Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 727: 1 punch fly

Chapter 727 A punch and fly [4 more] "Leader?"

"The lord is back!"

"I said that the lord would not leave us alone!"

"The leader is a hero who stands up to the sky. Since even the elders of the cabinet dare to fight, how can he escape ... I have always believed that he will return!"

When they saw the figure in front of the crowd, there was an uproar, and Ouyang Shixiong and Zhu Yin were all red.

These days they are under too much pressure. Everyone said that Yunfeng fled because of fear of sin. In the face of such rumors, they were confused and doubted, but they persisted. Now they see that the rumors are growing thin and thin in the youth. Under attack without breaking, how can you not get excited and excited?

"You are Yunfeng? Doesn't it look good?"

Seeing the crowd's expressions, Du Yun guessed that this boy should be the unsettling cloud wind that caused the Yunzong chicken and dog to be disturbed, with a mockery on his face, said coldly.

"Regardless of who you are, let go of Zhu Yin immediately and get out of me immediately!"

Ignoring Du Yun, Nie Yun looked up at Bao Xing, his eyes were cold.

"Are you blind? Don't you see that we are disciples in the Law Enforcement Hall?"

Seeing that the teenager ignored him directly, Du Yun's face flushed, and he was angry and stood in front of Nie Yun, with a strong disdain in his eyes.

"I didn't talk to you, go away!"

Seeing that this guy was standing in front of him, Nie Yun snorted and punched with a punch!

"you wanna die!"

Du Yun is the eighth-ranked person who broke the empty potential list anyway. Now he is so ignored that he is so angry that his blood rushes to his face and he is greeted with a punch.

I chose to go head to head with Nie Yun!

Du Yun ’s nickname is [Green Face Boxing King], and his accomplishments in boxing are among the core disciples of Hua Yunzong. Although he is a trick that has been met in a hurry, the shot shows a solid foundation. The air flow surging, the mana is vertical and horizontal.

The strength of this punch stayed intact, it seemed simple and actually concentrated his whole body's strength to release it. If Nie Yun's strength is not enough, such a hard touch will definitely suffer a big loss.

"Jumping Clown!"

With an eyebrow raised, Nie Yun didn't bother to care how strong his fist was, and the power on his arm burst out.


Du Yun intersected, Du Yun's face flushed, "Oh!" He flew out and fell heavily to the ground. The arm bone of his arm was cut into a section.

"What? Fist against Brother Du Yun and shatter his arm?"

"Brother Du Yun's fist has always been so powerful that he was defeated for a moment. This ... is it really a new core disciple?"

"It's terrible, no wonder it's so arrogant ..."

Seeing this, other law enforcement disciples stared at the same time.

Most of these people have heard of Yunfeng and have not seen it with their own eyes. At this time, Du Yun, who is famous for his fists, was slammed by the other side and punched into twists. .

Du Yun had fought the top-notch spirit soldiers with bare hands and fumbled. This was a defeat. Could the other's fist be able to break the top-quality spirit soldiers?

"Very good, I can beat Du Yun with one punch. It seems I look down on you!"

Stopping on Baoxing of Zhuyin, seeing this young guy in front of him, Du Yun was injured in one stroke, his eyes narrowed, revealing the coldness.

Du Yun broke the sixth potential list, even if he wanted to defeat so easily, it was not so easy. The boy in front of him easily injured him, which shows that his strength is beyond expectations!

That's right. Only with such strength can Liao Liang and others be injured.

"Still the same, put the bamboo sound and get out of here!" Taking a step forward, Nie Yun stared at Bao Xing closely.

"Interesting and interesting, this is the first time I've seen a character who is more arrogant than our law enforcement team. Good, boy, you have a seed! However, I don't care if you have a seed or a seed, but now I give you two choices. First, Bring your own torture, follow me back to the law enforcement hall, and undergo interrogation. I ca n’t take a shot. Second, I take a shot and take you along with this situation alliance! Choose the first one, you can accept less crime, choose the second And once there is any damage, don't blame me for being cruel! "

In the cold hum, Bao Xing waved his arm.


