Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 641: Detoxification

"You have a poisonous division ... talent?" Thousands of fantasy sounds trembled. "Is it sure that it is not poisonous gas? The poisonous gas itself is highly poisonous and cannot be used ..."

Special talents, air of stealing, air of walking, air of fire, air of eyes ... These can be used by people who do not have this talent, and this person has the ability to have special talent in a short time, only in drama Poisonous gas does not work. As long as the poisonous gas does not have the talent of a poison master, it will not be poisoned on the spot as soon as it is applied.

When Nie Yun felt the gas of poisonous gas, he was dizzy and almost died of poisoning. Fortunately, Dantian was able to escape the poisonous Dantian.

Qian Huansheng has been tortured by highly toxic drugs for a full 70 years. He has been searching for highly toxic talents for a long time. He also inquired about this situation, but was always disappointed. At this time, he couldn't believe it when he heard Nie Yun's affirmative words.

"I have a baby that allows me to have the same effect as the poison division in a short period of time without poisoning. You can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem!"

Seeing his doubtful gaze, Nie Yun knew what he was thinking, and grinned, afraid to say that he did have the talent of a poison master, but instead said that he had a treasure.

It is said that there is a talent for Kendo, a talent for Beacon, and a talent for camouflage .... these are all human, but the poison division is a special talent of the demon. Even if it is true, Qianhuan may not believe it.

"There is such a treasure in the world? It seems I am ignorant!"

Hearing the power of a baby, Qian Huan was shocked, but there was no doubt about him.

The world is huge, there are countless babies, and there are all kinds of things. Even if thousands of fantasy are stolen, and I have read all the treasures in the world, I dare not say that I know them all.

"Well. Now I'm going to treat you and **** out the [Qin Xin Han Poison] in your body with the talent of poison master. There may be some pain during the period. I hope you can persist!"

Seeing no doubt, Nie Yun nodded. Said.

"Just rest assured, you have endured the pain for so many years. If you can't stand this, you don't deserve to be called Qian Qianshou!" Qian Huan's face was positive.

"That's good!" Nie Yun was focused and didn't say much, with the palm of his hand pressing on his lower abdomen. A venomous gas slowly spread into the sea of ​​gas along the meridians of the latter.

"Hmm!" As soon as the poisonous gas entered the sea of ​​gas, Qian Magic suddenly felt a dizziness rushing into his head. The cells where the poisonous gas went were dying and died at any time. At random, he felt a breath of healing. to. Let the cell's activity increase again.


Feeling the situation in the body, Qian Huan couldn't help but admire, thinking that this brother is the most amazing stranger ever seen.

The venomous Dan Tianzhu kills and treats Dan Tianzhu to save and cure. The two such contradictory talents are concentrated on one person at the same time, which is strange.

"Come here!"

Knowing that the poisonous gas cannot stay in the other person's body for a long time, or even if there is healing gas treatment. There is also an irrecoverable injury. Nie Yun is highly concentrated and uses the poisonous gas to slowly surround [Qianxin Han poison], his face sinks, he suddenly whispers, and catches in the air.


The Thousand Heart Cold Poison in the sea of ​​thousands of magical qi was drawn out stiffly, grasped in the palm, and turned into a mass of ice-like liquid.

"The effects of these poisons have diminished and it's useless to keep them!"

I glanced at the cold poison in my palm, and found that these venoms were too long in Thousand Fantasy. Although it has been drawn out, the toxicity has been reduced a lot. It used to be able to poison the seventh and eighth strongholds of the secret realm, but now I am afraid that even the people in the secret fivefold flyover realm will not be poisoned, and it is useless to keep them.

"Come out? So fast?"

Chihiro opened his eyes. Looking at the poison in Nie Yun's palm, his eyes were slightly red.

After being tortured by him for so many years, he did not expect that when it was really lifted, it would be so simple that he would not be able to breathe even ten breaths.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun's finger flicked, this venom was entangled with a mana, and he slowly flew towards Qian Magic.

As soon as Miaoshou grabbed it empty-handed, he put this highly toxic substance into a small gourd, Qian Qian took a deep breath, and looked at Nie Yun with gratitude "Thank you!"

"Ha ha! If you really want to thank you, steal some good wine, and at worst you should avoid drinking snowberry wine, otherwise I won't agree!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"To have a good wine, I have one point, although it is not as good as snowberry wine, but it's not bad, don't you try it?" Seeing the laughter of the teenager, Qian Huan knew that the gratitude was not grateful and hid the gratitude in his heart. Flip through and take out a jug.

"Of course, try!" Nie Yun nodded and smiled: "Do not get drunk!"

After moving out of the wine, the two drunk again.

Drunk was not drunk this time. Nie Yun knew that the four elders would recruit the elders of the entire ancestral gate at the latest, and did not plan to drink more.

After drinking the wine, Qian Huan felt that the task was completed, and he insisted to leave. Nie Yun knew that he was smart and unwilling to be bound by trivial matters, so he didn't stop him.

