Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 723: False benevolence

"Yeah, this person must be killed. Xiao Ling, Ge Huan, Du Jun, etc. were killed in the ghostly fog and the sea, and it must have been his poisonous hand! Only joining Hua Yunzong was so desperate that he really wanted to be allowed to develop Is that okay? "After listening to Lu Xiao's words, it seemed that Yun Feng had to be dealt with. Ling Yi's eyes brightened, and he quickly struck iron while hot.

"Xiao Ling and Ge Huan are dead?" Prior to the accident at Tianwai Zhibao, he had been at Ling Xiaoding and did not know the news. He heard it suddenly and his face sank.

Xiao Ling and Ge Huan are among the core disciples. The talents cultivated by Zongmen are killed, which is tantamount to an earthquake.

"Yes, their soul jade is broken a few days ago. It is definitely this cloud-dried person who went to the trial. Only he has the strength to kill the core disciples and ignore the majesty of the law enforcement hall. He also asked Elder Lu to decide! "

Liao Liang also shouted quickly.

"Do you have any evidence?" Lu Xiao asked, his face getting more gloomy.

"We ... have no evidence, but it must be him, a core disciple who has just started. As long as the elders speak, even if there is no evidence, there is absolutely no one to dare to say anything!"

"This scourge must be killed!"

Ling Yi and Liao Liang were busy.

"Relax!" After hearing their shouts, Lu Xiao snorted and turned around and instructed the two core disciples not far away, "Bao Xing and Du Yun, the two of you to catch this cloud wind for me, I If you want to interrogate it yourself, you have to see if there is anything that makes him so arrogant! If you dare to resist, kill him directly! "

Bao Xing and Du Yun, the sixth and eighth figures of the potential list, the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall. Normally, Lu Xiao doesn't care about anything, basically they both do the work for them.

"Yes!" The two responded at the same time. Bao Xing suddenly stepped forward and said, "Elder Lu, this Yunfeng has formed a Fengyun League. Recently, it has been the same. Many disciples have joined. What should I do?"

"Fengyun League? Don't worry about it first. Dispose of Yunfeng and the trees fall apart. There is no fuss. If you deal with them, let others say that our law enforcement hall is unfair!"

Lu Xiao shook his hands.

"Yes, we'll do it right away!"

Bao Xing and Du Yun nodded, turned around and walked out of the Law Enforcement Hall, but after a short time, they returned again because they couldn't find Nie Yun's trace in Tianwaitian.

"Find it for me. Be sure to find this guy for me!"

Lu Xiao shouted, remembering that apprentice Yuan Kui's death might also be related to this cloud wind, like a wild lion.

The leader of the Taishang Presbyterian Church in charge of the Law Enforcement Church was angry. All law enforcement disciples immediately flew around in Tianwaitian like chicken blood. Suddenly, the entire Huayunzong seemed to have a huge earthquake. For this new core disciple named Yunfeng, he sweated coldly.

Those who did not join the Fengyun League secretly rejoiced. The Fengyun League also began to be turbulent, and felt that the owner was in trouble. Withdrawing from the alliance, people were turbulent for a while. Chaos.


Nie Yun didn't know how big a shock his move in the Law Enforcement Hall, but guessed, even if he didn't know.

At that time, even if he did not resist, he would definitely be charged with the crime and abolition of cultivation. Rather than counterattack, it would be better.

Although Hua Yunzong pays attention to rules, all rules are related to strength and potential. As long as he shows super strong strength, he will definitely attract the attention of the strong and turn the danger into danger.

In any case, he and Elder Nan have two sides. His sister is a disciple of North Elder and Lingtai Lingyue is a disciple of East Elder. Based on these relationships, even if exposed, relying on the identity of Sword God Sect to teach, the other party cannot How about yourself.

After all, Hua Yunzong is now an eventful season, and the alliance with the sword **** sect is much stronger than the enemy. As long as the elders are not stupid, they will not make a mentally disabled decision.

Because of knowing this, he dared to make a lawsuit, otherwise, even if he was aggrieved, he would not be so reckless.

Everything is in the calculation. The two generations were human. The previous life spent more than a hundred years in Yunzong. They have a good grasp of the situation and will never make mistakes.

Without thinking about the turmoil in Yunzong, Nie Yunzheng and Lingtai Lingyue were walking on the way up the mountain.

The mountain road looks simple. In fact, the crisis is perilous. This Dajuehui Temple does n’t know what level of monks it has, and it continues to utter the Sanskrit sounds along the way. These Sanskrit sounds tell the truth of the road, and people ca n’t help but indulge in it. , Is tantamount to being brainwashed and becoming a loyal believer in Buddhism.

On several occasions, Nie Yun almost couldn't hold it. Fortunately, the defense division's talents operated autonomously, so that he could wake up. Otherwise, if he really wanted to be immersed in it, he would lose his cultivation path, persist in himself, and completely sink.

