Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 646: Strange book

"What is it?" Nie Yundao.

"Is ... speed talent?" Elder Red said in a hurry.

"Speed ​​talent, speed division?" Nie Yun remembered for a moment the introduction of this special talent in the Hall of Swords.

Speed ​​division, special talent ranks 73rd, is good at speed. Like Dali Tianda, it is a subsidiary talent that can make people speed up instantly!

"Is it ... the speed talent reaches the fifth form?" Nie Yun frowned at the thought of one thing.

There is a detailed description of the talent form in the stone statue of the ancestor, and an example is given by Hercules. The Hercules can increase the power tenfold in the first form, and the second form can reach 50 times and the third form 100 times! The fourth form is 200 times, and the fifth form is a full 300 times!

Is the speed talent the same as Dali Tiantian, the first form can increase the speed ten times, and the fifth form can increase the speed to 300 times?

If so, it's a bit similar!

"It looks similar, but ... still not right!" After thinking for a while, Nie Yun denied this special talent.

When Yun Xuan fled to a crack in space, the speed suddenly increased a lot. Although she didn't see how much, she knew that it was definitely more than 300 times.

Moreover, even if the speed of the Supreme Realm increases by 300 times, it will absolutely not escape the attack from the strongest in the Tiantian Acupoint Realm. The two are different from the nature and form of life, and this difference is by no means a special talent that can make up for. !! Even if this talent has obtained the fifth form!

It is as if the extreme level Dantian has burst 300 times of combat power, and it is not an opponent of Dantian Acupoint Powerhouse, the same reason! Not to mention Dantian acupoints, the realm of the field is impossible to beat!

The key is that she also fled directly into the turbulent space!

The space is turbulent, and even the powerful virtual reality can only stay where it cannot move. Even if she has a cave house, it is almost impossible for her to escape!

At first, it was chased and killed by Jinguangfeng Thunder Beast and entered it with Zihua Dongfu. It is indeed safe and sound, but Zihuadongfu will show its form under the impact of turbulence. Can no longer conceal, after Yun Xuan entered the turbulent space, a few flickers disappeared, and there is no difference between a powerful and powerful person entering the normal walking, Zihua Dongfu can not do this ability!

Nie Yun didn't believe it. There is also Dongfu, which is many times more powerful than Zihua Dongfu.

"The most important point is that Yun Xuan's last flickering light is definitely the result of the movement of heavenly air, not the speed talent. I, as a ground walker and a water master, can clearly sense it!" Nie Yun judged.

As to why Yun Xuan would have the spirit of heaven, Nie Yun is not clear. Perhaps there was some kind of deal with Mihua, maybe he got it from him.

As far as Nie Yun knows, Mihua is a true skywalker.

"Forget it, don't think about it anyway. Anyway, she is now downgraded to become a supreme level, even if she has a great ability. She can't toss it up, and find a chance to kill it later, there is no need to worry!" Aside, Nie Yun was about to leave, and his eyes suddenly fell at the end of the bookshelf.

"Huh? What is this and how was it put here?"

There is also a book at the end of the bookshelf. This book is also covered by a seal. Looking at the seal, it is stronger and more powerful than the two just now.

"This book was left by the ancestor of the sword **** ..." Seeing him. The elder Red introduced it with a smile, and before he finished speaking, he saw Nie Yun stretched his hands over, and his face suddenly changed, "Master, can't take ..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet. I saw that the books had been grasped by Nie Yun.

"What's wrong?" Nie Yun looked at the nervous elder in doubt, holding the book, and wondered why he looked like this.

"Master ... are you okay?"

There seemed to be a bit of anxiety, and the Elder Red looked over in doubt.

"What's the matter?" Nie Yun didn't know what was weird, and looked down at "What's wrong with this book?"


I don't seem to know what happened. The elder in red looked at Nie Yun with an innocent look on his head, and cold sweat came from his head. He couldn't help but ask again, "Are you really okay?"

"It's okay!" Holding the book, Nie Yun rummaged through it and found nothing wrong. I really don't know how this guy, the Supreme Elder, could be so courageous.

"This ... can the master show me the book?"

Hesitated, the Elder Red couldn't help it.

"Here!" I didn't know what this guy was doing, and Nie Yun threw the books away.

The elder in red face was dignified, reached out to pick up the book, but before he touched the palm, he saw a monstrous enchantment radiating from the book, and turned it into a palm to touch him fiercely. .



With a dull hum, the Elder Red stepped back a few steps, hitting his back against a bookshelf, shaking all the books on it, his face red, and his lips white.

Seeing this, Nie Yun was startled.

The elder in red is a powerful player. A person of such strength is backed up by a book and his face is red. This is incredible!


The book wounded the elder in red and fell to the ground without moving. It seemed that what had happened had nothing to do with it.

"Cough!" With a cough, the Elder Red spit out a bite of blood and took a few deep breaths. Then he slowed down and looked at the books on the ground with a strong fear.

"How is this going?"

Nie Yun took two steps forward to lift the elder in red.

"Sect, this book is an evil book, and it has always been very weird. When the ancestors got it, they sealed it here and did not allow anyone to read it. There were several elders who did n’t believe in evil. They were all seriously injured, and finally everyone knew that the book was weird, so they did n’t touch it. The master still had better not touch it, lest there be ... trouble! "

Although Elder Red's words were implicit, Nie Yun still heard it. He would be shocked when he broke the top of the air, but he was not in the realm of the field. He was afraid that if he touched the book again, he would be killed on the spot.

"Is this weird?" Nie Yun was a little puzzled. He didn't feel anything when he took it just now, thinking in his heart and reaching out.

"Master, don't ..." The Elder Red was dumb again.

Because Nie Yun had picked up the book again under his extremely surprised eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Picked up the book again and found that the previous scene did not appear. Nie Yun was relieved.

This is too weird. It is okay to hold it by yourself, and the elder in red is injured when he touches it. What is going on?

"Can this book recognize people?"

Suddenly, an absurd and weird thought came to Nie Yun's heart.

ps: I'm not feeling well for a day. I'm struggling for three more yards. The third one is not enough words, only two thousand, sorry.

Hey, I'm still a physical education teacher. I have tossed my body completely in these two months! !!

Let ’s break out tomorrow, fight for four more tomorrow, and ask for a monthly pass to comfort you. If you wake up tomorrow morning and find out that our monthly pass has broken a thousand, I ’m afraid I will wake up with a smile and dream crazy. . Hehe! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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