Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 657: Mad Woman (5)


With a dignified attitude, the **** iron dragon in Mijing's hands shook, turned into a dragon again, stunned by the air hunting, and greeted Nie Yun's Supreme Sword Art and Capricorn Palm, and at the same time tiptoe, Draw a half circle on the ground, it seems to want to kick the former strong and powerful.

This trick uses a toe to draw a circle on the ground to wait for the opponent's attack. It is also very famous. It is called Yau Shou Yuan. It uses clever energy to dial the opponent's seemingly fierce attack to the side.

Nie Yunneng was able to make three attacks with both hands and one foot at the same time. She could n’t do three things. She was n’t able to do so. She could only concentrate all her power on the iron dragon whip and floated on her feet, which weakened his attack effect. .

This trick seems to be passive defense, but in fact, as long as the strength of the iron dragon whip is not lost, it can definitely break the opponent's attack, and then the speed is faster. Nie Yun's attack on the leg, I am afraid it has not worked, Will be hurt by myself!

I have to say that although Mi Jing has little actual combat experience, this method of defending and attacking is indeed good. However, it may not be a problem to deal with others, but unfortunately, she has experienced incomparable combat experience in two generations. Nie Yun!

Her purpose and thoughts were read by Nie Yun at a glance.

The whip shadow and Supreme Sword Art collided with the Capricorn's Palm, and a series of crisp sounds suddenly sounded in the air, but there was no strong air wave, but a "Beep!" Sounded, as if hitting in the air.

"Well, that's wrong!"

Feeling this, Mi Jing also seemed to realize something, her face changed, and she hurriedly applied strength to her toes.

I just found out that it was too late at this time, and Nie Yun's feet appeared with a phantom, which had passed around the circle drawn under her feet and appeared in front of the girl.

Nie Yun knew that he was definitely not the girl's opponent in front of him. He forced the attack on the surface and hit the two discoloring tricks of Supreme Sword Art and Capricorn Palm. In fact, all the strength was concentrated in this move, which seemed ordinary. No strange feet.

脚 This foot used all the muscle strength, the increase of Dandantian and all the mana. Before he came to the girl, he squeaked the pressure of the space, as if he had reached the limit of the space.


The soles of the feet were raised, impartial, and imprinted on the quiet chest.


Uncontrollable, Mi Mijing was kicked and kicked, and her breastbone made a crisp sound and broke several pieces. However, her strength was to accept the virtual realm, and the air and sea contained the void. Although this attack was powerful, it was not fatal.

"噗! OK, OK!"

Gao Yizhao was injured, Mi Jing was not depressed, but her eyes were getting brighter.

This is the real life-and-death struggle, and this lawless guy would dare to be so fierce. If it were not for him, everyone knew that he was the young lady of Mi Shenzong, who would dare kick his chest?

I have to say that his foot was really fierce. If he didn't react at the time and shrank in time, I'm afraid his heart would be kicked and killed directly.

And ... hum, there is no compassion for Xixiangyuyu, even kicking someone there ... It's too much!

想法 The thoughts flashed in my mind for a moment, and suddenly realized what's wrong! I was in a hurry just now, and my attack didn't leave any backhand, now he must be dead ... ”

Although the young man in front of him caught his attention and tricked himself with clever methods, his sword skills and palm print were too weak to stop the **** iron dragon whip that he exerted with all his power!

As long as you can't stop it, with the power in the whip, you will definitely be killed on the spot!


Sure enough, after the collision of the Supreme Sword Art and the Capricorn Palm, the shattered and shattered shattered pieces, and the power of Hell's iron dragon whip was not blocked at all, and it came to the young man's chest.

Xie Nieyun concentrated her whole body strength on her leg at this time, and had no time to dodge.

"Wind Thunder Wing, Flash!"


Demon wings appeared behind him again, Nie Yun's face was gaunt, wind and thunder flickered behind his wings, and accelerated backward.

The wing can not only let people fly forward, but also let people fly backward. Although it can't catch up with the speed, it is much faster than normal flight.

Although the speed of the Fenglei Thunder Wing is fast, but the iron dragon whip is faster, Nie Yun only took a small step back and already appeared on the chest.

"Follow the Shield!"

My heart flashed, and the Shield Shield blocked her chest again.


