Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 698: Who will compensate?

This handprint is more than ten meters long and wide. Before it falls, it gathers countless gale winds, forming a trend of mixed days and days, and the breath is appalling.

"At one glance, you have reached the realm of Hunyuan?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

With one breath, Yuanyuan Zhang, the supreme peaking method, Hua Yunzong is one of the top ten martial arts techniques that are closest to the Supreme Palm Method.

There are three realms in this set of practice, Chaoyuan, Huiyuan, and Mixed Yuan. Now look at this move, it has formed the trend of mixed Yuan and Tianyuan. Obviously, it has reached the highest level. The deterrence and attack power caused by people are not much different!

I am truly worthy of being able to rank in the top ten of the potential breaking list, can understand a set of skills like this, playing such power, is much stronger than Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui!

"So strong!"

Tie Nieyun's eyes were dignified, and the bamboo sound on one side felt that the earth and the earth had collapsed in general, and a sense of weakness rose in his heart.

Although his strength has reached the peak of the early days of the Nai Realm, he may fight against people in the later stages of the Nai Realm and even the top, but his cultivation is basically accumulated by methods such as elixir and initiation. , Life and death fight, understanding of the realm, but also lost.

I have 10,000 kilograms of power, but I do n’t know where this 10,000 kilograms come from. It can be attacked and beaten, and it runs a lot worse.

Every disciple who can enter Huayunzong has been given a great opportunity. Many of them reached the bridge and the virtual world around the age of 20, but after entering the Zongmen, they stayed for ten, twenty, or even a hundred or a thousand years Still wandering in the Na Realm, like Zang Hongyi and Hu Kui, they are definitely hundreds of years old.

He did not practice slowly when he entered the ancestral gate, but he became more solid and understood the concept of life and death, so that Xiuwei became more condensed and exerted his power better.

When I reached the Tianqiao Realm and communicated the bridge between heaven and earth in my heart, I began to contact the Tiandi Avenue. Accepting the virtual realm requires understanding of the realm. Pure power is basically useless in the face of this strength.

In order to be promoted in Na Xujing, each small level requires a deep understanding of the realm. Because of this, even Zang Hongyi and other geniuses have been stuck at the pinnacle of Na Xujing for hundreds of years and cannot be promoted. .

聂 And Nie Yun is completely different from them. The understanding of the realm in previous lives is sufficient, but the difference is opportunity!

The so-called opportunity is related to spirit, state, luck, and psychology. This is the same as Yemen shooting halberds and Li Guangye's crossbow. Lu Bu's good archery is not false, but if it is not luck, he can shoot beyond 150 steps. The tip of the Chinese sky painting halberd? Even if Li Guang is divine, not every arrow is in Shiling!

(If you still do n’t understand it well, you can understand it this way, Ding Junhui can score 147 points, but it means that he has this strength, it does not mean that he can play every time, and it is also related to the spirit, state, luck, and psychology at that time!)

Therefore, even if Nie Yun has realized the realm in previous lives, it only means that he has a better chance of breaking through than others. He also needs opportunities. Once the opportunities are available, he can be successfully promoted and succeed.

"Haha, it ’s our allies here, you new entrants

Door jumping beam clown, **** guy, this time it's doomed! "

I saw a shocking move as soon as the person came out, and a disciple in front of Xiaohu shouted with a distorted red face.

However, before the roar was over, I felt my neck tightened, and the tiger in front of me mentioned that he was blocking the arrow board.

"Ah ... no, Brother Xiao Ling don't do it ..." The arrogant laughter was caught in the throat for a moment, and the excited disciples were frightened.

Xiao Xiaohu had long been given the advice of Nie Yun. Once someone came to stop him, no matter how strong his strength was, it was enough to take out these old disciples and block them. He didn't believe that the other party dared to kill these subordinates.



Sure enough, the huge palm-like captive power had not yet completely fallen, and an extremely angry hum was issued, and then "wow!" The palmprint disappeared and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

I was Xiao Ling rushing all the way.

At this time, Xiao Ling had an ugly face and a twitching skin. She was angry because of the refusal of the fairy of Taitai. If it was not for fear of killing her subordinates, I would have completely destroyed this place with great mana. Already.

