Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 600: Tongtian Sword Spirit

"Fuck!" Nie Yun almost fainted when he saw this guy slamming into himself.

Really want to be hit by this guy, even if the talent of the Hidden Division is strong, it must be exposed.

Anxious in his heart, Nie Yun didn't mess up his position, exhaling suddenly, his chest shrinking, the whole person seemed to become a thin piece of paper, clinging to the wall, and at the same time, his whole mana formed a circle before him Protective film in front of you.


As soon as he was ready, Gan Qing slammed into it, a powerful force came from the front, and the crowded Nie Yun almost didn't get up.

The opponent is not overpowered by the strongman in the bridge, plus the strength of his backwards stacking up, and the average person has been killed long ago. Fortunately, the spirit rhinoceros and the diamond glass have made progress. Otherwise, this will not change. Don't make a cutlet.


Although Nie Yun's movement was small, from the outsider's point of view, Gan Qing was no different from hitting the wall, but it caught Yun Xuan's attention. The dark eyes were narrowed and looked straight behind Gan Qing.

"This woman, aren't you anxious? Why are your eyes so sharp at this time ..."

Seeing Yun Xuan's confused look came, Nie Yun was startled.

This woman was eager to enter the Tianpin District just now. There must be something urgent to do. In this case, you are busy with your work. Why is this slight movement discovered? What a pervert!

Scolding in his heart, feeling Yun Xuan's eyes indifferent through the autumn, Nie Yun seemed to feel that his hidden talents could not be resisted, and he would be stripped of his coat at any time.

Once the concealment effect is stripped off, it will appear naked in the hall of the sword. At that time, there will be no way to go to the ground, and it will really die before you can succeed!

Must be hidden for a more perfect integration with the wall!

"Sect, I was wrong ..."

Gan Qing saw that this man had just mobilized the power of the Zongmen formation and attacked, knowing that she must have the teaching seal, which must be the suzerain. At this point, it seemed that he was horrified and explained quickly.

"Get off!" Regardless of his apology, Yun Xuan's eyes were fixed on the wall behind him. As soon as he moved, he came to the wall and touched it.

"Not good. Even if the Hidden Master is strong, it will be seen through ... If it can be integrated with this wall, it will be enough to penetrate into the wall ... Can't stay here ..."

Nie Yun closed her eyes and did not dare to look at Yun Xuan, for she was afraid that her eyes could stimulate the other side to discover something, and at the same time, a voice anxiously trying to hide completely kept crying out.


Suddenly, Nie Yun felt that the walls behind him were instantly soft like the same mud. The whole person "sucked!" And got into it at once, completely integrated into the wall, and disappeared without a trace.


At the same time, Yun Xuan's fingers touched the wall and found nothing strange. Then he shook his head, set aside the strange feeling in his head, and walked towards the Tianpin District.

Just when Gan Qing stepped back. The sixth sense clearly felt something weird here, but when she came over, the weird feeling disappeared, and I don't know if it was because of some embarrassment during this time, there was an illusion?

Shaking his head, Yun Xuan casts them aside and said, "You continue to watch here, don't let outsiders come in!" Speaking here, I stopped for a while. "Performance is good today. I am not due to being a suzerain. For personal consideration, I will tell Mo Xiang to promote you to Deputy Captain after a while! "

As soon as I finished speaking, I went into the heavenly zone completely and disappeared.

"Xie Zongzhu!"

Gan Qinggang also cursed in her heart whether the aunt was coming, and she was in a bad mood, so she heard this. He almost jumped up in excitement, secretly calling on the lord long live, almost worshipped.

Yun Xuan's being the lord is not just a punishment. Sometimes can also give some candied dates, big sticks plus candied dates, will always be the best means of Yuxia.

"Huh? How did I get into the wall?"

Seeing Yun Xuan's departure, Nie Yun was relieved, and he ignored the excited Gan Qing who was about to jump up on one side, wondering in his heart.

Geographer, in the impression, can only walk underground, haven't heard of drilling into the wall, which fits perfectly with the wall? I do n’t have the talent to go through the wall!

what happened?

"Danding Dantian? Has it changed?"

When the spirit moved, I suddenly saw Dan Tian, ​​a suspended earth enthusiast in the sea of ​​air, actually changed his appearance, from the previous gray to a dark cyan. Although the changes were very subtle, they could not be seen without careful look, but Nie Yun was familiar with Dan Tian Incomparably, at a glance, the difference was recognized.

At present, there are only three dantians in the first 20 dantians. The three dantians of the main dantian, danhuo and nawu are dark blue. Originally, Nie Yun thought that this was the difference between opening dantian by himself and carrying it, It seems that this is not the case at all!

Can Dantian also be promoted? Such a doubt suddenly appeared in Nie Yun's heart, but after thinking for a while, he couldn't think of anything, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Hey, too little is known about special talents!