The whip shadow hit the Shield of the Waves, and Nie Yun only felt a force similar to that of the dark power, rushing in. Before he could react, he flew out sideways and fell heavily to the ground, throwing a large pit.


Blood spurted with blood. Despite the shield from the waves, his injuries were still quiet and severe!

"You are not dead, you ... are you a defense division? Are you still a defense division?"

Seeing that the boy was lying on the ground and did not die, Mi Jing was relieved. He finally found a playmate, but he didn't want to die so soon!

I saw that he was not dead, only to find out that a tortoise shell behind the Shield Shield clinging to the skin, constantly flashing, is actually a talent for the defense division!

"Cough, oh!"

I didn't answer the question, Nie Yun struggled to stand up, moved suddenly, and his face turned red again.

The scenario just now is very dangerous. Even if the shield shields most of the attacks, it still can't bear it. At the last moment, the talent of the defense division is also activated, but the opponent's strength is too strong. The blow was not something the defender could resist, or he was badly injured.


His face flushed, and Nie Yun had no time to speak. He quickly moved his mind to treat Dan Tian's operation, and he was constantly treating the injuries on his body.

I haven't played for a long time, but they are very dangerous. When the two are injured at the same time, they don't care about killing each other. The atmosphere is weird for a while, and the quiet is awful.

In fact, this situation is also related to the lack of experience in quiet combat. In any case, she was slightly injured. If she could use her hand, Nie Yun would be killed, but she did not want to kill Nie Yun. Little experience and no consciousness have led to this situation.

If she doesn't move, Nie Yun won't move any more. Now the injury is too serious. If you don't treat it quickly, you will not be able to live.

"It wouldn't be so bad if the defense division talent also reached the third form ..."

Fortunately, this was just a traumatic injury, and it did not hurt the soul. It was easy to treat. After a while, Nie Yun felt much more comfortable. Remembering that the defense division had only the first form of talent, the defense was limited, and he shook his head.

Ying Long's third form of defense talent, if encountering this situation, there will definitely not be a big problem, but he was seriously injured. It is also a defense division talent. The first form and the third form are still very different. .

I do n’t say anything else. Just talking about Kendo ’s first form and third form, there is a world-wide gap.

"Naturist, Healer, Alchemist, Beast Tamer, Hercules, Disguise Division, Beacon Division, Fairy Division Division, Earth Marching Division, Defence Division ... The trick that was just performed should be the Supreme Sword Art of the Sword God Sect. Well, then there is Kendo ... Hey, I didn't expect that you have more special talents than me! This is good, let's continue! "

Mi Mijing also seemed to have healing energy. Soon, her complexion returned to ruddy. Thinking of the mysterious aspects of the young man in front of her eyes, her eyes became brighter and more energetic.

"Continue?" As soon as the injury was almost recovered, I heard this, and Nie Yun's eyes darkened, and he stunned for a moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ almost fainted.

I am really a perverted woman. She just did her best to get this effect just now. Now that I have prepared for it, I ’m afraid that the other party wo n’t have any injuries. The one who dies first will be herself!

For the first time, Nie Yun fought so hard with people.

In the past, no matter how strong the opponent ’s strength was, even if they could n’t beat, they could run away, but now, the opponent ’s strength seems to be one line higher than himself, but he ca n’t win or escape ...

"Go ahead, all right, pick my trick!"

Taking a deep breath, Nie Yun's palm suddenly lifted up, and a sword was fired. Suddenly the magic wings trembled, the thunder rang, and a rushing escaped dozens of kilometers away. As soon as it came to the distance, it crushed a jade. brand.


The light flashed, and Nie Yun disappeared from the place again.

Fifth cast of Wind and Thunder Wings, and third cast of Celestial Rune 箓.

Ps: You guys are too powerful, 96 votes ... The number of votes that I never dreamed of, come first to five more, Laoya and then go to eat. I have n’t eaten for a day, I finished eating and continue to code, and strive for three more at night. .

I will continue to vote for the monthly ticket. I ca n’t finish it today and continue tomorrow. Now there are only 30 hours left until the end of the month. If you do n’t vote, it will be void if it expires.

Continue to sprint! See how much heat and light we can emit in the last day! !! !! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ z1872530384] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give a reward on 〓 中文 网 〓, your support is my greatest motivation]

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