When Qian Huan left, Elder Ni Xu who was unconscious was released.

At the beginning, he released it in the place of sacrifice. Nie Yun didn't have time to punish it, and one thing after another. Later, Qian Huan took it away in fear of trouble. At this time, the overall situation was set, and it was let Nie Yun handle it. .

Although Elder Ni Xu was under the command of Yun Xuan, as her loyal supporter, Nie Yun will definitely have a lot of troubles when she becomes the lord. To avoid these, she must be cleared, so she did not hesitate to shoot directly.

With the status of Kendo Master, within the Sword God Sect, Nie Yun can use all the big battles. Although he can't keep up with the peak of Dantian Acupoint, it is not something that can be countered by the virtual reality!

After dealing with Elder Ni Xu, Nie Yun asked about the two wood chips of Qian Fantasy again, why the two wood chips that looked ordinary had such great power.

Qian Huan also couldn't say clearly, but only said that the wood chips were given by the old alcoholic, and the result was broken. I don't know how to get scolded when I go back.

Saying goodbye and leaving chicly.

Before Qian Fantasy, his injuries were not good, and he could not exert his full strength. The gas was touched by Nie Yun, his body was relaxed, his body disappeared from the eyes as soon as he flickered, and he was faster and more weird.

"This time Yun Xuan's affairs helped him untie the knot and made great progress. I really don't know what realm he can reach. It seems I have to work hard!"

Seeing that the strength of the brothers was strengthened, Nie Yun was not jealous at all, but was relieved, and murmured, placed a restraint around him, and his body entered the Zihua Cave again.

At this time, Xiaofeng and Zitong were still immersed in cultivation, and it seemed that they would not wake up for a month or two.

Nie Yun was not in a hurry, sitting cross-legged on the ground, realizing the changes after this visit to the Sword God Sect.

"Qi Hai has expanded another circle ..."

The strength of the place of sacrifice has soared, and now it comes out suddenly and falls, making some changes in the body. Before, I only talked about things with Qian Fantasy, but I haven't noticed. Now I just take advantage of this gap time to appreciate it. A clear understanding.

The first is Qihai. The strength of the sacrifice suddenly increased sharply, which doubled Qihai's strength. Although the power has weakened and returned to the realm, the capacity of Qihai has not decreased.

Originally, his Qihai was much larger than that of ordinary people, and it increased again. The mana capacity in his body was already comparable to that of ordinary Dantian acupoints. When he saw this situation, Nie Yun was not only unhappy but a little bit worried.

I thought the demon nucleus I got from my uncle was easy enough to complete the fourth Nirvana. Now it seems that I am a little unconfident.

"Forget it, don't think about it, just look at Xiuwei first!"

Anyway, Nirvana is not performed, so it is useless to think so much. Nie Yun's spirit looks at his cultivation as soon as he moves.

The strength of the sacrifice land fell, but the mana in Qihai was much purer than before. The repair could have easily broken to the peak of the realm, but Nie Yun thought about it and suppressed it back to the late realm.

The harder the strength is reduced, the later the real nirvana rises, the higher the realm of promotion and the safer it will be.

Now that the soul has reached the peak of the spirit level, it is easier to compress the power, and it doesn't feel hard at all.

Although Xiuwei did not grow, the physical body, which has been tempered by the power of Dantian Acupoint, has made progress again. Previously, the physical body could only exert the power of 10 million elephants. Now, with a slight movement, the muscles clump together and issue " Squeak! ", The power doubled again!

Reach as much as 20 million!

The physical strength of 20 million elephants combined with the strong Dantian tenfold increase is 200 million! Coupled with the mana of 24 million elephants, the strongest in the early days of accepting the virtual reality can fight!

Increased strength For Nie Yun, it is a trivial matter. The key to this time is to come to the sword **** sect to let him know that Dan Tian can still be promoted, and also has the talent of kendo master, defender. The mystery of swordsmanship, combined with the sword of the sword **** and the ghost sword, has more than doubled its combat effectiveness!

"Hey, the twenty special talents of Dantian are all used up now, I don't know where to find the special breath that makes Dantian advance!"

Thinking of special talents, Nie Yun scratched his head.

Now he has a total of 20 Dantians. Except that the master Dantian cannot be used, the other 19 have talent attributes. If you ca n’t find a special breath to run the unknown Dantian to derive a new Dantian, even if you encounter a good talent, Can't be derived.

"Let's go to the treasure hall of Sword God's Sect later ~ www.readwn.com ~ may find something useful!"

Suddenly my heart moved and my eyes brightened.

Now the lord, fully qualified to go to the treasure hall to watch, maybe you can find something suitable for the operation of the unknown method.

"Sovereign, all the elders have gathered, can we hold a meeting?"

When Nie Yun thought about it, he suddenly heard the respectful voice of the elder in red.


Nie Yun responded with a sound, and as soon as his body shook, he got out of Zihua Dongfu and came to the sword **** hall.

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