Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 710: Deep Sea Ghost


Two rushing water arrows rushed straight towards the ghostly misty sea.

Every time Shuijian went, the surrounding monsters would be smashed into the flesh by the swaying swordsman at the back. The speed was so fast that even the Lingtai Lingyue walking in front was surprised.

Although she has been very optimistic about Yunfeng's strength, she did not expect that it would be more powerful than expected!

In particular, one-handed swordsmanship is ingenious and unpredictable when the shot is taken. If it is not for the first time, I really don't know that someone will use the sword to such an extent.

The amazing special talent, coupled with such great swordsmanship, made her more and more curious and strange about the boy.

Geniuses have seen a lot. It's the first time I can see such a genius.

Huantai Lingyue was surprised. Among the monsters in the ghostly sea, a message spread. The news was simple. There were two ruthless people in the ghostly sea, wherever they went, even in the middle of the virtual reality. Beasts are not one enemy, and die instantly!

The spread of this news reduced the obstruction of the two, and the road was smoother.

This is why Nie Yun deliberately concealed his strength. If he did not hide it, even in the later stage of the virtual realm, even the peak monsters, he could directly kill.

"It doesn't seem difficult to make a 10,000 merit!"

After walking for half a day in the ghostly sea, Nie Yunyu's meritorious value has reached 10,000.

It was very simple for him, but it was a bit difficult for other core disciples. After all, it took a long time to fly to the ghostly sea, and then hunted more than a dozen monsters in the virtual world and the bridge environment. If it is not top-notch, we want to pass smoothly. It's really difficult.

"The road I took before was only considered to be a disciple's trial site. It is not particularly dangerous. The real danger is coming soon. If you step back now, you have time!"

After another day, the color of the sea water changed from the dark to dark before. Huantai Lingyue stopped suddenly and said lightly.

This time she had persuaded Nie Yun to leave for the third time, but this guy insisted very much and had to keep up to make her feel very touched.

Others followed, almost all thinking about how to please. How to compliment, and his eyes were clear, but he just wanted to protect himself. It felt as if he was hiding behind his elders in his youth, full of safety.

"Don't ask this sentence. I'll go wherever you go. I don't trust you to leave alone!" Nie Yun chuckled.

Although she is still indifferent, after more than three days of getting along, her attitude is obviously more relaxed than before.

Seeing that Nie Yun's eyes were firm, Lingtai Lingyue knew that he could not be discouraged. Without speaking, he turned and flew forward.

Dark sea water. The pressure is greater than before, and the field of vision is shrinking again. I could see hundreds of kilometers. Now when I look at the sky, I can only see scenes that are dozens of kilometers away.

Moreover, the more you go inside, the more the coldness and coldness become more and more intense. You must run mana at all times to keep your body flexible. Once you stop, you will feel that your blood will freeze and you will die at any time.

Running mana all the time, it consumes a lot, and there is almost no aura here. If it was not for the talent of Master Qi, Nie Yun would not dare to come down, I really do n’t know why Lingtai Lingyue has such a strong mana.


Moving forward, in the dark sea water, suddenly the countless cold air of arrows, suddenly shot over.

These arrows are more icy than the seawater, with a strong cold chill. As long as they are hit, even the powerful people will break the mana and stiffen their bodies!

"The defense division resists!"

Seeing that the arrows were dense and dodging, Nie Yun's body flickered, and the defensive air turned on, enclosing Lingtai Moon.

Even Xiao Tian and others could not be seen in Tianyan's eyes, and they certainly couldn't see themselves, so even if they showed their hole cards, there was nothing wrong.

"Talent division talent?" Lingtai Lingyue stunned.

"You have to hold these defensive qi first, and it is easy to use in case of danger!" Knowing that there are a lot of special talents exposed in front of her, the more explanation the more troublesome, Nie Yun is too lazy to talk nonsense, fingers a dozen dozen defenses The breath penetrated into her body.

For her, Nie Yun will not hesitate, as long as it can reduce her risk a little, even if she gives her life.

