Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 580: Son of an old man

"Me?" Ying Long apparently didn't expect the result, first hesitated, then ecstatic.

He worked hard for three years under the sword heart of the Sword Palace to win the championship. He originally felt that there was no hope, but he did not expect to announce the result, which made him unbelievable.

"How could it be Ying Long? According to the truth, Tong Yun's score should be higher than him ..."

Hearing this result, Ye Jianxing frowned, and asked.

Even he felt hesitant about Nie Yun.

Not only did he wonder about this decision, everyone else felt incredible, and Nie Yun clenched his fists.

His own achievements are obvious to all, and he is definitely the champion. I did not expect that this would be the result.

"This is a fair and equitable decision by the suzerain and the elders. Talents recognized by Jianxin Shi are eligible to become champions. Ying Long persists for the longest and is obviously the champion!"

The elder Luo Yutian threw his hand and looked at Nie Yun.

"Tongyun's performance is also good, but the trial champion is a comprehensive consideration. It was personally identified by our Supreme Master Sword God Sect and many elders. There is no objection. Please keep your normal heart and don't pretend to think about it. You will lose your nature, lose your inner principles, and reduce your awareness of the sword, which is not conducive to spiritual practice! "

"Identify it personally, without any objections? Lost of nature and not conducive to spiritual practice?"

Nie Yun's arms trembled, and his whole body's bones were excited. He issued a series of crisp sounds, raised his head, and looked up at Luo Yutian. "Tianyou Valley tried me first. Treasure hunt is my third, his fourth, Jianxin assessment persists in time, the first time is not weaker than his persistence for three years, I just want to ask, from which comment do you judge, I ca n’t win this championship? "

Without the championship, you can't feel the spirit of Kendo. The champion who has seen it with his own eyes, gets such an unfair decision, no matter who it is. Will not accept it.

"Presumptuous, do you dare to question the decision of the lord and your elders? The sword **** trial, everyone wants to win the championship. If you say you can win the championship, I think I can also win it!"

See Nie Yun did not win the championship. Zong Yan felt relieved in his heart. Step forward and scold loudly.

"Yes, judging the champion was unanimously decided by the Supreme Sovereign and the elders. What are you talking about here? Nonsense?" Zhang Yan disciple Zhang Yan also came over.

Just now he thought that Nie Yun won the championship, and he kept on flattering, willing to be a younger brother. Now that he knows that there is another person in the championship, Lima has changed his face.

"Okay. I know your grades are good, but there is only one champion, and I hope you will realize this. Do n’t do anything you regret. Besides, the top ten can enter the sword hall as well. It's not fair to just make a fool of it here, and I'll just fire you for trial! "

Elder Ni Xu saw the teenager's skin trembling. Seems to erupt at any time, say a word.

"Thanks to the elders for teaching, it is Tongyun's whimsical!"

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the flames deep inside, Nie Yun held his fist. The look changed back.

Yes, my purpose is not only to become a kendo master for myself, but also to enter the hall of the sword to check the information of the soul summoner, and find a way to save my brother! If you turn your face with the sword gods here. Only troubles, even escape!

The only thing I can do now is-forbearance!

Hold back. Don't be impulsive!

My brother can do it for his own life, in order to get the soul summoner, forbear what is there!

"Huh? This kid ... if there is no fall, the future is limitless!"

The other elders in the hall saw the copper cloud in front of them so humiliating and could bear it instantly, as if nothing had happened, all looked at each other, secretly shocked.

Obviously, the champion suddenly became not, even if they cultivated in the state of accepting the virtual reality, and thought for a while, they felt that they couldn't do better than the teenager in front of them! It is impossible to suppress the anger in his heart like he did and become indifferent.

"Ah, very good!"

Seeing that Nie Yun can accept the fact that he is not a champion so quickly, Elder Luo Yutian nodded secretly and looked at the crowd. , Stand out from the tens of thousands of children, first of all I congratulate you here! "

"Thank you Elder Low!"

Everyone brushed their fists together.

"Now I talk about the rewards of the sword **** trial. The sword **** trial has been conducted for many years. Only one champion is needed. The remaining nine disciples are treated exactly the same. The champion can go to the heavenly sword area of ​​the sword hall. Feel the sensation of kendo and get recognition, practice Supreme Sword Art, and the rest go into the authentic area to practice for ten days! "

Luo Yutian looked around for a week: "Now everyone is behind me and Elder Ni Xu, go to the hall of the sword!"


The crowd clenched again.


After talking about Luo Yutian, he looked at Yun Xuan and saw her nodded. Then he took everyone to take a big step and left the temple of the sword.


"The trial of the sword **** is over, and you are all gone!"

As soon as Nie Yun and others left, Sovereign Yun Xuan slid his fingers across the air, looked at the elders, and ordered.


