Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 654: Mad Woman (2)

The situation can't allow Nie Yunduo to think, knowing that he can't dodge, so he won't dodge anymore. Just point his finger forward, and a round shield appears in front of him.

圆 This round shield is dark, and it will grow long when it appears to face the wind. There are dozens of squares in an instant, blocking him.

东西 This thing is called [Zhulang Shield] is a unique spiritual soldier, which was taken out from the treasure trove of the sword **** sect. When rushing these days, it has been refined long ago.


桌 Many tables, chairs, and stones containing mana hit the shield, making a rain-like sound, all blocked out.

Unparalleled spirit soldiers will not be harmed in the turbulence of space. Mijing just accepts the powerful virtual reality. No matter how strong the attack power, how can he break the shield!

"Superb spirit soldier, hee hee, I have it too, **** iron dragon whip!"

The attack was blocked by Nie Yun. Mi Jing was not angry. Instead, as soon as his eyes lighted and his wrist turned, a long whip the same as the bone joint appeared in the palm of his hand.

Hell Iron Dragon Whip, it is said that it is made from the dragon tendons of an iron dragon in the depths of hell. It is extremely strong, with the property of tearing space. It is also famous among the best spiritual soldiers!


The whip was taken out, and Mi Jing flicked her arm and drew it towards the chasing shield in the air.


The attack didn't arrive, and the power of mana made a whimpering sound, and the air was torn out with a strong black energy, as if to break all the surrounding space.

I deserve to be the Hell Iron Dragon Whip. Just looking at it like this, we know that it is much stronger than the wave shield.

"It's so unpleasant to encounter this before drinking and sipling. Don't entangle with you, let's go!"

When I saw the girl in front of me, she didn't say a word, and started to do it. Nie Yun was helpless. To be honest, I don't know what she is going to do now. I really want to see it in disguise.

I forget, I still have something to do, too lazy to care about her in general, a palm of the hand turned over, a jade card appeared on the palm of the hand, pinch gently.


He turned round and round, Nie Yun and Zhunling Shield disappeared from the same place at the same time, as if they had been removed by a large method.

"Zhitianfu 箓? Do you want to escape by this? No way!"

Seeing that the Hell Iron Dragon Whip had not been drawn, the other party escaped with a rune. Mi Jing seemed to have discovered something more interesting. With her eyes brightened, she took the flag out of her arms again and took a look at the direction of the flag. , Also came up with a rune.

Fu Fuyu was in his hands, trying to crush, looked down at the afterlife restaurant that had collapsed almost, hesitated, and stepped forward to the bartender who had just served her.

The bartender did not stay away for no reason, and was hiding in a corner, shaking.

"Hey, this is the money for your restaurant, just build another!"

After saying that Hao's wrists shook, a bunch of things fell out of her palms, and at the same time her body flickered and disappeared from the same place.

"It's all ... a gem of unparalleled quality? There are more than thirty? So much money ... it's enough to cover two more eternity ..."

Seeing what was on the ground, the bartender's eyes were straight.

虽然 Although this next-generation restaurant looks magnificent and wide, in fact, thousands of Chinese top-quality spirit stones can be completely repaired. The other party gave more than thirty top-quality spirit stones as soon as it was shot, absolutely sent!

Of course, the money is also owned by the boss, not his own ...


"Where did this guy come from? Somehow!"

Nie Yun appeared above a barren mountain outside the city of Beichen, looked around, and finally got rid of the woman's entanglement, exhaling a sigh of relief, and a look of depression.

I finally took a break and ate a meal, so a woman came up to disturb my mood, which was really bad luck.

Fortunately, I escaped with the Skyshifter.

You can use directional transfer or random transfer. Nie Yun used random transfer this time. Although the transfer distance is only 100,000 kilometers, he doesn't believe that the other party can find himself this way!

If you want to know the random teleportation, you don't know where you will go before the teleportation.

I do n’t know where to go? How does the other party perceive it?

"This look can no longer be used, change it!"

