Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 694: Arrogant

All the spirits of the girls just gathered in their minds and did not pay attention to the situation behind them. They did not know where these spar came from and who sent it!

After a close look, I found that there was no trace around it. Even the soul imprints and fingerprints on the spar were cleaned by large methods, and they were spotless, as if they were afraid of staining the place.

"Earth spar, a special ore capable of refining the Heavenly Rune, knowing that I have been collecting it and sent it quietly, but my body is not revealed, thank you!"

With a stroke of Yushou, he took away the spar from the ground, and Lingtai's beautiful face showed a faint smile.

When I came to Huayunzong, because of his appearance and identity, as long as he had met his core disciple, he would desperately stagnate, and would like to take all of the credit for his performance in front of himself.

So many veins, especially the veins of the veins, are certainly not easy to collect. If you send them in the light, you will be grateful if you do n’t care about anything, so precious and precious. Such an opportunity has been sent quietly. , Without leaving any traces, seems to be afraid of knowing the same.

Obviously, it was not for the sake of courting. It seemed to know that he had collected this thing. In order to reduce his own trouble, I really don't know why this person cares about himself so much.


After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of it. Lingtai Lingyue shook his head and returned to the wooden house, but for the first time in his heart, he had a touch of curiosity for such a person ...

And this curiosity is like a seed. Once there is a suitable opportunity, it will take root and sprout, and grow into a towering tree.


Do not know what the girl thought, at this time Nie Yun had returned to the small courtyard where she lived.

Although angry with Xiao Ling's shameless words, I also know that now is not the time to kill, even if you want to kill, you need to find a chance that God is unaware of it, at least outside the sky!

After all, Bright is killing the core disciples. It must be a lot of trouble.

I originally wanted to meet Lingtai Lingyue, but finally gave up the idea, and just placed the veins from Zang Hongyi on the ground, and then quietly left.

Now obviously it is not the best time to meet. Although I can confidently chase it back in the future, don't be so impatient, once planned to Zang Hongyi, Xiao Ling and the like. It's troublesome to get the heart again.

"Everything I watched, she is still the same as before, so practice with peace of mind. When the practice reaches a certain level, you will naturally have the opportunity to meet!"

Shaking his head, throwing away the cranky thoughts in his head.

Although I just saw a touch of familiar back. Without seeing the face in the dream, Nie Yun felt satisfied.

What could be more satisfying than knowing she's done well?


With a sweet smile on his face, he was trying to cultivate, and suddenly heard the rapid knock on the door.

The sound was quick and powerful. Careful sounding was not like knocking on the door, but rather like tearing the seal on the door and breaking in.

Although the beginner disciple is not in a high position now, he will definitely become a core disciple in the future. Even if the elders want to meet, they must pass the news in advance. It is too much to say nothing about it.


The idea was not over yet, the courtyard door was forcibly opened by powerful forces, and several figures came in.

"Are you new to the disciple?"

The figure who walked in was a gloomy young man, who was repaired to reach the middle of the virtual reality. His face was yellow and his teeth were uneven. When he saw Nie Yun, he snorted, as if the butcher was looking at the lamb to be slaughtered.

Nie Yun frowned.

"Huh, I do n’t understand rules! Are you blind? A group of brothers came to you and don't give up the good things on your body? Don't force us to do it. If you really want to, you will find your proud strength, How stupid it is! "The gloomy young man smiled with a smile and a big wave. Said condescendingly.

"Give up something good?"

"Yes, this is a rule! New entry disciples must contribute their treasures to the old disciples, and don't take it out soon!" The gloomy youth hummed.

"New entry disciples give gifts to old disciples?" Nie Yun suddenly remembered.

It seems that this is the case. Every time Zongmen recruits new disciples, the old disciples will come to search and oppress them. Otherwise, Yuan Jin will not give a serious warning in advance.

In the previous life, because he released the red flame Danhuo, he was taken directly by the Northern Elder. He did not experience this step, so he did not experience it. At this time, he heard this and immediately understood it.

"This is a top-notch soldier. My best weapon!"

After thinking about it, Nie Yun decided not to get in trouble. Anyway, there are a lot of babies on his body, and he doesn't care about one or two. It's a big deal for them now. It can be stolen after a while. Take out a good soldier and throw it away. Passed.

"The best soldier!"

The gloomy youth's eyes immediately showed greed, and at the same time a vicious meaning flashed. "It seems to be a fat sheep. Since it is a fat sheep, how can a spiritual soldier be enough, hey, now my rules have changed, and I will hand over 20 top quality products immediately. "Spirit soldiers, five pieces of outstanding spirit soldiers, let you go!"

