Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 582: Channel of the Sword

At this time, Zong Yan was looking at Nie Yun with a gloat, his mouth raised.

Zong Yan himself was a favorite to win the championship. As a result, it was designed by the boy in front of him. He was so ugly. He thought he could pull back a game at Jian Lingfeng. As a result, he made a wedding dress for others, but he became the bottom!

I have long hated Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing alive in my heart. This time, I have the opportunity to make him ugly, how to let go.

"Yes, Elder Luo, Tong Yun is not the same as us. He is almost a champion. He has practiced more than a hundred sets of swordsmanship in his own right. Throughout the history of the sword, there is no such thing. How can it be like us ordinary people? Zhang Yan also interjected.

He deliberately accentuated the word "almost", ironically overflowing with words.

"Tongyun is different. If he portrays a sword mark, he will definitely catch it ..." Luo Mei sneered.

"I think so too, we are just ordinary people, but they are peerless geniuses ..." Yuan Chao also said.

The three had previously shown loyalty to Nie Yun, but the unexpected defeat of the latter made them feel disappointed in their face, and hated him in unison.

"You are going to let me paint on the sword-marked stone?" Nie Yun did not expect these four people to deal with themselves, and frowned.

"Tongyun, don't bother them ..." Ye Jianxing said in a hurry because he was disqualified from chaos here.

"Tong Yun, you have to try it here, or we can wait!" Before Ye Jianxing's words were finished, the voice of Elder Luo Yutian sounded.


Nie Yun did not expect a discord between his disciples, Luo Yutian would interject, and his brows frowned again. When other people were talking just now, Luo Yutian said nothing.

"Yeah, just try it, maybe you can leave a trace!" Elder Ni Xu also turned his head and said with a smile.

Nie Yun was also asked to try Jianchen Stone, but Ni Xu's attitude was completely different from Luo Yutian's. The smile is kind and makes people feel much better.

"Sorry, I don't want to become Chu Yang yet!"

For others, being watched by so many people at the same time will certainly promise. Nie Yun is different. Being two people has made him more calm. He waved his hand and said lightly.

If you can trace the marks on the sword mark stone, it does not mean how powerful you are, but you will send yourself to the fire again. Since neither can work, it might as well be out of the limelight.

The main purpose now is to enter the hall of the sword safely, to search for the information of the soul summoner, not to fight with them.

"Huh?" Seeing the teenager being so aggressive, they did not resist. Elder Luo Yutian and Elder Ni Xu looked at each other with surprise.

The age of seventeen or eighteen is the most prosperous time. In particular, geniuses are even more rare. The teenagers were originally champions, but they became harder and harder, and they were able to endure such extreme pressure, which really made them look impressive.

"Since you don't want to try, just forget it. Hurry up and enter the hall of the sword!"

Knowing that such a person's mind is firm, it can never be changed by a sentence or two. Luo Yutian shook his head, and his big hand interrupted the nonsense that Zong Yan and others wanted to say. Go to the hall behind the sword mark stone. When he left, the crowd followed him and walked towards the hall.

"Tong Yun. I didn't expect you to be so seedless, I seem to look down on you!"

Seeing that the boy was not fooled, he was about to walk into the hall, Zong Yan's face was gloomy. Quickly came to Nie Yun, his words showed contempt and provocation.

"Do you have one? Okay?" After hearing what he said, Nie Yun smiled and suddenly called out, "Elder Luo Yutian and Ni Xu, please stay away!"


All the people moving forward stopped.

"Tong Yun, what's going on?" Elder Luo Yutian raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, Zong Yan said that he wanted to try Jianhenshi, I don't know if the elders can answer it!" Nie Yun smiled slightly and then turned to look at Zong Yan. It ’s not the same! If not, do n’t talk so much nonsense, do you think the clown is good? You do n’t have this talent and quality! ”


Zong Yan's eyes narrowed suddenly when he heard the young man's irony in his bones.

Everyone heard his own words, but now the other party not only fights back the original words, but also says that he is a clown! The core disciple of the Sword God Sect, and a fairy-like figure outside, even turned into a clown! How can this insult be swallowed.

"Why, dare? If you don't, it's the same. Don't be crooked and annoying!"

Nie Yun stretched his hands behind his head, stretched a lazy waist, and made a lazy posture. Although the voice was flat, it had a strong irony, making Zong Yan's eyes black and his fists clenched.

"Okay, I'll try the sword mark stone now, would you dare to join me?"

With a low whisper, Zong Yan stared at him.

"Then you come first!" Nie Yun gestured please, his voice was loud and clear.

"Okay, I'll come first!"

Snoring, Zong Yan did not care what the two elders Luo Yutian and Ni Xu did, took the long sword hidden in his body, and strode toward the sword mark stone.


