Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 648: 5 Kill Demon

This man's face is the size of a room, his eyes are red, his ears are narrow and pointed, and his nose is raised slightly with a hook, and when he appears, he exudes a thick magic.


Seeing this face, Nie Yun knew that this was a pure blooded demon. Such a demon had long disappeared in the floating world.

"My junior!"

As soon as the demon appeared, it sounded like a drum, sulking and thunderous.

"Being able to practice the Wind and Thunder Wings shows that your blood is at least the king level. It is also my wish to pass on this body form to future generations. I hope that this body form can be carried forward!"

The demon speaks the language of the demon. Outsiders sound like a special secret curse, but Nie Yun can understand it.

"There are five aspects of this body method. When you practice to the limit, there will be new discoveries, and you will know them by then!"

It seems that only the image has been left. I don't know who has cultivated. The demon's head disappears after speaking these words, disappears from the air, and is no longer visible.

"The devil's heart is open-minded, and everything is straightforward and straightforward, indeed different from the human race!"

Seeing that the image disappeared after speaking, there was no other nonsense, Nie Yun nodded.

Devil's reputation in the floating continent is not good, because they want to love and kill, kill and kill, do not observe etiquette, do not observe rules, and ignore any friendship, affection, friendship, love ... For them, It's not important, as long as you dare to stop, you can kill it!

Kill the sky, kill the ground, kill people, kill love, kill the heart! Five kills become a demon, the pure character of the demon family, the word "devil" is composed of five kill words.

It is said that the generation of the demon king was to break through. Remove the fetters of the soul, uncle, uncle, kill brothers, kill brothers, and even kill their sons. It has not been successful. At last, he cut off his hands, eyes, and ears, and then he realized the avenue of heaven and earth, and he was born again.

The original Nie Yun was called the Blood Prisoner, precisely because the state is very similar to the Devil.

In previous lives, all his relatives, friends, and parents died, and there was nothing to worry about. Whenever she meets a demon, she will be beheaded. The demon has become his demon, and coupled with the spirit rhinoceros body training method itself is magic, the result will be more and more sinking, if not with her. Infected with her pure soul, I am afraid that she will perish in Ami **** long ago, and she will never be born again!

"He thinks that I have the blood of the devil and the royal family, and it may also be related to the magic rhinoceros body!"

Aside from the memories of the previous life in his mind, Nie Yun thought of the training restrictions that the demon had just said, wondering in his mind, and thought for a while. Come here.

Since there are restrictions, it means that even the demon is not arbitrarily cultivatable, and can be trained by himself, and it must be related to the practice of spiritual rhinoceros.

"I have only become the first player of the Wind and Thunder Wings, and I have such strength. Once I reach the fifth player, I will definitely increase my strength. Cultivation, otherwise. It is a pity to only use it ten times a day ... "

Nie Yun shook his head.

Now, I feel like I'm on a thief ship, and to practice the Demon Cultivation, I must practice the Buddhism. Once unbalanced, there will be a crushing situation, suffering is unbearable, and I can't stop trying to stop.

Fortunately, the Vajra glass body can make people's souls clean, otherwise, they have been practicing the spirit rhinoceros body. It must be the same as the previous life.

Fellow Buddha and Demon, even though it was painful to quarrel, but be careful, there will be no problems, and if you fall into the magic path, it will be troublesome if you are overwhelmed.

"Xiaohu, here are some elixir, eat in order, you are my first demon pet, practice well, strive for more than them!"

If you ca n’t stop, you ca n’t stop. Now you ca n’t stop this situation, even if you want to stop it. In this case, do n’t go to trouble, let your heart be blocked, turn your head to summon Xiaohu, and pass the elixir you just got in the treasure hall. past.

"Thank you!"

Seeing the elixir handed over by the host, Xiaohu blinked with wide eyes, showing a grateful expression.

"Ha ha!" Nie Yun knew that several other darling pets had an opportunity. Although he didn't say it, he must be extremely eager, and immediately smiled, and his body got out of Zihua Dongfu as soon as he flew.

Back at Booth Pavilion, the palm was lifted with the grasp of the palm. It seemed to feel the energy fluctuations caused by the crack. The elder in red came over a short while later.

"Master, that book ... can you cultivate?"

Seeing that Nie Yun was satisfied, there seemed to be a great breakthrough, and the elder in red was a little confused.

"I have practiced a set of exercises of the Demon Clan before, which can cooperate with each other to produce effects!" Nie Yun also explained it casually, and suddenly asked, "Well, where did this book come from? Are you here? "

This set of demonic body method is known to be very powerful from the effect alone. Even in the demonic group, it is considered to be top-notch. How can such a powerful method come into the hands of the human sword deities?

