Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 597: Close life and death

"The supreme strong man in Dantian acupoints will definitely not have a general understanding with a little girl of mine, rest assured, besides, I have now reached the virtual realm, and there are many ways to save my life, all right!" Seriously, listening to my brother said, Mi Quietness doesn't matter.

"Don't mess around. Although this Nie Yun is only in the late stage of the field, the whole person is very weird and there are many means. Don't look for him. If you don't obey anymore, I will detain you!" , Mihua could not laugh or cry, scolded.

"Okay, okay, if you lose a few times, you think everyone will lose ..." Mi Jing still dismissed and waved.

"Don't say so much. Although I went out this time, although Nie Yun was not captured, I got another thing. I plan to retreat to break through the realm, and then enter the altar of the **** of god, accept the power of the altar. Your best time recently Don't run around, otherwise, watch me out and how to teach you! "

Mihua waved.

"Retreat? Does my brother want to break into the Seventh Secret and break through the air? Then, let's practice well!" He smiled quietly and raised his eyebrows. "Yes, my brother, the floating continent is so big, every time I send someone to catch it That Nie Yun, you can find the approximate position. What's going on? You should not have the gift of natural derivation! How can you be sure that the Tianjian sword is on that Nie Yun, not on his master? "

This incident was not only quiet and strange, but even Mi Lin on one side immediately raised her ears and wanted to hear what was going on.

The range of the floating continent cannot be described in billions of kilometers. The area is large and wide. Even the strongest in the Dantian acupoint may not be able to find the margin, and the range that the lord said every time, Nie Yun must be there. People are weird.

Moreover, why the elder Emperor Yunzong didn't take such an important thing like the sword of heaven. Want to focus on the disciples under the strength? It would be unreasonable for him to kill him.

"Oh, this is actually very simple. When I used the teleportation array to kill his brother, Nie Tong, my soul was imprinted in Nie Tong's body, although I don't know what he used to hold Nie Tong's body now. Can prevent my soul from exploring, but using the method of blood pulse induction, the orientation can still be sensed! It is because of this that I have determined that the Tianyi Sword is always with this Nie Yun and is not placed in his master There!"

Hear my sister's question. Mihua laughed. This incident was very mysterious to others. It didn't matter to him and there was no need to hide her sister.

"Your soul imprint, so to speak ... I'm the same as my brother's bloodline. Since you can find it with bloodline induction, I can definitely feel it with the bloodline method?" Mi Jing asked.

Blood vein induction is a special secret method. It uses the blood veins similar to the soul to sense the direction of the soul. Although it is not as powerful as the tracker, it can find the exact position, and the general position can be determined.

"Of course!" Mihua nodded, and then said, "Don't think about the idea of ​​sneaking out, no way! This period of time will give me a good stay at [Magic Rain Pavilion] to cultivate my self-cultivation and stabilize your anxious heart, otherwise. It's hard to break through again! "

"Okay, okay, I know to talk to me every day, okay, I'll go to the Magic Rain Pavilion now, you can use the palm to teach the seal to break the teleportation array and send me back! Lest I get upset!"

Hearing my brother talk about Magic Rain Pavilion. Mi Jing looked impatient and waved her hands.

The magic rain pavilion is a loft built by Mihua for her. It is intended to give her meditation, which has many meditation spirit soldiers and formations. As soon as you enter it, you must be forced to quiet down, but ... Mijing is inherently quiet. Every time you enter the Magic Rain Pavilion, you feel like you are in a prison.

"Oh, this is pretty much the same!" Seeing his sister willing to go to the Yuyu Pavilion, Mihua laughed and just wanted to send her away. Suddenly her face changed, her body trembled, and she didn't know what she thought, and it became very ugly.

"What's wrong, brother?" Mi Jing asked for a moment when she saw her brother for the first time.

"It's okay!" After hearing my sister's question, Mihua's face changed back, but she was still gloomy and turned to look at the middle-aged person not far away. "Milin, you take the young lady to Magic Rain Pavilion, no mine The order was not allowed to come out. I occasionally realized that I had to retreat immediately without delaying for a minute. No matter what happened to the ancestral gate, I would wait until I came out to say that the situation is urgent and let the elder elder decide together! "

"Yes!" Mi Lin nodded.

"Retreat right now? It's boring to see you again and finally drive someone away." Mi Jing didn't expect his brother to make a sudden retreat decision. His mouth was raised and he followed the hall with a look of embarrassment.

As soon as they left the hall, Mihua's smile slowly became serious, and the gloom was as terrible as ice.

"This is bad ..."

The murmured voice sounded from his mouth, and seemed to encounter something that was difficult for him to solve.


