation and saw that the teenager not only failed to show up, but gradually gained the upper hand. Nie Yunsong Tone and keep drifting forward.

Qi Suxu's strength is a bit stronger than Qian Hong's, and his sword skills are also very good. Ye Jianxing's flyover can overcome him in the early stage. This kind of record is probably enough to cause a sensation in Sword God Sect.

"Float for me, float ... haha, it's less than half a meter away, 50 cm ... 40 cm ..."

Tan Nieyun controlled the mote and continued to move forward, and soon came to Zong Yan again, the closer and closer, the more excited he became.

As long as the dust gets on Zong Yan, he can use the talent of stealing to steal things from his holdings Tandan. After finishing, they will find a way to take Ye Jianxing away, and the two leave here.

"30 cm ... 20 cm ... haha, there are only 10 cm left, right away ..."

I thought to myself, and soon the dust floated to Zongyan's lower abdomen again. Nie Yun laughed, and was about to make a shot, and heard the whole cave "bang!"


Su Suxu spewed blood and hit a stone wall. A big hole appeared in the abdomen and was seriously injured.

"Okay, okay, it seems that I look down on you! Su Xu just learned swordsmanship with you. When you got to that point, you gave him up, but you were severely wounded. It seems that today I shot myself to teach you, you do n’t know ! "

Seeing Su Xu's injury, Zong Yan knew that he would not shoot today, and everyone else would definitely not be able to defeat Ye Jianxing, and suddenly he shouted and stood up.

"Nima ..." Seeing that less than ten centimeters were left again, he could shoot at any time. Zong Yan stood up again, and Nie Yun almost cried.

Ye Jianxing, your kid can't let two tricks, play with Su Xu for a while? Just stick to ten more, no ... three breaths ... well!

However, it is useless to say these now. Once fighting, Zong Yan will definitely not be able to stay in place. It will be difficult to steal things again. Is it going to fail today?

The depression in Nie Yun's heart.

"So far, letting go everywhere? Just now he exhibited [Death Thirteen Serial Swords] is also for me? If you want to kill me, don't use these poor excuses, just do it, there is no need to talk nonsense!" Ye Jianxing sneered.

Just now Su Xu tried to kill, and he showed no mercy every time. Now he was seriously injured. Zong Yan even said that he wanted to kill himself and didn't want to give people a reputation for bullying. It's shameless.

"Hey, this is your own death, so don't blame me!" The young man who said the opposite said, Zong Yan was not in disguise, and he smiled at the others. "You guys keep the exit, don't let him Run away, and today I will let him know the gap with me! "

The end of the cricket's voice, the power in the late stage of the flyover surging and burning, a huge sense of oppression rushed directly from him to Ye Jianxing.

"Sure enough it is the late stage of the overpass, and the strength is so stable ..." Feeling this pressure, Ye Jianxing's face changed and he did not retain it. The sword trembled, a sword groaned, and his body turned into a strong wind. past.


Before the Tatars arrived, the sword blasted the whole cave.


Before Nie Yun responded, the dust that Zihua Dongfu turned into was lifted by the wind and fell suddenly on Zong Yan's lower abdomen.

"This ... There is no intention of planting flowers, no intention of inserting willows into shade! Haha!"

Bian Nieyun was still scolding Ye Jianxing why he didn't hold on for a while. Now the wind that was driven by him fell on Zong Yan. He couldn't help but laugh and thank him.

There was a lot of dust in Laoshan Cave, and there were more dust particles of the size of Zihua Dongfu. He would not find Zong Yan by the wind.

"God steals talent, explore treasures!"

Nian Yun wasn't keeping Zan Yan on Zong Yan's body. The talent of God stealing turned on instantly. He looked up at the lower abdomen of the former.

"It turned out to be a flying spirit soldier, I thought it was the object of the Dandan field ..." Seeing the flash of light in front of him, Nie Yun immediately understood.

Ebara thought that Zong Yan had the same thing as Chu Yang. Now it seems that there is a flying soldier in his body, and everything is in it.

"That being the case, I'll steal it with this spirit soldier!" With a chuckle, God's stealing talent is running to its limit, and his hand is stretched out.


The palm of his hand penetrated into the Zihua Cave Mansion in an instant and entered Zong Yan's body. With a pinch, he caught the flying soldier.

"Receive!" Whispered, the spirit soldier was taken into Zihuadongfu.

"Well, there is another weapon that has not been placed in the flying spirit soldier ... it should be his hole card!" Stealing the flying spirit soldier, Nie Yun saw the light flashing inside the opponent again, and a shadow of a weapon appeared.

It also looks like a long sword, but it is very awkward in his body now.

Wu Lingbing, possessing spiritual weapons, can be integrated into the body as long as he is refined. This long sword is located at the intersection of Qihai and Meridian in his body. Mana passes through at all times. Once stolen, it will definitely be found.

Xun Lingbing fits into his body as if he is carrying money in his pocket. If the clothes are loose and the contents are inside, it will be difficult to find even if stolen ~ www.readwn.com ~ and if the clothes are tight, it is difficult to say.

The position of the flying spirit soldier just now is irrelevant. Therefore, there is no problem in stealing Nie Yun. This long sword is like something in a tights, let alone stealing it. I'm afraid it will be found when touched.

"Forget it, let go of this weapon ..." After thinking about the stakes, Nie Yun decided to let go.

I still have to find a way to save Ye Jianxing now. Once they fight grass and snake, it will be difficult for the two to escape!

Xu added that he did not want to leak the story of Zihua Dongfu. With the knowledge of the two generations, if the story of Dongfu spreads out, even in the floating continent, it will definitely stir up a huge storm.

He has now been hunted down by Mi Shenzong everywhere, but he doesn't want to be hunted down by more people because of Zihua Dongfu.

There was a decision in Xun's heart. With a slight movement of Nie Yun, the dust that the cave turned into fell off Zong Yan and fell to the ground.


As soon as he touched the ground, the talents of Nie Yundi's mentor and hidden teacher turned on, and the whole person instantly penetrated into the ground and strode towards Ye Jianxing.

Xie Nieyun stole with joy, but Ye Jianxing's battle was extremely dangerous.


The three sword stabs straight toward Ye Jianxing, and has a shape of three talents, covering his whole body up and down.

Extreme peak swordsmanship, three talents and seven killing swords!

This set of swordsmanship covers the whole body with a three-talent formation method. There are seven kinds of must-kill tricks in one shot. It is difficult to escape no matter how prepared.

[To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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