If you see this in the downtown area just now, people who are interested in it will definitely cause unnecessary troubles, so change it again.

I took out another dress from Nagoya Tanita and changed it, and her appearance changed again, and she became a boy with raised eyebrows, and the soul breath also disguised.

I finished camouflage, looked at it and felt that it was difficult for outsiders to recognize it, so I was relieved and flew to Beichen City again.

I want to hurry to Hua Yunzong, and only sit in the teleportation array, but in the teleportation array, Beichen City is the best choice.

On the border black market of the two major forces, people who sit in the teleportation array every day are like crossing the river, countless, one more, and they will certainly not be found. Besides, they have changed their looks and will not carry this back, and go to that woman !!

My heart was filled with emotion, and Nie Yun kept flying at a fast speed.


Before I was far away from where I was, I saw a wave in the space not far ahead, and a figure suddenly appeared.

"This guy, the haunting spirit ..."

When I saw this man, Nie Yun was startled. It wasn't that the other person was the crazy woman just now.

However, as soon as the body moved, he stopped immediately, and now he has been disguised again. With the current mental strength, the powerless person cannot see it. He doesn't believe that the girl can recognize himself, so although there is some tension, it is still Pretending to be casual, he continued to fly to Beichen City.


He appeared in the air, took a quiet look at the banner in his hand, and looked at the young man who didn't care about him. With a turn of his eyes, he seemed to think of something, showed a cunning taste, and came to Nie Yun in a flash.

哎 "Hey, friend, did you see a young man in gray clothes just now?"

"The young man in gray clothes? I didn't see it!" Seeing that she didn't shoot herself, she asked the young people in gray clothes, and Nie Yun was relieved that she was not recognized by the other party.

"Don't answer so fast, what do you think this is?" Mi Jing took out a palm-sized jade card. "This is called a stagnation seal. It is something that can be refined by the strong-strike fighters. It can block people in the air and make them impossible. Flying, but good baby, as long as I tell the truth, I will give you this thing! "

给 "Give me?" Nie Yun froze, then pretended to be excited.

In his excitement, with surprise, nervousness, and greed, he performed a wonderful interpretation of a little person who has never seen the world before.

The camouflage division not only changes the appearance of the soul, but also the expression, tone, and manner. This point, although Nie Yun can't keep up with the thousand fantasy, but it is not weak. At first glance, this behavior is a small citizen. Youth are the same.

当然 "Of course, I'm talking, let's say, have you seen that young man?" Mi Jing asked.

"Uh ... yes, he just appeared not far away, and went in that direction as soon as he appeared!"

Nie Yun pretended to be hesitant, following a finger in a direction ~ www.readwn.com ~ This direction runs counter to Beichen City. If this woman really wants to find it, she can't find any hair.

"This way, okay, here's the thing for you!"

Qi Mijing nodded, and as soon as his eyes turned, he threw the stagnation seal in his hand to Nie Yun.

"Haha!" Nie Yun didn't expect her to be so deceived. She just wanted to catch the stagnation seal, and suddenly saw a flash of excitement flashing in the girl's eyes.

虽然 Although this excitement is hidden by her well, Nie Yuntian's eyes are extremely powerful. If she can't even see it, she can't be called a special talent ranked 17th.

I was shocked in my heart and said that I wasn't picking up the jade card. My body was upright. A series of gas bursts in front of me and my body retreated sharply.


Immediately after she left the place, the airborne seal in the air exploded, blocking a piece of space. If Nie Yun had not responded quickly, it would have been blocked, and it would definitely turn into amber again, unable to move, and slaughtered by anyone.

"How do you recognize me?"

Seeing this, Nie Yun's turn was confused this time.

Even if the other party has natural talent, she can't see through the second form of the disguise division. How can she be sure that she is the young man just now?

"Forget it, this woman has too many babies. Definitely losing a fight with her, let's go first!"

I knew it was not a time of doubt. Nie Yun knew that once caught, it was definitely troublesome and turned and fled. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ 郗 葶] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions, please Go to Piaoxu to ask questions, if you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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