The law enforcement disciples behind him saw the gesture, and while walking forward, they surrounded Nie Yun with a law enforcement lock on each palm.

This time the law enforcement lock is not the same as before. The whole body is golden and has reached the level of a half-step gem. The power is several times stronger than before.

It seems that they also know that ordinary law enforcement locks are useless to the teenager in front of them, and they have directly won the best.

In the middle of the law enforcement lock is a dark jade card with a thunderous atmosphere on it. As long as the person is locked, the power of thunder and chill on the jade card will be excited and the trapped person will be exhausted Torture.

"Leader, this is the most terrible [Thunder Enforcement Cage] of the Law Enforcement Hall. There is a blessing of dragon interest on it. Once tied, even the strongest can not escape, be careful ..."

Seeing this iron chain, Ouyang Shixiong changed his face and hurriedly shouted.

Although the Thunder Enforcement Cage is the same as the Enforcement Lock, it is more powerful. Those who are **** not only cannot escape but also suffer. It is no longer an ordinary spirit soldier, but a torture tool.

"Want me to bring this, why don't you bring it yourself?"

Nie Yun knew this naturally, and Hua Yunzong used it to deal with the monster's treasure, but he didn't expect it to be used against himself, and an anger was burning in his chest.

"Toasting without eating and drinking! In this case, don't blame me!"


Bao Xing shouted.


With his voice, the disciples holding the Thunder Enforcement Cage immediately turned, and the Enforcement Cage danced like a snake, instantly turning into a dragon, confining the space where Nie Yun was.


Regardless of the other's eye-moving movements and gestures, Nie Yun took a few steps at the foot of his foot, spotted a direction, and suddenly hit it with one palm.

Capricorn **** palm, stars are infinite!

The powerful mana gathered to form a huge palm print. The mana run between the palm prints is in line with the operation of the heavens and the stars. This direction is the law enforcement disciple with the lowest strength among the circle.


With a loud noise, the disciple with the lowest strength had not had time to arrange the formation, and felt a choking pressure rushed forward, his chest slumped, blood arrows burst out, and he was seriously injured in a blink of an eye.

He was seriously injured. The so-called formation method is equivalent to instantaneous cracking, and it is no longer useful.

In the previous life, as an old antique of Yunzong, he knew the situation of holding the Thunder's law enforcement cage and siege. He knew how to break the battle. At this time, he moved and grabbed it without any effort.

"Go away for me!"

Breaking the siege, the gale mysterious sky moves, Nie Yun's footsteps slipped, came to Bao Xing, his finger forwards ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bamboo sound in his hand, Nie Yun dare not use the powerful attack Method, however, this finger also contains all his power, mana spins quickly, making his fingertips appear as a black hole.


Bao Xing did not expect that the boy in front of him had such a means. He could see the flaws of the siege formation. He cracked it with a trick, his face was gloomy, and when he could not dodge, he caught his fingers like a hook.

His trick is called the Eagle Hook, although it is not the supreme martial arts, it is an extremely sophisticated one of the supreme martial arts. It has a strong finger force and a strong mana force, and its strength is roaring. It is amazing.


Regardless of the power of his eagle hook, Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, and three fingers were continuously tapped.

boom! boom! boom!

Each of these three fingers carried the power of piercing the golden stone, as if hit by a mountain, Bao Xing was hit by three consecutive strong forces, his palm hurt, the eagle's hook was slightly retracted, his face was ugly, and his feet were sloppy. Backed off and exited more than ten meters.

"Sorry, it hurts you!"

Three fingers pushed Bao Xing back, Nie Yun didn't chase him, and he bent over and raised the bamboo sound lying on the ground. He grabbed the palm of his hand, and a treatment gas surged into his body to help recover the injury.

"Boss ..."

Seeing Yunfeng was not afraid to run away as the legend said, and once he arrived, he turned around and rescued himself. In this case, he spared no effort to help himself recover, Zhu Yin's eyes reddened again, and at the same time Secretly moved in my heart ...

With such a boss, even if he died, it was worth it! (To be continued.)

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