"Miss, let's go. If we go like this, we are afraid to go to tomorrow!" Mi Lin looked helpless when she saw the young lady walking behind.

Out of the Mi Temple, the young lady walked quietly slower than the snail. At this speed, she wanted to go to the Magic Rain Pavilion, not to mention the sky, not necessarily next year.

"Hurry up, I won't say no!" Mi Jing frowned.

"Yes, yes!" When he heard the scolding, remembering the deeds of the young lady, Mi Lin said with a cold sweat, and he dared not say anything.

Don't look at this young lady who is well behaved in the presence of the suzerain, but in fact it is the biggest overlord of the Mi Shenzong, known as the little pepper. As long as you see who is not pleasing to the eye, you will definitely do it directly.

Just because of offending her, dozens of people were killed.

"It's almost the same, right, I suddenly have something to go to the library!"

Seeing that Mi Lin was afraid to speak, Mi Jing shouted and said.

"Go to the library? Miss, the suzerain didn't tell you to go ..." Mi Lin was a little embarrassed.

"The lord didn't let me go, you won't let me go? Believe me or not, I'll send a message to my brother to let him know that you're embarrassing me?" Mi Jing's anger rushed up, pointing at Mi Lin's nose Shouted loudly.

"I ... dare not subordinate!" Mi Lin's face looked like bitter gourd.

To serve this young lady is simply suffering.

"That's good, I'm going now, you wait for me in this circle, and once you leave, see how I can clean up you!" Mi Jing pointed at the spot, and shot a circle in the place.

"Standing in the circle?" Mi Lin's face twisted like a dried bitter gourd.

He is a red man in front of the suzerain and has a high status in the Mi Shenzong. He is standing in the circle now ... it is too shameful, but this young grandma is the suzerain of the suzerain, and the suzerain has always been reciprocated by her and has offended ... You can imagine the tragedy .

"Why, you don't want to?" The young lady's temper broke out.

"Don't dare, I will stand in immediately ..." Mi Lin quickly jumped into the circle.

"It's almost the same. I can't come out of the library, you can't come out, hum!" Seeing his appearance, Mi Jing looked happy, and waved his hand, striding towards the library, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"Stupid, I won't go to the library. I'm going to catch that Nie Yun and see what he has. Hey, when I get it back, I will definitely startle my brother and let him know that this sister is quite capable. Hum, let him say me every day, let me go to the magic rain pavilion, that ghost place is quiet all day and night, just like the dead, the ghost will go! "

After entering the library of the book and turning quietly, he slipped out of the side door. He turned around and saw Mi Lin standing in the circle with a bitter look. He laughed, flung his hair, and walked out with his footsteps. Soon left the gate.

She walked very easily. I didn't know that poor Mi Lin had stood in the circle for a whole day and night, only to know that she had left. She hurried to find the suzerain, but found that the suzerain closed her life and death, and she could not communicate at all.

Mihua suddenly closed the door, and the news of not receiving a sensation slammed the entire sectarian door. When he became the lord and supposedly should be a big show, he suddenly closed the door, leaving everyone confused, even the one who was ahead of him. My dear, I didn't receive any notice in advance, as if it was a sudden decision he made, which made many people confused and confused.

However, his prestige had been established, and although it puzzled everyone, it did not cause much turbulence, and the news of the retreat was not passed outside the gate.



In the quiet Zihua Dongfu practice yard, Nie Yun suddenly stood up, the skeletal muscles of the whole body crackled, and the thunder thundered, once again, like a tiger howling dragon yin, shaking the air.

"The fifth major accomplishment of the spiritual rhinoceros refining method has finally been accomplished! The physical strength is 10 million elephants, haha!"

As soon as his arms were shaken, the air formed a vortex, and Nie Yun could not help but scream.

After using the flaming fire bamboo shoots ~ www.readwn.com ~ After three days of cultivation, the spirit rhinoceros refining method finally broke through again and reached the fifth major achievement level.

The fifth major achievement of the spiritual rhinoceros refining method, the physical strength has increased five times again, from 2 million elephants to 10 million elephants!

The strength of 10 million elephants, combined with the 10-fold increase of Dali Tiantian, one punch goes down, and the strength of 100 million elephants is comparable to the strongest in the early days of virtual reality!

The strength of the strong in the early days of Nai virtual reality was about 100 million to 200 million elephants.

"In the previous life, the magic wings only came to the seventh level. I didn't expect to re-understand the spirit rhinoceros training method, the fifth major achievement began to be born, although it has not become a perfect body, the speed is at least twice as fast! "

As soon as his body shook, Nie Yun suddenly gave birth to a pair of black wings.

Devil's unique wings!

ps: August 17th, three days later, is Laiya's birthday. Are you ready for birthday wishes? Hehe. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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