The previous self, who lived in hatred, was autistic and obscure. Because he did not have special talents, he never observed and learned relevant knowledge. Even when he met some opponents with special talents, he would mercilessly kill. For two generations, even if they have reached the peak of Dantian Acupoints, and they are on the top of the floating continent, they still don't know much about special talents.

Not only the special talents, but also the supreme elders of Huayunzong. In addition to the northern elder Zhuge Qingyun's understanding, several other elders, although they have passed the message through the sect gate formation method, know each other better, in fact, even what the other leader is I do n’t know, I have never seen it before.

Of course, this is related to everyone's cultivation in the depths of time and space, but it is mainly due to their own personality.

Everyone in the previous life has been studying how to deal with the demon and **** the demon. Everyone is unwilling to pay attention to it. Other than the demon, other ignorant people are also normal. After all, a person's energy is limited and it is impossible to be proficient in everything.

"Thanks to Elder Ni Xu for mentioning me in advance today, I must repay him well in the future!"

Gan Qing got up from the ground, feeling good luck today, and continued to patrol with excitement.

"Dantian changes, try what's different!"

Seeing that there were no more people around, Nie Yun cast aside the emotions in her heart, and when the spirit moved, the lands of Dantian revolved again, releasing a spirit of lands.

"This ... this ... the atmosphere of the line has really changed!"

Just now, the situation is critical. I ca n’t wait to look closely. Now the spirit of the earth movement is different in the body. Nie Yun felt different at this time. The spirit of the earth movement can not only fit into the ground, but also fit into the wall. Walking in the face is no different from going underground.

"It seems that there are too many mysteries about special talents that I can't understand now. Now it can be integrated into the wall and it is safer. Come into the Tianpin area and see!"

I don't know too much about Dantian. Even if I can't think of it anymore, it's still a matter of urgency.

The change of the earth liner Dan Tian, ​​which is equivalent to Nie Yun's life-saving method, once again added a weight, no longer need to be careful, and walked along the wall to the heavenly goods area.

Entering the gate of the Tianpin District, there is still a channel to understand the meaning of the sword. The walls are densely carved with various swordsmanship.

These swordsmanships are much more powerful than the outside, and each move carries the ultimate mystery of swordsmanship, explaining the mystery of the avenue.

"These are all superior swordsmanship, but there are only tricks and no records of cultivation methods! Otherwise, I can write them all down and practice slowly in the future!"

After a glance, Nie Yun knew that the paintings on the walls were real supreme swordsmanship. There were as many as ten sets. If they can be fully practiced, the strength will definitely be a great leap.

But these are only sword tricks. Although they contain avenue rules, the tricks are too mysterious. If you do n’t practice the tactics, you ca n’t practice them at all, and they are hidden in a wall on one side. Almost all of the swordsmanship methods are symmetrical. If you don't see this, it means that you have only learned half of the tricks, and there is no cultivation method, let alone yourself, even the most powerful genius cannot realize it!

This made Nie Yun feel depressed.

"This is the Tongtian Sword Spirit array! No wonder the sky cannot see through ..."

Walking quietly inward along the channel wall, Nie Yun saw that the channel in the entire Tianpin District was covered by a large array. This large array carried a special spirituality, and it seemed to contain endless swordsmanship.

The elixir reaches the extreme, it will have spirituality, weapons will have spirituality, and large arrays will.

The brilliant array can autonomously absorb the heaven and earth aura cultivation, and even produce special spiritual intelligence, shielding various soul glances, and autonomously against foreign enemies.

However, it is said that such a brilliant formation method can only be arranged by the talent of the formation mage, and ordinary people should not even think about it.

In front of this huge array of sword spirits, the sword spirit is used to preside over the formation of the sword. Although it is also spiritual, it is not the spirit of the true formation. Even so ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is very powerful, I am afraid it has already It is comparable to the general guardian formation.

Fortunately, the large array was only in the passage, and it did not spread to the walls or to the end of the passage. Otherwise, even if Nie Yun was promoted by the talent of the master, he could not move forward smoothly.


Just when Nie Yun was feeling a little bit of emotion, a series of rapid sirens suddenly came at the end of the passage. He looked up and saw that the champion Ying Long was kneeling under a huge stone statue, and his eyes were red.

I don't know what the stone sculpture is. It is full of charm. Although it is a dead thing, it is paved with a strong sword, which is admirable. The stone sculpture is a mighty old man, holding the sword handle and fingers in one hand. Pointing upwards obliquely, with the charm of fighting heaven and earth, fighting the sky.

"Is this the Jianzong Sect's founding ancestor and the seventeenth kendo strategist, it really is ..."

Glancing at him, Nie Yun murmured in his heart, feeling that his body was boiling with blood, and there was a feeling of bowing down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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