Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 660: 9 Dragon Pull

What appeared in front of me was not a mountain range, but a huge corpse, ancient and distant, with a thick history and vicissitudes, as if I didn't know how many years have passed, how many years after I want to go, and finally fall here .

尸 Each corpse is thousands of meters high, lying on the ground horizontally and stretching out like a tall mountain, thick and daunting.

Such a huge body, only one kind of life is available in the whole world, that is the dragon!

The dragon's body! Turned out to be the body of a dragon!

到底 Where the **** is this, why do so many dragons die? Make people feel that space is upside down?

"One, two, three, eight, nine, nine ... Is the body of the nine-headed dragon really [Kowloon Falling Heaven]?" After counting the number of dragons, it turned out to be nine full heads! Suddenly I remembered what the Elder Red said about the fall of Kowloon in the sky. Now it seems that, like the ancestors of the sword **** of that year, he also entered here.

How long have you never heard of Kowloon in the past?

"This ... this seems not to be a palace, but 辇? Jiulong?"

After looking at the dragon corpse, his eyes fell on the palace again, and Nie Yun recognized it now. Where is this palace? It is clear that an emperor is only eligible to ride!

辇 This 辇 is even taller. I do not know what material it is made of. It has a line of ancient writing written on it. The entire vehicle against it seems to have traveled from ancient times, transcending the ravages of time and breaking the boundaries of civilization.

In front of the urn, there are nine reins, each of which has a thickness of dozens of meters, as if the omnipotent rope falling from the sky, across the ground, silent and heavy.

Kowloon pull!

九 The nine-headed dragon must be the one who pulls this 有, who in the world has this qualification?

Nie Yun only felt a burst of cold sweat on his body. In this case, let alone his strength only in the realm of the field, even if he returned to the peak of the Dantian acupoint, he would still feel a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

This is no longer the timidity of the soul, but the oppression of the soul's blood!

The first race of the Dragon and the Beast is the same as the first race of the Demon and the Nether. It has long been beyond the scope of human imagination, and has been separated from the floating continent. Such a strong person has forcibly pulled people. What should this person be? ?

How could He fall and die here?

"I haven't come back for such a long time to report to me ... Ah, what is this? Dragon corpse?" Mi Jing saw Nie Yun gone for a long time before returning, and came to her, and when she saw everything in front of her, she couldn't bear it. Live on, my face changed color.

The shock of the dragon dragon corpse is too great. No matter the breath is overwhelming or the ancient and long-distance breath revealed, it makes people feel inferior.

"Hello!" Nie Yun awoke from shock, exhaled, raised his foot and walked towards 辇.

I was originally worried about whether there were people living. Now it seems that there is no one. Judging from the eternal age of these dragon corpses and my salamanders, I am afraid that they have a history of at least tens of thousands of years.

The Secret Realm of Seizure of Heaven and Earth seizes the nature of heaven and earth. It can only live up to 9999 years old. No matter how strong it is, it can't live beyond 10,000. Those who truly live beyond 10,000 can only have the legendary gods.

有 I do n’t know if there is a **** Nie Yun in this world, but at this moment he suddenly felt that even if he is not a god, the nine-headed dragon will not be bad!

"The sky and the earth fell, the emperor came from Kowloon and broke into the sky. The battle between King Shura and the Sea of ​​Mist, the Six Realms broke, and fell into the sky ..."

There is a piece of text in front of the uncle. Although this typeface is not known by Nie Yun, there is an idea conveyed in the underworld, which makes him understand instantly.

He seems to be talking about the master of this uncle, who fought with another super mighty. The last two were killed. As for why the body of Kowloon fell here, where the emperor and the king Shura went, it was not described in detail.

"Wait, wait, if you go first and keep Miss Ben, I will kill you!"

Ji Mijing also woke up from the shock, looked up and saw that Nie Yun had gone far, and he was startled and screamed.

Xie Nieyun didn't bother to care about this crazy woman and moved on.

"Don't you hear me talking? Don't stop me!" Seeing the teenager ignored her words, she was silent and stunned, and she grew up, no one dare to disobey her thoughts, even if Brother, she really wants to be angry, and she will come to persuade, but this boy is not good enough, I'm not good to kill you, you dare to ignore me ... Damn!

The more I think about it, the quieter my face becomes gloomy. "Hey, talking to you, deaf, or dumb? Now Miss Ben ordered you to come back immediately. If you don't agree, not only will the medicine be avoided, I will kill you immediately. ... "

But before she finished speaking, she saw that the young teenager suddenly stopped and "shut up!"

"What? Do you dare to shut me up? I think you are tired!" The blood rushed into the forehead, and the iron dragon whip appeared in the palm of his hand, and Nie Yun drew it.

However, her iron whip had just been lifted and had not been drawn to Nie Yun, she felt as heavy as Taishan. "Well!" Just a moment, the whip disappeared, and it seemed to be taken away by the dragon's body lying on the ground.


Mi Mijing was startled, and her face was pale.

Anyway, she is a young girl. Despite her strength, she still has a deep fear of unknown things. She has strong power to take away the iron dragon whip. Although she did n’t do anything to her, she Understand that it takes only one thought for the other party to really kill her!

"You know how to be afraid?" Seeing her look, Nie Yun Lengheng.

"Fear, nonsense, Miss Ben is not afraid, I just ... just ..." He quietly turned to hear the young man's words, wanted to explain two sentences, but didn't know what to say.

"Hum!" Ignoring her excuse, Nie Yun looked up, and now came to 辇.

The huge scooter was stuck in the void, looking up at the starry sky, exuding a breath of subjugation and fear.

"Go in and see!"