High-quality spiritual soldiers are very precious. If they are replaced with excellent spiritual stones, there must be at least thousands and 20 pieces. Even if the elders of Huayunzong are robbed, I am afraid they have no such net worth!

As for the outstanding spiritual soldiers, it is even more rare. I am afraid that there are dozens of large gates. Before, it was quiet because Mihua was too fond of her, but there were only four, and five were needed. Not extortion, but robbery.

"20 top-quality spirit soldiers? Five unique products?" Nie Yun waved his hand, "I don't!"

Although he was a bit irritable to these people, he didn't want to cause too much trouble, and forcibly put up with it. Besides, he really didn't have so many babies.

"Fart, you said you would n’t have been without it? Relax and let us check Natsumi Tanita, I believe it!"

"Let's check your body again and confirm that Nishida and Tianling are not there!"

"I advise you to be obedient, lest you bother yourself, otherwise, believe it or not, I'll beat you to the **** now, so that you can't take part in the trial in three days?"

The gloomy youth did not speak, and several disciples behind him shouted, their voices were vicious and harsh, and their words were unpleasant. It seems that these people did not bully the entry disciples.

"Check the things in Dantian?" Nie Yun's eyes were cold.

Cultivating dandan is the most private place for practitioners, with great insult.

"Yes, don't relax yet let us check. Do you want to die? I know you're called Yunfeng. In this freshman's strength is considered to be high, but even if you move forward, it is only the early stage of accepting the virtual realm, and me There is still a certain gap in the middle of the state! As long as you cooperate well, my brother and I are in a good mood, and I will let you go, otherwise, the consequences are not what you can imagine! "

"Okay, let you check! But I don't have anything in Tanaka!"

These veteran disciples dare to be so fierce, and they must rely on it. After thinking about it, Nie Yun chose to check him in the end.

Just come to Hua Yunzong or keep a low profile!

As for letting him check, Nie Yun is not afraid at all. His soul has reached the third stage of the spiritual peak. It is better than the gloomy young man in front of him. In addition, when he just talked, he quietly exerted the talent of Xianyin Master to let the other soul. It is already thought that nothing can be checked out, even if the baby is clearly seen, he cannot see it.

"That's pretty much it!"

Seeing Nie Yun's cooperation in front of him, the gloomy young man nodded, and his spirit moved like Nie Yunna's object, but as expected, Nie Yun didn't find anything.

"I thought it was a fat sheep. I didn't expect it to be a poor ghost. Well, since there is no baby, then I will dedicate my life and blood sacrifices and declare my allegiance to Ling Tianmeng. Allegiance to us and become a member of Ling Tianmeng. Today ’s That's it! "

Examination did not reveal anything, the gloomy young man looked ugly and hummed.

"Born blood?"

Innate blood is the most important thing for a person. It represents the spirit and spirit of a person. Offering it to sacrifice is equivalent to contributing half of the soul. It is restricted and can no longer resist other people's orders.

"Yes, hurry up, Lao Tzu doesn't have so much time to write with you, but I have to hurry to find the next entry disciple!" Speaking of this gloomy young man's body, he immediately sent a monstrous breath, and then said: "I advise you the most Do n’t resist, hand over the essence and blood, otherwise, I do n’t mind taking lessons. Although you ca n’t kill people, you ca n’t get any contribution value from the trial in the ghostly sea. ! "

"Ling Tianmeng? I don't know who the leader is?" Nie Yun narrowed her eyes at the words of the other party's arrogant and unbridled words, but still held back her anger and asked.

Due to the fighting between the disciples of Hua Yunzong, various alliances will be established. This is known in previous lives. It is not surprising that the leaders who can form an alliance are basically people who can break the rankings and get the rankings. Only influential, the alliance will have a higher status.

Ling Tianmeng ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have n’t heard of it in the past, I do n’t know who the leader is, it ’s better to ask, if it ’s the top three people who broke the potential list, even if they are themselves, they may not be opponent.

"Ling Tianmeng's leader is Brother Xiao Ling who broke the rankings. Brother Xiao Ling is strong. As long as this Ghostly Maze Trial is successful, it will definitely break through again and impact the top three. How's it? Can't make a choice yet? "

Upon hearing the question, the gloomy young man thought he had figured it out, and hummed.

"Xiao Ling?" Nie Yun's cold chill immediately appeared.

I was thinking about how to teach this guy, but it was ridiculous that he did not expect his men to threaten himself.

I thought it was an alliance made up of big men. I was afraid to hold back. Since it was Xiao Ling ...

I was thinking that he could not find a reason, but now he came to the door to find abuse, huh, huh, so I will let you know why Master Ma has three eyes and why the flowers are so red! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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