Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 692: Avenue Dance

"First, you are not yet the official disciples of Zongmen. You can only live on the periphery of Tianwaitian. This place is close to the turbulent stream, and there are even void pits in some places. Once they are trapped, the gods cannot save them! So, When you get to where you live, do n’t walk around, just practice in the courtyard! ”

"Second, there are also some core disciples living outside Tianwaitian. The people who can live here are basically strong men who are ranked on the top of the empty list. If it's okay, don't provoke them. If they have a rude request, they come to harass. You can report to Zongmen, but I advise you not to do this, because this is equivalent to offending the old core disciples, I am afraid that it will be very difficult in the future. After all, even if the door is strict, Hua Yunzong cannot watch it all the time. You, guard you, even when necessary, Hua Yunzong also likes fighting among disciples, thinking that there will be pressure and progress if there is fighting! "

"Third, and the most important point, when you enter Tianwaitian soon, follow me behind, don't look around, don't look at it, otherwise, take the consequences!"

After saying three requirements, Yuan Jin snorted, "Did you all understand?"


Everyone agreed.

"Good, let's go!"

Yuan Jin nodded, swiped with the palm of his hand, and once again driven a certain formation, "Oh!" A tall portal appeared in front of everyone.

The portal is hundreds of meters high, immensely wide, magnificent, surrounded by aura inside the gate, from time to time there are cranes flying in it, white clouds flying, and clouds surrounding the sea, revealing a strong atmosphere of Xianmen.

On the beam above the portal is written three large characters "Tian Wai Tian", which makes people have a sense of enlightenment at first glance. It seems that there is a sense of supremacy in martial arts, and long-term watching can make people make great progress.

The ordinary three words have such an effect, which shows the person who wrote the word. Strength has reached terrifying levels.

"This is the gate to Tianwaitian, come with me!" Whispered, Yuan Jindang walked towards the portal first, and everyone followed him closely.

"What are these?"

Entering the portal, everyone immediately found that there were colorful lights all around, constantly changing shapes, as if to elaborate some kind of supreme principle. People are obsessed with it at first glance, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

"Well, guys who don't have long memories, deserved bad luck!"

Seeing some disciples visiting around, Yuan Jin didn't bother to remind him of the reminder just now. Lengheng in my heart.


Sure enough, it didn't take long for his cold hum to end, and he heard a disciple scream, fell to the ground, blood gushed from the corner of his mouth, and kept twitching.

"this is……"

Everyone was taken aback when they saw someone suddenly fall to the ground. I don't know what happened.

"It's the ghosts around the colorful lights that you don't want to see. This thing is not what we can bear!" Ouyang Shixiong suddenly understood, his face was straight, and he hurried.

Hearing this shout, everyone remembered the third of Yuan Jin's warning before, all of them looked ugly.

"Take what I said earlier, hum!"

See how everyone looks. Knowing that panic had already arisen from the bottom of his heart, Yuan Jin turned around and explained, "The light you see is not a simple color, but a void and turbulence and matrix space collision to form a true meaning of the avenue. The long-term watching of people who are high will benefit the growth of strength, while the low-ranking people will be back bitten and lightly injured. Seriously become an idiot, there is no possibility of promotion for life! You have not watched for a short time It hurts the soul, but it will be uncomfortable for at least two days. It ’s also a class just for you! ”

After finishing speaking, Yuan Jin grabbed the injured disciple with one hand, and swiped lightly on the forehead. The latter stopped convulsing and seemed to improve a lot. However, his face was still pale, as if his soul had been greatly damaged. .

"Well, let's go! Remember, don't look around and walk forward with one heart. If you violate it, you won't have such good luck ..."

After treating this disciple, Yuan Jin scolded everyone and wanted to continue to go forward, and saw that a young man didn't listen to him at all, his hands involuntarily danced, looked at the colorful light around him, and nodded while watching, like dancing It's like entertaining yourself.

"court death……"

Seeing this man not only disobedient, but also so reckless, Yuan Jinzheng wanted to swear a few words, suddenly his eyes were suddenly wide, thinking of one thing, he almost did not come up in one breath, strangled alive.

"This is ... the dance of the avenue? This ... how is this possible?"

According to legend, as long as the practitioners realize the avenue, as long as they reach a realm that resonates with the avenue, they will dance involuntarily. This dance is not a random jump, but a fusion of the true meaning of the avenue. Every beating, even the sound and blinking eyes conform to the avenue.

