Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 690: More than me

"Boy, today is my battle for Ma Tao's fame. I will use you to set off my genius road. If you are acquainted with the situation, jump in and lose, or don't blame me if you die!"

The two came to the stage at the same time, and before Zhu Yin spoke, Ma Tao across the road screamed, and the mana of the whole body spread like a tide.

"It's so strong, I didn't expect this Ma Tao to show no mountains and water, and his mana is so strong, I'm afraid it's not worse than Ouyang Shixiong just now!"

"Yeah, how could it be so powerful? It seems that this one called Zhuyin is going to be unlucky!"

Feeling the mana's huge mana scattered from the audience, all the people in the audience were looking up, only Nangongjun's twisted face showed a hint of excitement, it seemed to want to see bamboo sound ugly.

"This guy is really powerful, with powerful mana and great strength. I am afraid that I have reached the level before I got the Ability Master talent!"

Glancing at Nie Yun's eyebrows.

The strength of the mana is related to the size of Qi Hai. Although this Ma Tao is a casual repairer, he is not famous, but looking at the current situation, Qi Hai is so big that I am afraid he has already caught up with him before he was given the talent of the Aura Master.

Although he was not so powerful at that time, Qi Hai was not comparable to ordinary people, otherwise, he would not be recognized by Yi Cheng, and he would be taken to the treasure left by Yuan Qi Shi.

"Give up and jump in right away? It's not good to do this. Everyone will be the same brothers and brothers in the future, and you will make money. Do you have to do this?"

Hearing Ma Tao's words, Zhu Yin was very "formal" with him.

"Give me down!"

Ma Tao's eyes glared, too lazy to talk nonsense with him, his fingers stretched forward, and his fingertips emitted a golden light. This golden light pierced straight with indestructible power.

"This is King Kong!"

"I'm afraid this martial art has reached the extreme peak level, it's great!"

"It is rumored that it was created by a predecessor who is good at physical training. If you practice to the extreme, your fingers will become pure gold. Like weapons, it is terrible. I never expected that Ma Tao had never heard of a name, but he was so powerful. Inheritance! "

"The floating sky continent is so big, it has a lot of opportunities, good luck abound, and it can be so inherited. It seems that this Ma Tao's strength can at least rank among the top five in this field!"

Everyone was shocked to see Ma Tao's golden fingers, and some discerning people recognized the name of the trick.

King Kong refers to training his fingers as King Kong, even if he doesn't use the unique spirit soldier, it is not weak.

"King Kong means. It is indeed a great martial art, but it seems that you are doing the wrong thing. You look a little bit wrong at your sight, you can't hit me ..."

Compared to the discoloration of the crowd, the bamboo sound on the stage did not feel anything, but continued to chatter, even Nie Yun felt that this time he was talking to death. But ... Strangely enough, Ma Tao's Vajra Fingers did go awry, and they didn't hit Zhu Yin.

"Huh? That's wrong!"

Masters are tricky, and they pay attention to accuracy and fierceness. Ma Tao is not like a soft-hearted person. How can he be biased? This is a bit wrong.

"... Okay, it's my turn to hit you. I want to hit you. You should be waiting for me so that we can be fair ..."

Ma Tao missed one move, and Zhu Yin continued to chatter.

With his nonsense, the palm of his hand was gently printed.

The weird scene reappeared, and Ma Tao actually stood exactly where Zhu Yin said, with his chest raised. Waiting to be beaten.


Ma Tao was struck by a bamboo palm, his face was washed with blood, and his face was red like a cockscomb.

"It's the 92nd deceiver with special talent!"

"Bamboo turned out to be a deceiver, and definitely has opened the second form!"

See this scene. Others also know that it must be that Zhu Yin has made a ghost, and along with his concubine, everyone remembered a special talent at the same time.

Bewitcher! Ranked 92nd!

Xianyin teacher and deceiver teacher are somewhat similar, but very different. Xianyin represents pure immortality and justice, and the latter knows that it has the taste of deceiving and deceiving.

One positive and one evil, like the Buddha and Demon, although they sometimes act the same, they represent completely different Taos.

The deceptive division itself has a sense of deceit. In addition, when the second form is opened, Ma Tao is unprepared and has been fooled twice in a row.

"Abominable, give me death!"

At this time, Ma Tao also knew that Zhu Yin had special talents, and he dared not rush up again. His hands were raised, and his thick mana fired out.

