Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 584: Who stole (below)

After looking around, he shook his head.

Qian Huan is certainly not among these ten people. If he is, he must have contacted himself long ago, and it is impossible to not know it until now.

And ... this is his sadness, he should never come!

"Impossible, these people were just in front of me just now, and it is impossible to steal the sword of the sword god. There is such a means, I am afraid that the strength has reached a void!"

Elder Ni Xu frowned.

Reaching the virtual realm means that the soul has entered the peak of the spiritual level. Under the glance of this level of soul, it is absolutely impossible for people in the bridge environment to make hands and feet.

"Are you out of the air? Huh, have you forgotten who was seventy years ago? Don't say you stole the sword of the sword **** in front of you, even if you stole something from your loot, you will not find it!"

Mo Xiang snorted.

"That one seventy years ago? You ... dare to mention him? Don't you be afraid of the lord ..." Elder Ni Xu's face changed and he looked around. It seemed that no one noticed it, and he was relieved.

"I now suspect that the disciples who came to the trial this time have his remaining party, otherwise it would never be possible to steal the sword of the sword god!" Mo Xiang looked around for a week, looking at each of the nine disciples who passed the trial, When he saw it, everyone felt like they had entered the ice and snow, and they were all cold.

"The one seventy years ago? What should be said is a thousand magic ... how old is this guy?"

Nie Yun heard the conversation between the two and shook his head helplessly.

Although he is a good friend who has talked about everything in the past life and Qian Huan, but his specific age and specific cultivation, he really does not know, he is like a mystery, no one knows his past, present and future .

You do n’t even know what you look like!

Hey, I really do n’t know how this guy fell in love with Yun Xuan!

"I believe these disciples of Sword God Sect are not what they did. I need to investigate these four carefully!"

After looking around the nine people, Mo Xiang snorted and excluded Zong Yan and others.

This trial included ten people in the top ten, six of them were disciples of the Sword God Sect, and the remaining two were family disciples, Chu Yang and Nie Yun.

Excluding the disciples of Sword God Sect is equivalent to taking Nie Yun and others as the main object of doubt.

"Why would a disciple of Sword God Sect not do it?"

"You are doubting us. If we come to test, are we still being wronged into a thief?"

Hearing Mo Xiang's words. The two family members quit, and hummed.

"Children of the Sword God Sect have been baptized before entering the Zong Men. Seeing the sword of the Sword God is like seeing the old ancestors, and they dare not offend. This is a rule and rule everyone knows. Destructive! "

Elder Ni Xu was afraid that these two disciples would offend Mo Xiang and had trouble, and quickly explained.

"How are you going to check, do you want to check our darting?"

Nie Yun frowned slightly.

To be honest, the sword of the sword **** suddenly disappeared, and the people of the sword **** law enforcement team suddenly appeared. No matter from which point of view, this thing was strange.

Exploring Nishida. Heping searches for nothing for no reason, with an insulting meaning. Besides, Nie Yun has too many secrets. Even if you don't go to the sword hall today, and don't look at the special talents, you can never let people investigate Dantian.

"We will not probe other people's gifts until we have conclusive evidence!"

Mo Xiang didn't think it was a pestle, and his palm was flipped. A huge bronze mirror appeared in the palm of your hand. "This is the light-searching mirror of Zongmen. It can detect where the sword of the sword **** is. Even if it is taken into the dartfield, it cannot escape the induction! I only need to use this to photograph the four of you Last time, it took a while to show the figure who stole the sword of the sword god! "


Nie Yun nodded.

Although I have never heard of such a mirror before, the sword of the sword **** Zongshen sword has disappeared for many years. The younger generation certainly paid a lot of money for the search, and it should not be too difficult to make such a light-finder.

Not to mention others, even if you can do it yourself.

It's very simple, just bless the tracking spirit on the sword of the sword god. Combined with this mirror by special means, once the tracking air in the sword of the sword **** is sensed, the mirror will appear, which is not particularly complicated.

"Just don't probe Nishida, I'll go first!"

Seeing that the other party complied with the rules, he did not have to forcibly investigate Narita Dantian. One of the two family members stood up.

"Well, that's good! The lightfinder looks for the sword god's light!"

Seeing this disciple's cooperation, Mo Xiang nodded his head, stretched his palm forward, and the lightfinder was spinning slowly in the air, while a pale cyan light enveloped the person.

"Okay, come out!"

The light only shone for a few seconds, and Mo Xiang retracted the lightfinder and looked at another family member. "It's your turn!"

"Okay!" This man saw that someone was crossing the river in front of him, and there was no danger. He refused at the moment and walked under the pale cyan light of the lightfinder.

"I come!"

This person is also very snapshot, Chu Yang struggling to come over.

The attack on the sword-marked stone just now, although the injuries were serious, did not cause any serious harm to him. After adjusting the breath during this period of time, although he did not fully recover, he walked and talked without any problems.

"Your name is Chu Yang? I have a relationship with your ancestor Chu Xin!" Mo Xiang glanced at Chu Yang and nodded, "After feeling the sword, you can apply to Zong Men to enter our sword **** law enforcement team, see In Chu Xin's face, I will take care of you! "

"Thank you Senior Mo!"

Chu Yang's face turned red, and he immediately fell to his knees, as if the injury just now was intact.

As the leader of the Sword God Law Enforcement Team, Mo Xiang is a leader in the Realm of Swords. He is not weaker than the elders in the Sword God Sect. With his care, Chu Yang can imagine that he really wants to enter the Sword God Sect. low!


Mo Xiang nodded, and the lightfinder in his hand was also shot on him.

"It's your turn!" After all three of them were taken, leaving Nie Yun alone, Mo Xiang turned his head.

She was not afraid of the oblique shadow, and Nie Yun did not steal the sword of the sword god. She did not quit at the moment, and came to the lightfinder in two steps.

The light of the lightfinder is really similar to the air of tracking ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems to be sensing something in the body.

"All four of you have been explored. Now I'm going to use mystery to show the shape of the thief in the lightfinder. If not, it means that you are innocent. If your appearance is revealed, don't blame me. It's up! "

Mo Xiang hummed coldly, grabbing with both hands, the lightfinder flew into the sky in an instant, radiating colorful light.

The colorful lights converged and slowly formed a graphic. Looking at the slowly appearing graphic, everyone's face began to change.

"Boy, what else do you have to say this time? Not ready to hand over the sword of the sword god?"

Seeing clearly the features revealed in the light-finder, Mo Xiang suddenly looked at Nie Yun, and his eyes gave birth to a strong killing.

The appearance in the mirror turned out to be Nie Yun!

ps: I have to go out today if something happened, and come back in the evening to update it. . Say it in advance. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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