The dance of the avenue is a situation that can only occur for people who have a very deep understanding of the avenue. Even the current Yuan Jin does not have such understanding and qualifications. How can this situation happen to a young boy who just started?

It's impossible! Must be wrong!

Rubbing my eyes and looking again, it really turned out that the boy who had just danced on the road had stopped moving and looked innocently. It was the Yunfeng who had participated in the second competition before.

"How can I still have hallucinations like my strength? This young man is not simple anyway. It seems that I need to pay attention to it in the future ..."

Seeing that the other party did not have the dance of the road, his expression was so innocent, Yuan Jin scratched his head.

The strength reaches his realm, his spirit is strong, and he has no sense of hearing or vision. The only explanation is that this boy is not as simple as he looks, and he does not reveal it!

However, the more severe the better, the more severe, the higher the quality of this disciple, the sooner Hua Yunzong will recover from the great loss of vitality.

"so close!"

Seeing that Yuan Jin didn't ask anything, he turned and left, and Nie Yun was relieved.

Just now he observed the colorful lights around him, and suddenly he felt the feeling, so he performed the dance of the avenue, but the dance of the avenue was not long, and he soon awakened. When he saw Yuan Jin's appearance, he didn't know what. Only then deliberately pretended to be innocent.

The dance of the avenue is too bad. Even the top ten people who break the empty list can't do it. If there is anything to be discovered by the other party, there must be a lot of trouble.

Although you are not afraid of trouble, it is better to avoid unnecessary things.

"It seems that when observing these things in the future, you must find a place where no one else, otherwise in case you feel something, and you can't stop it, it will inevitably cause trouble!"

The dance of the avenue is not self-motivated, but a recognition of the avenue. This time it happens to be awake and not suspected by the other party. What if we do n’t wake up next time? Therefore, in the future, I really want to feel the avenue, or wait to find a place to practice alone, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

With the disciples injured and the episode of the dance of the avenue, Yuan Jin and other disciples did not continue to watch the colorful light, and quickly passed through the huge portal and entered another world.

As soon as they entered the portal, everyone suddenly felt a loose body, a strong and extremely aura, and rushed in, all of them turned red.

Tianwaitian's aura is nearly three or four times richer than that of the floating continent. It is no wonder that the Yunzong is the world's first major. Under such a strong aura, it is difficult to increase its strength quickly.

"Well, this is where you live now. There is an independent courtyard for each of you. Practice and adjust, and try for three days later. You can successfully become a core disciple. It's amazing!"

After entering Tianwaitian, Yuan Jin and the others walked for a long time, and then came to the most remote place, where there were some courtyards side by side.

These yards are numbered, and although not too luxurious, they are not simple.

The entry disciple who accepts the virtual realm will become the core disciple once the trial is successful and has a high status. Therefore, it is not possible to lay a floor or crowd people in one room. It is too aggrieved. One person and one courtyard are considered the minimum configuration.

After all, Naxuan Realm is an ancestor's existence in other ancestors, families, and any city in the floating continent.


Everyone responded and went to the courtyard.

These small courtyards are currently uninhabited, and some of them are covered with dust. Nie Yun randomly found a courtyard and saw that the number was 9527. He didn't say more immediately. Go in.

Pressing the handprint on the door represents this unmanned courtyard. Today, with the owner, others will know it when they see it, but to bother.

When all the people entered the courtyard, Yuan Jin turned around and left. The assessment of the other disciples was troublesome and required him to take care of himself.

Entering the courtyard, Nie Yun closed the door. Although it was a small courtyard, it was actually not small, with hundreds of square meters, and it was more than enough to practice martial arts.

With a wave of the palm, mana poured out to sweep the dust all over the ground, and walked into the room ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun took out a pot of wine and drank two.

"First sense where your parents are?"

One of the purposes of Laihua Yunzong is to find parents and others. Now that they have successfully entered the Zongmen, they can just look at them.

The trailing qi runs in the body, and after a while, shakes his head.

"They don't even live outside the sky, they seem to practice farther away! However, it looks like they should be safe, so don't worry!"

After feeling for a while, I found that my parents and others were not within the bounds of Tiantiantian. It seems that Qianhuan is saying that the parents and sister have their own opportunities. I am afraid that they are trying hard to practice.

"[Ghostly Mist Sea] Trial, there are still three days, even if the cultivation strength will not increase, it is better to take a look at this time ... maybe, you can see her ..."

Suddenly, Nie Yun remembered the dustless figure of the previous life, and his eyes became as hot and bright as the scorching sun. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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