Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 562: Fire Unicorn (2)

Ye Yexing didn't steal much, and didn't have special talents such as Stealth Division and Hidden Division, just heard a terrifying roar after walking for a while.

The howling roared loudly, raging with a scorching gas wave, and seemed to warn him that he had crossed the border.

Ignoring the warning, Ye Jianxing continued to move forward, and after walking for a while, he saw a huge medicine garden in the valley.

There are not many medicinal materials in Shaoyao Garden, there are only dozens of them, but each one is very precious and valuable.

It ’s no wonder that the medicinal materials that can make the monsters in the middle of the flyover look good and carefully cultivated, how can the level be very low!


I seem to find that Ye Jianxing kept admonishing herself to continue to walk over. The roar of the monsters in the valley was obviously more violent than it was just now. It seemed that as long as the young boy didn't stop, he would immediately shoot.

Ye Jianxing knew that at the critical moment, took a deep breath, took out the long sword, the mana surged on his body, never hidden his body again, and suddenly rushed to the valley medicine garden.

With such a rush, with a magnificent sword spirit, before reaching the medicine garden, the overwhelming seals of Tianqiao's early strength were broken.


However, before Ye Jianxing came to the medicinal materials in the ground, a huge figure rushed out, with blood-red pupils, purple-red scale armor, and a very large body, seven or eight meters in length. Hot air is like burning all vegetation.

In general, monster monsters do not like to change into adults. From a habitual point of view, they prefer the form of human beings rather than humans.

"It turned out to be [Fire Unicorn]?"

I saw the appearance of this monster, and Nie Yun underground was a little surprised.

The flame unicorn is a monster that is good at attacking fire properties. It usually lives inside the lava and lives by devouring the heat of the lava. Jian Lingfeng has not seen the lava himself. How can there be such a guy?


When Nie Yun was surprised, one person and one beast had already fought together.

Although Ye Jianxing is slightly worse than Nie Yun, the real combat strength cannot be underestimated. When he shoots his sword, his mana swings in all directions. The whole valley is attacked by one person and one animal, and it explodes.

"Ah ... you're looking for death!"

Seeing several of his elixir destroyed in the explosion, the rushing Ye Jianxing still reached out to **** from time to time, the flame unicorn was really angry, and he roared, the unicorn on his head flashed a lonely black light, containing the hot The flame power suddenly rushed like Ye Jianxing!

"Extreme peak swordsmanship, [earth armor return to the real mask]!"

Ye Yexing also seemed to see the opponent ’s powerful attack. When his body flickered, his sword skills were like rain in the sky, and he instantly formed a mask-like sword in front of his eyes.

The light-covered sword-like air became heavier and thicker, showing a yellow earth color, as if wearing a earth-colored protective cover on his body.


The flame unicorn didn't care about Ye Jianxing's protective cover. The thick nostrils snorted with a heat wave, and when the hoof stepped in the air, it hit him severely!

Boom! The explosion of one person and one animal echoed in the air.

"It's my turn ..."

Seeing this, I know that Ye Jianxing has shown the strongest means to entangle with the other party, and it's time for his own shot!

"Only twenty seconds, fast!"

The talents of the Puppet Master and Hidden Master were exhibited. Nie Yun walked underground like a ghost. It took less than three seconds to flee from the valley to the valley, and he saw the medicine garden in front of him.

"Lingyunhua, poisonous scent root, brandy grass ... Yes, they are all precious medicinal materials with fire properties ..."

Using the eyes of the sky to look upwards through the ground, I saw the flame-like air waves rolling down above the medicine garden. Under the nourishment of the air waves, the medicinal materials are bright and delicate, emitting a strong medicinal fragrance.

The medicinal materials for more than a thousand years can not only escape on their own, but also absorb the heaven and earth's aura for cultivation. Although these medicinal materials are not more than a thousand years old, each one has been carefully cooked by the flame unicorn. The medicinal properties are very precious.

"The medicinal material of the flame attribute will be burned to ashes when it comes into contact with others. The overpasses will be burned, but it is useless to me!"

Xun chuckled a little, her body moved, and the talents of God stealing and beating fire spread out, grabbing the herbs in the medicine garden.

The medicinal materials with flame properties are usually not dared to take, but it is irrelevant to Nie Yun's identity as a fire master.

The **** of stealing talents unfolded. Hundreds of elixir on the ground quickly reduced one by one and fell into Nie Yun's pocket.

吼 "Hello! Damn, someone stole my herbs? Ah! Death!"

As soon as the medicinal material was stolen, the flame unicorn in the air was found. With its intelligence that is not weaker than humans, how to figure it out, howling, roaring, huge body rolling, flame-like mana irritating, fierce Came over to Ye Jianxing.



Ye Jianxing's strength itself is not as good as the flame unicorn. At this time, the other party burst into full force. Ye Jianxing suddenly had a sweet throat and blood spewed out!

"Well, Ye Jianxing can't hold on, hurry up!"

Seeing this situation, Nie Yun knew that Ye Jianxing could not hold on for a long time. The twenty seconds mentioned earlier was only an approximate range, and it has now passed more than ten seconds. If he did n’t hurry, the flame unicorn rushed over and could not escape by himself. Off!

"Capricorn God's Palm ~ www.readwn.com ~ The flood is infinite!"

At this time, regardless of the hidden body, the body rushed out of the ground as soon as it was vertical. A handprint was formed on the right hand, and he grabbed it forward and struck out the Capricorn palm.

The Capricorn Palm is now pure by the fire he cultivates. His palms are not only attacked, but also have the ability to grab and tear the seal. The palm print is overwhelming. He immediately came to the seal in the medicine garden. "Wow!" Untied, and at the same time a roll of power, the medicinal materials on the ground were pinched and closed in my hand!

"Come on, I can't hold on ..."

As soon as Wu grabbed the medicinal material, Nie Yun heard Ye Jianxing's anxious voice, looked up, and saw that the teenager was covered with blood and the angry unicorn was attacking him frantically.

"Hurry up, I'll look for you when I leave!"

Seeing that he was holding on, I'm afraid he would be killed. Nie Yun quickly spread his voice and controlled the palm print formed by the floods to move closer to himself, intending to collect the captured herbs into Dantian.

好 "Okay, take care, I'll wait for you at the entrance of Jianling Peak!"

He also knew that he would hang up when he stayed. Ye Jianxing gnashed his teeth and crushed a piece of amulet.

Fu Fu was burning, and his whole person instantly turned into a blood-red light, which disappeared from the spot instantly and shot straight into the distance.

Blood 遁 escape sign!

The blood-sucking escape symbol is based on blood. Burning the blood to escape is very fast, but it has a great impact on human life. Ye Jianxing exhibited this, and it seems that he has reached the end of the mountain. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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