Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 635: my brother

Although the nags of Naxuan Realm and the Desolate Realm are not as good as those of Dantian Acupoint, they are also very large. Many people are trapped at the pinnacle of Naxuan Realm for their entire lives and cannot break through. There are only four Supreme Elders who can see through the door.

Yun Xuan originally wanted to make breakthroughs, at least decades of accumulation. I did not expect that under the blow, she was in anger, and instantly realized the mood of breaking through the sky, her strength soared wildly.

Break the air, break the void, have the power to break the void, be able to tear the space for long distance jumps, use space to imprison people, and be more than ten times stronger than accepting the void!

After a breakthrough, the pheasant became a phoenix, and there was a qualitative leap from inside to outside.


With the breakthrough of Yun Xuan, the spirit of the sacrifice place was quickly infused into her body, so that her temperament changed dramatically. The swollen face that had just been swollen was also eased by the breakthrough, and once again restored the country's appearance.

"Haha, when I reach the void, and then use the palm teaching seal, I can also exert the strength of the peak of Dantian acupoints. Today you are all going to die, and none of you can stay!"

The breath rushed into the clouds, Yun Xuan's arrogance soared into the sky, and hate swept through like a tornado.

Zhangjiao Seal itself has a blessing effect on strength, but with this blessing, the peak of Dantian Acupoints is the limit. Originally, she could only accept the virtual realm and could not exert the full power of Palmature Seal, the real combat power in the sacrificial place, The difference between 魃 is not much, now breaking through 桎梏, you can reach the limit of teaching Indian blessing, the peak of Dantian Acupoint Bridge!

With this kind of strength, self-confidence can absolutely kill this Nie Yun and everyone!

Although Nie Yun is recognized at the place of worship and also has the peak of Dantian Acupoints, Yun Xuan is confident that at the same level, she is absolutely invincible!

Without this confidence. Also not qualified to become the Supreme Master of the Sword God Sect!


A breakthrough in the realm, the clouds of sacrifice were overcast, and a thunder like a dragon above the sky would run down at any time, giving a fatal blow.

After reaching the overpass realm, every time you break through a small realm, a sky robbery will appear. Because of this, the more difficult it is to break up, the fewer masters there are.

Heist is terrible. Even if the accumulation is strong, there is often no one!

"Let's leave Thundercloud!"

Seeing Yun Xuan spurred Thunder, Nie Yun knew that she couldn't stop her from breaking through, and took everyone around, hundreds of kilometers away.

Tianjie does not recognize anyone. Once the robbery leads down, it will definitely be harmed within a certain range.

Yun Xuan also relied on this, so he dared to seduce Jie Yun, and let Nie Yun and others watch her advance without help.

"Nie Yun, I'm sorry. It's my fault on you!"

Seeing Yun Xuan instigate the robbery, blocking everyone out, Qian Huan knew that he had done a terrible disaster. A look of guilt.

"Oh, don't say that to a good brother! Let her go, do you regret it?"

Nie Yun smiled faintly and looked at Qian Huan.

For Yun Xuan. Nie Yun's mind has been finalized, and now he is more concerned about the feelings of thousands of fantasy.

"I ..." Qian Huan closed her eyes. Take a deep breath and don't know how to answer.

It ’s the result of paying for it with real feelings. If you do n’t regret it, you ca n’t go through this hurdle in your heart. If you regret it, she once gave her the simplest dream, the purest love, and the most cherished. The first relationship, at this point, there is nothing to regret!

Love, you have to give, not give ... is it still love?

"Actually, I really envy Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhanghuizi. Although they are now both stunned and turned into sword spirits, they can wait for their lives and depend on each other!"

After a while, Qian Magic shook his head and suddenly laughed: "Relax, I've loosened all my knots this time, I won't do that again!"

When Yun Xuan was released once, all his knots seemed to be unlocked, which also represented this unforgettable love affair, which was completely set aside from his heart, and the spirit of the whole person also changed.

When I saw Yun Xuan, I had a tangled heart in my heart, but now I don't have that feeling.

"Just want to open it!" Seeing his current appearance and smile, Nie Yun knew that Qian Huan had really let go, patted his shoulder, and smiled slightly.

"You ... you two are not in a hurry?"

Looking at the dark clouds in front, Yun Xuan has begun to rob, Ye Jianxing jumped a little, but saw these two guys, without the slightest anxiety, but talked and laughed, could not help asking.

"What's the worry?" Nie Yun turned to look over.

"Yun Xuan is crossing the robbery. Once the robbery is successful, it will break through the air. By the time, with the teaching seal, we must not be opponents ..." Ye Jianxing hurriedly said.

"Ha ha!" After hearing his words, Qian Huan and Nie Yun looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"What do you mean? Isn't it ..." Seeing neither of them worried, Ye Jianxing first froze, then his eyes lit up. "You mean Yun Xuan can't cross the sky, and he will be killed by the sky?"

"Yun Xuan has always planned to move after this, and she can make a breakthrough this time, I'm afraid she was also expected, so it should not be difficult to get through this disaster!" Nie Yun shook his head.

"Can you get through, then ... what the **** is going on?" Ye Jianxing was a little wooded.