"I don't know, the legend is left by the ancestor of the sword god. As for how it was obtained, there is no clear record ..." The elder in red shook his head, and seemed to know nothing about this thing. : "Oh, I remember it. I remember when a senior of Zongmen seemed to say that it was obtained from a place called" Kowloon Falling in the Sky ". It is said that there is an upside down galaxy everywhere, and the river water is all over the sky. , Uh ... I don't know where it is! "

"Xinghe upside down? The river is flowing backwards?" After hearing this, Nie Yun smiled and shook his head.

What falls in Kowloon, the star river is upside down, the river is flowing backwards ... This kind of place has not even heard of itself in previous lives, it must be fake!

Regardless of whether it is a sect or a dynasty, sometimes in order to get more people to join and make the disciples more worship, they will render too much, and they will render an ordinary thing very powerful, in fact there is nothing.

Not to mention the other. Take the news from the floating heavens and mainland China. Everywhere is rumored that they are at least seven or eight strengths of the secret realm, **** the twelve flyover realms, kill Yahong Gang, in fact, they almost died, people Instead, he did not know.

I walked along the treasure trove all day and walked for a whole day. Nie Yun also took a lot of other treasures. For example, the flying spirit soldier used for flying, this time is a high-grade spirit soldier, which is much more powerful than the dragon bone Shenzhou.

There are also some cheats, elixir ... a total of more than a dozen have been taken.

As for the other treasures, they are also very good, but for Nie Yun now, it is not urgent, and he does not want to take more. After all, even if he is the suzerain, he must not be too hard, sweeping the accumulation of the entire tens of thousands of years. It's empty!

"Elders in red, why don't we have some very strong runes and treasures for making runes in our treasure trove?" As he walked along, what Nie Yun thought of suddenly asked.

Fuyuyu sometimes has a great effect, as if you encountered the golden light thunder beast before. If it wasn't for Fuyuyu who broke the air, I'm afraid it must be myself!

After a long time of turning the treasure house of the Sword Emperor Sect, I didn't even see a Fuyuyu card, and even didn't even have the materials to make it, which is really strange.

Because of the different energies and powers, the special materials required to make Fuyuyu cards are not the same. It seems that the materials required to accept Fujingyu and Broken Fuyuyu are different!

Nie Yun originally wanted to take advantage of the peak combat power of Dantian Acupoint in the place of sacrifice, and made a few more Fuyu Jade cards to save his life. It was because I did not find a suitable carrier for the Jade card that I had n’t had time to get it. Kind of things, but did not expect to find a day without finding.

"This is also the rule left by the ancestors. He said that as a sword repairer, if he wants to move forward, he always has a hole card. If he can't fight against the water, the motivation to move forward is weak. As for the disciples of Zongmen, some people carried them secretly, and they were all made quietly! "

The elder in red explained with a grin.

"Uh? Like this ..."

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the sword **** had such a rule, and Nie Yun was speechless for a while.

Keeping the hole cards has nothing to do with backwater battles. The key depends on self-confidence and determination. If there is insufficient confidence and no determination, even if the opponent is not as good as himself, he is not an opponent.

Hey, it seems that Jade Brand cannot be refined.

The peak of Dantian Acupoint Realm is sinking into the sky, and the sun and the moon are no light. It can seal such a force on a small jade card, which shows that the requirements for the jade card are extremely high. If you do not prepare in advance, even the sword **** It is also very difficult to find suitable materials for such a large gate.

"Sovereign, the last one of the treasure hall is in front!" The two turned for a long time, and the elder in red pointed forward.

"Last one? So fast?" Nie Yun froze.

I thought I could find something to make the unknown method work here, but I didn't expect it to take so long.

"Well, it is a place where various casting materials are stored. The founder of Zongmen is here to collect the treasures and cast the spirit soldiers!"

The elder in red explained.

"Let's check it out!" Nie Yun was not a founder, and was not interested in casting materials. After thinking about it, he decided to take a look.

The special atmosphere that makes the Anonymous Method work is very weird. From the Qihai continent along the way, when encountering items containing this thing, there are so many strange things, maybe these casting materials are there.

There is really a lot of casting materials in the Sword God's Collection. Rao is Nie Yun's bland heart, and he was taken aback when he went in. Not to mention other things, even Xuan Yu, whom he regarded as a treasure, cast Xuan Yu's sword. It is more than enough to cast hundreds of Xuanyu swords ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that there is no ... "

Soon after turning this room, Nie Yun was not disappointed to find something that could make the unknown method work.

He couldn't think of anything. At the beginning, he could find many in such a small place as Qihai Continent. But when he came to a gate like Sword God Sect, he lost it!

"Forget it, go out!"

Shaking his head, he was about to leave the room and stopped abruptly.

Because ... Suddenly, Anonymous Method slightly shook it.

ps: It ’s getting farther and farther from the other side. It ’s already 71 votes. Can it persist for more than 20 days and be overturned in the last few days?

Old Ya is not reconciled! Sprint!

Let's rush up again! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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