As soon as the sword was swung, Zong Yan turned into a dragon and stabbed in the past.

Zong Yan's swordsmanship is better than Chu Yang's, and he has a deeper understanding of swordsmanship. When he shoots swords like Rutao, the layers are endless, and he instantly collides with the swordsmanship rebounding from the sword mark stone.



The ending is the same as Chu Yang, only one look, his face flushed, and he fell heavily to the ground, even if he is not weak, he has a deeper understanding of swordsmanship and has been seriously injured.

"It's your turn ..." Zong Yan watched once again, holding back his injury.

"I just asked you to come first, but didn't say I had to go ... stupid!" Nie Yun shook his head, a pair of eyes that hate iron and steel, that kind of look is like seeing an idiot, full of playful smile .

"You ... hey!"

Seeing his appearance, Zong Yan only felt that the three corpses were jumping, Qiqiao smoked, and he was injured. He couldn't bear it anymore, and a blood spurted out.

Zong Yan can become the leader of the core disciples of Sword God Sect, calm and decisive. It is impossible to make such a stupid decision according to the truth, but he himself gave Nie Yun's words a half-death, lost his reason, and the latter was talking. At that time, the talents of Xuetongshi and Xianyinshi were quietly exhibited.

The 50th-ranked special talent of Xianyinshi, who can speak according to the law, can't stop it?

Because of this, this farce has appeared.

"Well, don't make a mess, let's go!"

The battle between the two was very fast. Before Luo Yutian and Elder Ni Xu had time to stop, Zong Yan was seriously injured. At this time, it didn't make sense to say anything again. He glanced at each other, his brows frowned, and he didn't talk nonsense now. Shouting everyone walked around the sword mark stone and walked into the palace.

The temple behind the sword mark stone is similar to the Jianxin Stone passageway that Nie Yun entered before. There is an understanding of kendo everywhere. The sword is shining, and it seems to have entered a sword world. Only sword training can survive.

These understandings of the sword may be of great help to ordinary disciples, but to people such as Nie Yun who pass through the sword heart stone channel, it is of little help.

Moving forward, Nie Yun soon saw long swords hanging on both sides of the passage.

Each of these swords has a variety of styles, sharp and dazzling, radiating a strong breath, as if the seal can fly out at any time.

"This is the weapon left by the ancestors of the Sword Gods.

Ye Jianxing said with a smile.


Nodded, Nie Yun looked under the long sword, and sure enough, under each sword, there were detailed handwritings, introducing the sword and its owner, what they had done.

"Zi Xiaojian, the saber left by the 72nd-generation monarch, once killed ten Naxuanfeng Peak Powerhouses and a Desolation Powerhouse, blood drenched the Lingxu Mountain range, and slaughtered the Nine-headed Demon Dragon. ... "

"Chengyun sword is good at speed. The eighty-nine-year-old elder Li Zhen of the Sword God Sect stayed. He has the reputation of" Chengyun heaven and earth, sword dazzling in Kyushu. "The battle of the blood and sea demons was torn five hands with bare hands. At the pinnacle of the demon, pierced the throat of the demon king demon ... "

"Broken sword, to break the dark power of cyclones formed by various mana, left by the elder Zhu Huahua of the 27th generation ..."

"The Frost-Breaking Sun Sword is made of frosty ice stones containing yang. It is displayed in a blend of cold and heat, which makes people invincible and irresistible. It was made by the 44th generation of elder Zhang Yue from the Sword God Sect. One thousand three hundred and seventy-three demon monsters in the flyover ... "


Moving forward along the passage, Nie Yun carefully observed each of the long swords, each of which represented a cruel history, the glorious record of fighting against the demon, and the demon, watching the involuntary rise to the sword gods Worship.

Although the Eight Great Sects sometimes do great things, but it is undeniable that they did a lot of indelible achievements for the unification of the floating continent and to fight against the invasion of the demon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Became the epic of the sword **** zong can sing and cry.

"This is the [Sword of the Sword God] that Sect Master Xuan Xuan found back! Suppressing the luck of the entire Sword God Sect!"

After walking for a while, Ye Jianxing suddenly pointed forward and heard the sound.

"Huh?" Nie Yun looked at it, and really saw a long sword inserted vertically on the rock in front of him, aura agitated, all the seals of the entire sword hall were illuminated by the light of the sword. The surroundings are bright.

"This sword ... does not seem worse than the ghost sword!"

Seeing the momentum of this sword and the special induction that made Wan Jian surrender, Nie Yun immediately judged the level of the sword.

This sword, like its own ghost sword, is born from heaven and earth, and is not artificially refined. No matter the level or power, it is definitely not under your ghost sword!

It is indeed the Zhenzong Arcana of the Sword God Sect, and it is really a magic weapon! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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