His sea of ​​anger was wide. At this time, the mana was released without any hesitation, and the entire test bench was immediately filled with a powerful and maddening force.

"This is [Zong Gong]. All the mana is released, forming a wave-like impact, making the opponent unable to approach or move forward. It becomes the object of his attack, great!"

"It seems that Zhuyin's talent for the deceiver is useless. The voice of the voice is insignificant in front of the tide, and it should have little effect on him!"

"This Ma Tao is not only strong, but also very resilient. Knowing that plugging his ears is useless, he did the trick ..."

Seeing a wave of mana above the test bench, everyone's eyes were dignified again.

"Following the waves is good, but you don't have enough mana, unfortunately!"

The shock of the crowd was not over, and they saw Zhu Yin take a few steps forward calmly, and his fingers were a little smokeless.


Ma Tao flew out with one finger, fell heavily on the stage, and lost.

"I can't tell, this guy is quite strong!"

Seeing the performance of Zhu Yin, Nie Yun chuckled.

When I heard the humbleness of Zhu Yin's mouth before, I felt that his strength should not be weak, but he did not expect to be so strong.

Although Ma Tao's ability to follow the waves can be eliminated by himself, it is not as easy as he is.

It seems that this guy's mouth is not reliable, but his strength is not false.

"Boss, how about it, I'm fine!"

Defeating Ma Tao, Zhu Yin jumped down and came to Nie Yun with a smug look.

"Not bad!" Nie Yun nodded.

After completing the bamboo test, Nie Yun heard Yuan Jin shouting his name after seven consecutive games.

When he saw his opponent's name, Nie Yun's face was immediately weird.

Turns out ... Nangong Jun!

"It's really a narrow road ..."

Nie Yun smiled wryly and shook his head.

Although there is no hatred with this Nangong Jun, just now Zhu Yin called his boss, and after running and ran over to talk, this guy has already regarded himself and Zhu Yin as a group.

I'm afraid I can't wait to make myself ugly.

However, he has nothing to fear. Even if this Nangong Jun's strength is strong, can he be stronger than Zang Hongyi?

As long as it is not strong, there will be no problem.

"Haha, he didn't run into that bamboo sound, and he was lucky. Since you are with him, consider yourself unlucky!"

Sure enough, Nangong Jun jumped on the test bench and saw that the opposite was Nie Yun, and he exclaimed with excitement.

"It's your luck that you didn't run into bamboo sounds. Are you sure you can block his talent of the deceiver?" Nie Yun ignored his threat and smiled slightly.

"I can't resist the talent of the deceiver, but you haven't, since you don't, you should die for me!"

Hearing Nie Yun's words, Nangong Jun's ugly face yanked suddenly, and as soon as the sole of his foot stepped on, he rushed forward, his fists squeezed his arms to rotate, and he rushed to Nie Yun's chest with a whistling.

This time, he exhausted his whole body strength, and there were violent sound explosions around his arms and fists, which were appalling.

"Sorry, you missed it too!"

Nie Yun stood still, smiled slightly, and hummed suddenly.

His voice was not loud, nor was he bewildered. On the contrary, he had a sound sense of persuasion. He heard that the punch that stimulated the soul in the ears and made Nangong Junjue's fist really turned aside.


When the sound landed, Nangong Jun's fist rubbed in front of Nie Yun, without any injuries.

"Let's fall!"

With a short stroke, Nie Yun waved behind Nangongjun, "Well!" The latter had not responded yet, and he planted it from the test bench.

"You use magic ..."

Until planted on the ground, Nangong Jun was still dizzy and didn't understand what was going on. A "handsome" face was twisted like a shoehorn.

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ He didn't figure it out, it didn't mean that others didn't understand it, he heard Zhu Yin exclaim.

"I wipe! The talent of Xianyin Master is worthy of being the boss, more cattle than me ..."

ps: Send a distress ad.

A book friend ’s dad was in Changsha Xiangya Hospital and was urgently using type B blood. It seemed that he needed 2800 milliliters of blood on Monday. There was no way to find me. Everyone has a difficulty. If a nearby friend has a suitable blood type, You can contribute some. If there is a way that it is impossible to ask me, Khan, I can only do this. If I am in Changsha, I may be able to help. O-type blood should be available. . .

If you are willing, you can contact his qq: 284080405.

(I do n’t know if it ’s a lie. I do n’t think anyone should make fun of his father!)

. . . Lao Ya helped me advertise. My dad is here. . . . . 2800 ml of blood on Monday (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.)

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