"You're called Yunfeng?"

He stood still, Xiao Ling turned to look at Nie Yun.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that the little tiger and the little tiger are monsters, and the master is exactly this boy called Yunfeng.

"Yes!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Okay, good!" Xiao Ling's face was dumbfounded, seeing Xiao Hu and other beasts grabbing their subordinates, took a deep breath to suppress the anger, and looked at Nie Yun indifferently, Lengheng: "It seems this The disciple who is new to this course is getting more and more unruly. I thought how strong I was, and the peak of the early days of imagination? Well, how about it! I now give you two choices. First, you will immediately Let it go, take out a million unique gemstones and apologize to me for Ling Tianmeng's courtesy. This is not a blame in the past! Second, I don't mind bullying and letting you pay an unbearable price for today's affairs! "

"A million unique gemstones? Are you frustrated?" Nie Yun looked weird when he heard him.

With one million unique gemstones, Hua Yunzong's wealth that the elders could not get, let him take out apologize and apologize. Is this person's brain broken?

"Okay, okay, now that you choose the second path, then I will complete you!" Taking a step forward, Xiao Ling's eyes narrowed, and his imposing momentum rushed into the sky.

"Xiao Ling, this boy offends our fantasy alliance, let me deal with it!"

Before he had time to start, he heard a rush of wind behind him, and then a figure flew over him.

一 As soon as this person came over, other old disciples who came to watch the crowd also flew over, and the dense battle became a circle with hundreds.

The new entry disciples challenge the dignity of the old disciples. This is a big sensation. All the disciples want to come and see, which cow dare to do this and how to end it.

"Ge Huan?" Xiao Ling turned her head to look at the person who came, and flung her sleeves.

He and Ge Huan are old opponents. The alliance formed by the two is even more tit-for-tat. Despite having a common "enemy" this time, the enemy still has no good face.

"Boy, I have to admit, you are really arrogant!" Ge Huan fell to the ground and saw his subordinates covered with trees, and his face was bleak. "However, arrogance must have the strength to match it, and you are afraid of your strength It's not enough! "

Ji Gehuan did not shoot directly like Xiao Ling, but glanced at the juvenile in front of him, rubbed the ring on his finger, and hummed gently.

"It ’s not up to you to match your strengths. Try it out!" Ignoring the surroundings of many old disciples, Nie Yun said lightly. Turning around, she saw that the bamboo sound on one side had trembling in her legs and her face was pale. Pale, so scared that he can't stand up anymore. It seems that this guy usually talks a lot, and it is not good at critical moments ...

"A lot of old disciples ..."

Not only did the bamboo sound become this ~ www.readwn.com ~ even Ouyang Shixiong and Zhang Bai who dared to come to help from the back all felt dark before their eyes and were about to faint.

Hundreds of old disciples ... It's over, it's really over this time!

Thinking about things will surely cause a lot of trouble, but I did not expect it to be so big!

Surrounded by so many old disciples who are satisfied with the virtual reality, even the powerful people can't escape!

I thought of this, and the two of them at the same time raised strong concerns about this cloud wind.

"Very good, the ignorant are useless. It seems that I don't give you a lesson. I don't know how high the sky is! Xiao Ling, did you take the shot, or did I take the shot?" Hearing the words of the teenager, Ge Huan's face became more gloomy, his fists tightened, and his voice indifferent. With killing intention.

"My Ling Tianmeng thing, of course, I have to do it myself ..." Before Xiao Ling's words were heard, he heard the boy in front of him, and suddenly took a step forward.

"To shut up!"

A cold drink, like a clash of gold stones, shocked both of their heads at the same time.

"You ..." I didn't expect this other person to dare to scold them, and their voices were so ruthless, their faces turned red and almost exploded.

"Well, now that the leaders of Ling Tianmeng and Fantasy Gemeng are here, let's discuss the compensation of your people breaking into our yard!"

I interrupted their nonsense, Nie Yun said lightly.


All the veteran disciples all froze, their eyes almost fell to the ground. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 缥缈 落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to Chinese website, give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions Please go to Piaoxu to ask questions. If you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu.

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