Each practitioner has his own insistence. Nie Yun's insistence is to make all his loved ones better. For this, he keeps practicing, and once he is obsessed with the Buddha's door and completely loyal to the Buddha, it is equal to losing his heart and losing his original dream. Achievement Avenue?

Therefore, although this passage does not have any rampant attacks and no monsters, it is the most dangerous experience of Nie Yun's life.

"Buddhism is really powerful. If I do n’t practice magic skills, I can compete with them at critical moments. Even if I have the talent of a defender, I can't resist it ..."

Suddenly in his heart, Nie Yun looked dignified.

In addition to the talents of the defender, the key is because he has practiced magic skills, because magic skills and buddha skills oppose each other, so that he can wake up at a critical moment and recognize his own Tao more clearly.

Zizi Zizi!

Recognizing the cultivation path, Nie Yun felt that the soul became more and more pure, and the direction of the cultivation in front became clearer.

This feeling accumulated, making his soul more and more pure, more and more transparent. Finally, on the third day, a roar in his mind, like a broken egg, the soul strength increased again. Three small levels, reaching the fourth level.

Although the mana still hasn't increased, but with the promotion of the soul, his strength has improved again. At this time, the mana is matched with the powerful soul, and even if he encounters the early strong man who can block the space, he is not so passive You can even kill it.

The soul was promoted, and the speed of progress was much faster. Finally, half a day later, he arrived in front of the Dajuehui Temple. When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Nie Yun thought he would be able to go up in a long time.

However, it took him more than three days to get his soul promoted.

When I came to Dajuehui Temple, I looked up and saw that it was a very well-preserved temple. Before I entered it, I felt a breath of a giant Buddha door. Compared to this, the Buddha received from Hu Kui Bone relics and rosary are not a grade at all.

I really do n’t know where to enter this treasure door treasure from Lingtai Lingyue, it is really a huge opportunity.

Anyway, at least the past life, I have never heard her say.

In front of the Dajuehui Temple is a series of stone steps, smooth and tidy. Although it seems that I have been silent for thousands of years, there is no trace of dust on it, which is clean and abnormal.

It seems that even if the owner of this temple has long been obliterated by the wheel of history, it still keeps his faith in the spotless.

Huantai Lingyue and Nie Yun glanced at each other and stepped on the steps.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As soon as I walked up the steps, I heard several bells.

The bells are loud and the sound waves ripple, making the surrounding space like water waves.


When the bell was over, four white-robed monks suddenly appeared in front of the two, blocking the way forward. These four were the same as the previous blue-robed monks, but they raised their hands to reveal more powerful capabilities than the blue-robed monks. .

"so much?"

Seeing four emerged, Nie Yun secretly grieved. Before that, a monk in a green robe made him embarrassed. Four ... would you tell me here?

"It's the same as before, I'm in charge of two, and you're in charge of both!" Lingtai Lingyue also looked dignified.

"Hmm!" Knowing the strength of the monk, Nie Yun didn't dare to pretend to be big. As soon as his wrist turned, the sword of the sword **** appeared in the palm of his hand, and his foot suddenly rushed forward.

"A quiet place for the Buddha, please don't move your sword ..."

Before coming to Baipaoyu, I heard a loud voice sounding. The one on the far left was talking. This one had his hands folded, his face was reverent, and he didn't seem to be fighting.

"Don't move the blade?" Nie Yun stopped by seeing that the other party had no intention of doing anything.

It's better not to do it. It's not easy to defeat the two monks smoothly, although the strength has been improved.

"Be careful!"

I put the sword of the sword **** into Dantian and wanted to talk to the other party, I heard the anxious voice of Lingtai Lingyue, and then Nie Yun saw a palm suddenly appeared in front of him, without a trace, already pressed Chest.


I didn't expect this monk in white robes was so treacherous. He said don't move the blade, but took the opportunity to sneak in, and Nie Yun screamed with anger, the situation was so critical that he had no time to resist, but let the defensive air turn and blocked his chest. Position, and immediately hit "Fuck!"

"There are some monks in Buddhism, and the kindness on the mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ is actually not the case. You have to be careful. Don't believe their words!"

Seeing that Nie Yun was injured, but not too serious, Lingtai Lingyue relieved and shouted quickly.

Buddhism, on the surface, is kind and loving. In fact, once they believe what they say, they are washing their brains and becoming slaves who can only obey the teachings. They have no freedom.

This result is actually more cruel than great sin, great cruelty.

Therefore, when encountering monks full of benevolence and morality, they often have to be careful. If they carelessly, they take a shot when they preach love, and you do n’t know how to die.

"Okay!" Nie Yun hadn't had many fights with Buddhist monks in his previous life, and it wasn't clear what he knew. At this time, when he heard the words of Lingtai Lingyue, a bitterness flashed in his eyes and he took the sword of the sword **** in his palm again. The palms shook, a colorful light flashed, and the Seven Swords of Great Compassion was exhibited.

ps: At 12 pm, Lao Ya will be on time to start the violent rhythm of the three chapters of violent onset, double the monthly ticket, begging for monthly ticket support, the more monthly tickets, the more outbreaks. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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