As soon as Nian Yun's body was stretched, Nie Yun jumped into the Niao vehicle.

辇 This car is not covered, nor is there any formation method. Nie Yun levitates in the air and walks in in two steps.

"Wait for me!"

Mi Mijing saw the teenager enter Longyu, and he clenched his teeth and chased after him.

The carriage is a huge space, like a passage that spreads to the unknown depths. Even the sky can't see the end. It only sees countless spaces turbulent, a wave of magic swells out, and hits the door.

"Is this the same way as the Demon Hades Realm, which is the passage to the demon world?" Nie Yun stunned when he saw the magic of the sky.


The idea was not over yet, and I suddenly saw the magic of the sky, forming a cloud of black clouds falling down.

These magical qis, like the qi qi, have been condensing for a long time, and they seem to form a special existence, just like the physical demons.

"It's bad!" Seeing the magical spirit, like the devil, with Ling Ling's intention to kill, Nie Yun's face sank, his wrists flipped, and the sword of the sword **** reappeared, stabbing at the magical spirit that rushed in. .

With a chill, a thousand swordsmanships were brilliant, and immediately strangled to the magical Qi.

The demons formed by these magical qi are not strong, but the secret strength of one or two is just broken by his swordmang at once, and turned into a strange and strange atmosphere.

But this thing is endlessly killed, and it will be re-evolved if it is killed, unless the magic qi is dried, but looking at it now, the magic qi is inexhaustible and it is impossible to absorb light.

"Be careful. I am now two magicians. The magic energy in my body is already very heavy. It is easy to go into the magic. If you absorb the contamination, you will go crazy on the spot!"

The defensive division's talents worked, and Nie Yun blocked all the surrounding magic.

Although the absorption of magic energy can make the spirit rhinoceros body training method progress, the disadvantage is that it has fallen deeper and deeper into the magic path. Although Nie Yun now wants to absorb these magic gases, he will directly push the spirit rhinoceros body training method to the sixth and even the sixth major To the point!

Now the fifth major accomplishment with the strength of Dantian himself has the strength of the early days of accepting the virtual reality. Once the sixth major achievement is reached, I am afraid that even the strongest players in the void can fight in a box!

Of course, this is just physical power. It can break open space at most with one punch. It is impossible to make a space jump like the real strong break.

Although it can increase the strength and make Nie Yun very heart-warming, but now I dare not. Because of the re-observation and study of the spirit rhinoceros, it has undergone a qualitative change like Jiuzhuan Nirvana. In the previous life, he did not practice Vajra glass. The body can also block, but now it seems that the magic energy is getting stronger and stronger, and the magic heart is getting stronger and stronger.

If you forcibly absorb the magical energy to break through, I am afraid that you will immediately go into the magic and become the five-devil super devil who kills the sky, kills the land, kills the man, kills the heart, and kills the heart!

"Although you cannot use this magic qi to practice, these magic qi are extremely pure and stronger than those that fell to the demon in the beginning. If you miss it, you will find it very troublesome and you will not be able to store some. Once the Vajra glass body reaches the first The sixfold method is golden, so let's absorb the breakthrough! "

Sui Nieyun suddenly thought of this. As soon as his eyes lighted and his heart moved, Zihua Dongfu opened, madly devouring the pure magic in the air.

The fourth room in Zihuadong House was empty. I used to think it was useless. Now think about it.

The rooms of Zihuadongfu won't even emit the magical fluid, and the magic will naturally not be. I am afraid that there is nothing more suitable for this place.

Soon, the pure magic energy filled the fourth palace.

Although he didn't directly touch the magical energy, he only let the spirit control the meeting. Nie Yun felt that his mind was dizzy again, and he had a tendency to become enchanted.

The tactics of King Kong's glass body were quietly read in my heart, and then I felt that the discomfort slowly dissipated, and I felt more comfortable again.

He had taken away a part of the magical gas just now. At this time, it had become much thinner. Looking up, he suddenly looked into the eye.

"This is ... this is ..."

Seeing this light, Nie Yun suddenly felt a violent excitement exploded in his heart, his head was a little dizzy, his fists clenched suddenly, and a muttering voice sounded slowly ~ www.readwn.com ~ With this thing, you can rest assured that Nirvana ... "

Ps: School will start tomorrow. The school may have a meeting in the morning. The first day of school must be very busy. It is inevitable that there is no time code during the day, so it is unlikely that there will be an update during the day.

咱 We are in over 30 this month, which is very good. How much will we be next month? Will it be higher or lower than this? Lao Ya looks forward to it!

Next month may not have as many codes as this month, but it will certainly not be less. The bottom line will be more than 6,000 words, and there will be five more leaders, each adding more than 20,000. This is 100,000 words, and there are two monthly passes for everyone. Support, I counted it. On the 27th, everyone voted for 51 monthly passes. Old Ya Liu Geng was more than 18,000. Excluding the guaranteed minimum of 6,000, it was equivalent to making up 36 monthly passes. It was still 5,000 words. Yesterday 116 Zhang, six more than ten thousand sixteen, excluding the guarantee, equivalent to 30 monthly tickets.

That is to send everyone 28,000, 28,000 + 180,000 (guaranteed bottom) + 100,000 alliance leader = 308,000, sweat, that is to say, next month, more than 10,000 a day!

I have to go to work next month, and more than 10,000 a day ... the hard life does not need to be explained.

In order to be pitiful, I will definitely vote for the guaranteed monthly pass at 12 pm, so that we can get a good ranking at the beginning of the month, thank you all!

In addition, the last six hours, there are monthly tickets to hurry up, it will be invalid if you don't vote! !! !! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ 郗 葶] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions, please Go to Piaoxu to ask questions, if you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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