Not because of her beauty and appearance, but the love and persistence of previous lives.

"This ..." Feeling the defensive gas that poured into the body, Lingtai Lingyue wanted to refuse. When he saw the insistence in the other's eyes, he stopped talking, and looked forward at the dangling arrows on the defensive tortoise shell. Road: "This is the arrow of the **** of phantom that is unique to the ghostly misty sea. These things are gathered from the ocean's yin. When struck, the body will appear short-term stiffness. This is just the simplest level in the ghostly misty sea. There are many dangers behind, some of which can't be resisted by the defense talent! "


Nie Yun nodded.

The trial of the Ghostly Mist and the Sea could make the core disciples jealous. It is certainly not that simple, but no danger would let him turn away.

Not to mention that Tianwai Zhibao may have a special breath, even if she does not, she will not give up for her.

It's not that Nie Yun feels a little uncomfortable about love, but that he lives a lifetime and must have a dream in his heart and insist on it. If you give up even dreams and persistence, what's the point of being born again?

Besides, there is also the talent of Xiangshui division. If you really need to encounter an irreversible situation, you can easily escape, and you will be lucky.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The arrow of the **** of darkness seems to be sane. Seeing that the defense in front of the two cannot be broken, it slowly dissipates and disappears quickly.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that the attack of the arrow of the ghost disappeared, Lingtai Lingyue broke free from the defensive tortoise shell and swept forward.

She was very close to the other side just now, and she had never been in contact with the opposite sex. She was somewhat uncomfortable. At this time, the arrow of the **** of darkness disappeared, and she immediately proceeded.


After advancing for a while, a stream of water rolled over the bottom of the sea, a loud roar rang out, and then a huge monster rushed out.

This monster is golden in all things and looks like a big fish, but the body is covered with dense scales. At a glance, you know that the defense is very strong.

"Respond to the peak of the virtual reality?"

Seeing this guy, Nie Yun froze.

The monsters that I encountered before were only in the early and middle stages of the virtual reality, and the strongest were not in the latter stages. Now, when they appear, they are the pinnacles. Will deeper guys appear?

Really have this kind of guy, even if the strength is not weak, dare not continue to go deep, you must fight back home!

"Well, this is a deep-sea ghost head! The bottom of the sea is its main battlefield. It can exert its strength beyond its own. After a while, I will fight with it, attracting attention. If you see the opportunity is right, leave directly ...

Seeing this big guy covered in scales, Lingtai Lingyue also showed dignity.

The ghosts of the top of the virtual realm are more powerful than half-steps breaking through the air. In addition, being on the bottom of the sea and standing on the ground is cheaper. It is very difficult to overcome.

"The two little dolls are not very old and their strength does not seem weak, but since they dare to come to the ghostly sea, they must be prepared for death!"

As soon as the Shenhai ghost head beast appeared, he spoke with Nie Yun and Lingtai Lingyue.

"Be prepared to die, huh, then you die first!"

When he heard it, Nie Yun smiled lightly, flipped the palm of his hand, Xuan Yu's sword appeared on the palm of his hand, and his body flashed, appearing in front of this giant monster.

"Be careful ~ www.readwn.com ~ This guy is so defensive, he can't force it ..."

Seeing Yun Feng was so reckless, he rushed over before he finished speaking, and Yantai Lingyue raised an eyebrow and shot.

But before moving, I saw the black epee, cut through the sea, and smashed straight up.


There was no earth-shattering water explosion, no huge mana shock, and the girl's bright eyes dazzled as soon as the girl fell into a stun, turning it into a huge corpse, slowly sinking down.

"So strong ..." Lingtai Lingyue stunned.

The deep-sea ghost head is very strong in defense, and it is impossible to harm it in general attacks. Because of this, she is afraid of it. I did not expect this cloud wind, just a sword, it seems that the power is not strong, and then kill it directly .

The elegant swordsmanship before, heavy swordsmanship and many talents at this time ... His means seem to be more than imagined! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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