Her authority was great. Everyone heard the order and didn't dare to ask anything. They rushed out. Soon she and Mihua remained in the hall.

At this time, Mihua was sitting in the seat, watching Nie Yun and others leaving, wondering what to think, the corners of her mouth twitched, and her face looked like a smile.

"The Lord Mihua seems to be interested in that copper cloud!"

Yun Xuan twisted a long hair on her chest, her black eyes closed slightly, and she said slowly.

"Oh? Why did Lord Xuan Xuan say this?" Mihua smiled slightly, and no one could see anything on her face.

"If I'm not mistaken, this copper cloud should be a disguise master!" Leaning on the palm teaching seat, Yun Xuanjiao stretched out her body, revealing a stunning arc, and hummed gently: "As soon as you entered the hall, you just Cover it for him, although the action is slight, can hide from other elders ... But, you forgot that I am the Lord of the Sword God and have the seal of the Sword God Sect! And, the Lord Mihua comes here at this time, and it will be seen soon These testers. Also help him speak ... if it doesn't matter, I can't believe it! "

"Oh, now that Lord Xuan Xuan can see it, I don't know anyone secretly, this copper cloud is the son of my deceased person. I just want to take care of him!" Mihua's attitude towards Yun Xuan's people. I didn't care, and didn't bother to expose it in person, said faintly, just looking at the action expression. He didn't know what he was thinking, whether it was joy or sorrow.

"Son of an old man?" He was so casual, he didn't taboo to see through the purpose, and Yun Xuan seemed to be unable to see what he thought.

They are both suzerains, and they are very deliberate. Although it is just an action and a simple conversation, outsiders seem to be ordinary, but in fact they are trying each other secretly.

After a try, they found that, like the sly fox, there was no trace or handle at all.

"Yes, and I guess it is good. Lord Xuan Xuan should see that I have a relationship with him, so he didn't give him the championship! Hehe. Since everyone understands, there is no need to cover it. If you think this copper cloud and I have a relationship, and may investigate the secret of your sword **** sect, you can drive him away now. I won't say anything! "

With a smile on Mihua's face, no one could see whether his words were true or false.

"Since the Lord Mihua said so, how could I be a villain, as long as this copper cloud didn't do anything against the gate rules of the Sword God Sect. I won't embarrass him!" Yun Xuan stunned his black hair again, light Laugh.

"So trouble Lord Xuan Xuan!" Nodded. Mihua laughed at Yun Xuan and stood up with a shock. "There are other things going on, let's leave first!"

"Mihua Sovereign walked slowly, Yun Xuan was not far away!" Yun Xuan also stood up and tapped Yushou.

"Ha ha!"

With a chuckle, Mihua flew out of the Sword God Temple. Although the Sword God Temple had many seals, it seemed to have no effect in front of him.

"Freely shuttle the seal without touching, has he opened the highest form of Dantian? Skywalker ... Sure enough!"

Seeing Mi Hua blinking in time, her eyes disappeared, and Yun Xuan's pupils shrank.

"The son of an old man? Mihua is apathetic by nature and only treats a younger sister. I don't believe he can care so much for any old man!"

Lianbu moved lightly and walked in the middle of the hall. Yun Xuan's brows frowned together, wondering what she was thinking.

"Specially come to see the sword body disciples test, and secretly help Tong Yun cover up his identity. With his scheming, I definitely know that I will find that these are intentional? But intentionally, why?"

This copper cloud is really the same as Mihua said. It is the son of his deceased person. He should be very careful not to find it, or to understand it directly. Since then, he can't find any handles, and now he knows it. Will be found and secretly shot ... weird indescribable.

"Help him deliberately, let me find it unusual, and deliberately say that it is the son of the deceased ... the son of the deceased, the son of the deceased ... Is it ... hehe, I know who this copper cloud is!"

Suddenly what happened to Yun Xuan ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eyes flashed a crystalline light.

"Under the field, Li Daitao is stiff, do you want us to shoot the sword gods? Hehe, we will shoot the sword gods, but really do, you will definitely not get any benefit, I will let you steal the chicken without eroding the rice!"

Yun Xuan laughed. The sweet smile matched her stunning looks. If she was seen, she would be obsessed with it, and only those who knew her knew how terrible and terrible she was behind this smile.

ps: Thanks to our general leader [Tonight Soy Sauce] once again generously rewarded 50,000 starting coins. Laoya will give you a supplementary outbreak next month. This month is a bit tiring. I want to take a break and redesign the idea behind. . .

I just found out that our month and ticket are next to the dancing god, and the above is a forgotten god, Khan. I saw the chrysanthemum of the ancient giant for the first time in so many years. Can you help Lao Ya?

Keke, I heard that Daisy Daisy enjoyed it. . . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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