The hearts of these two guys are too wide. The other party really has to survive the calamity and become a powerful player. With the teaching seal, the strength has increased. Even if Nie Yun is very powerful in the place of worship, it is impossible to fight. Get through with her and uncle!

Thinking of He, he turned his head involuntarily. After being beaten by Nie Yun just now, he never moved. Even Yun Xuan was beaten up and did not come out. He did not know whether it was Yun Xuan's order or something else. the reason.

"Oh, okay Brother Qianghan, let's get things out. I wanted to do it just now. It's too late and I know I'm here!"

Seeing Ye Jianxing's appearance, Nie Yun didn't want to keep hiding, smiled and turned to look at Qian Huan, and stretched out his palm.

"Eh ... I'm used to it, I'm itchy for a moment ..." Hearing Nie Yun's words and seeing his behavior, Qian Huan's face turned red and embarrassed, and a palm-sized jade seal appeared on the palm.

"Teaching Indian Seal ..." Ye Jianxing's face froze.

No wonder these two guys are not in a hurry. The original Zhang Jiaoyin was stolen long ago. Without Zhang Jiaoyin, even if Yun Xuan breaks through, he can only break through the air, in front of Nie Yun, the peak strength of Dantian Acupoint. The ants usually exist, so there is no need to worry.

Uh, it ’s not too early to steal something, so I worry about it for nothing ...

"Sure enough, here you are ..." Nie Yun reached out and took the palm teaching seal.

Yun Xuan's strongest combat ability is to teach her seal. How could Nie Yun II be negligent? When she drew her face just now, she observed it silently and wanted to steal things. But found that the baby was no longer on her.

God didn't know the ghost, and even Yun Xuan stole the palm teaching seal without even knowing it. It can only explain one thing ... Thousands of magical shots have been shot!

Nor can it be said that thousand fantasy thieves are difficult to change. After he did this, I am afraid that after Xuan Yunxuan became the teacher, the whole person changed. Then he stole the teacher's seal and calmed her down, so she would not be dazzled by her rights.

Of course, it might be to protect her. I don't want to kill myself.

If you have a teacher's seal, you may still be afraid of one or two. If you lose it, it means that the tiger has no teeth. Everyone knows it. Once you plead, you can let it go ...

For his mind, Nie Yun had seen through. I just sold my personal relationship just now, but I did not expect that this personal relationship Yun Xuan did not receive ...

The sky is still alive. You can't forgive yourself!

"The refining and teaching of the seal requires a formal ceremony. The approval of all the disciples cannot be refined even in my hands now, so keep it first!"

Taking a look at the palm instructor in his hand, Nie Yun threw it into Zihua Dongfu.

The palm teaching seal represents a community's social rights and rights. People want to refining it. You must hold the exact ceremony and get approval from all disciples. .

Because of this, teaching the seal can represent rights. In the place of sacrifice, even the heart of the sword **** cannot be compared.

"Haha! I have succeeded, you all will die for me!"

While several people were talking, the full sky of Lei Yun slowly disappeared, and Yun Xuan walked out from under Lei Yun unharmed.

At this time, she really had a lot of strength. With a movement of her body and a broken space, she was already an expert in the early days of breaking the air!

"It's my turn!"

Seeing Xuan Xuan came, it seemed that he hadn't found the palm teaching seal. Nie Yun shook his head and came to her in two steps.

"Nie Yun, I want you to die! Huh?" Even after seeing Nie Yun escape, Yun Xuan turned red at a glance. As soon as the spirit moved, he communicated with the object. Dan Tian wanted to take out the seal, but suddenly found out This jade seal representing rights has disappeared.

"It's you……"

Yun Xuan couldn't find the seal of her hand, Yun Xuan understood immediately, her whole body was cold, her eyes widened.

"Oh, it's the thief you've always looked down on!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sold out suddenly!


It seemed that his power was not great this time. There were no clouds or waves, but each palm was firmly pumped into Yun Xuan, so that she could not hide.

Without the teaching seal, Yun Xuan is the person who has just broken the air, and Nie Yun is now at the pinnacle of Dan Tian Acupoint, which is not comparable.

"What are you doing? Ah ... my cultivation, my strength ..."

Seeing Nie Yun's attack, Yun Xuan looked pale and screamed harshly.

She clearly felt that every time Nie Yun went down, her cultivation would plummet. Just now, after a lot of hard work, she thundered through thunder and calamity and reached a void. Under the two palms, she fell back to the top of the virtual reality. !!


Ignoring her screams, Nie Yun continued to shoot, and each time her strength fell by one level. In less than three minutes, she turned from a peerless powerhouse in the air to a small person in the air and sea.

The reason why Nie Yun waited for her to make a breakthrough was to let her fall to the bottom when she broke through the obstacle and reached the most satisfaction in her heart, so that she understood ...

Qian Huan is my brother. No one can play him like a clown!

ps: This book is cool, and there is no tendency to abuse the master. As for whether Yun Yun will die, hey, let's look at it. Lao Ya is very kind. . [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 缥缈 落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to Chinese website, give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions Please go to Piaoxu to ask questions. If you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu.

It's still a monthly pass, now it's being pulled more by the other side. . sweat.

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