Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 729: Lu Xiao appeared

Chapter 729 Lu Xiao Appears. [6 more] "Why? Don't want to compensate?" Nie Yun raised her eyebrows and took a step forward.


He stepped forward, Bao Xing and others took a step back again, and even one law enforcement disciple stumbled to the ground because of confusion.

Let the virtual reality strong man stumble to panic, everyone was shocked.

"Compensation ... OK, I agree!"

I don't know how long, Bao Xing gritted his teeth.

Although he didn't want to, but the strength of the opponent was too strong, he really had to do it, and he must not be able to escape by himself. He really had to hang on the tree like Tiehe at the beginning, and his face was gone!

As for whether he would care about his identity as a law enforcement disciple, he would not be a killer ...

If he was so cautious, he wouldn't make such a big noise!

The guy in front of him is a master who is not afraid of the sky, and he doesn't know what it means to be afraid or what to worry about!

It's a big deal to endure the humiliation. Once Elder Lu Xiao goes out on his own, it will be his misfortune! At that time, you can return with all the benefits!

"One million rewards!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

The most important thing of Hua Yunzong is the contribution value, which can be exchanged for cheats and various treasures.

"1 million? You ..."

After hearing Nie Yun's words, Bao Xing's face became ugly.

The value of 1 million merits is a large sum for any person, enough to exchange six or seven outstanding spiritual soldiers. With so many contributions, even if Bao Xing is the most important person in the law enforcement team, he can't get it.

"Bao Xing, don't listen to his pretense. The trick just now must have consumed all mana, deliberately pretending to be strong and covering people's eyes!"

Suddenly, Du Yun shouted with a grimace.

Hearing Du Yun's roar, the disciples of the law enforcement team, who were a little scared, immediately suspected Dou Yunyun.

No wonder they are puzzled. Everyone has a certain degree of gas and sea. Just a move to defeat the joint attack of everyone, the outbreak of mana is strong. Even Jinghong, who has always been known for the strength of gas and sea, will probably consume it all at once. Mana, no ability to fight a second time!

Could the mana of Yunfeng be stronger than Jinghong? This should not be possible ...

The extent of Jing Hong's evil spirits has exceeded everyone's imagination. It can be seen from the perennial ranking of the potential to break through the air. It is said that he can break through the air long ago and has not broken through because of some kind of cultivation method Did not reach the level of perfection, once it is successful, it will definitely jump into the sky. It is said that it is possible to reach the middle and late stages directly in the early days of breaking the air!

Because of this evil spirit, everyone knows that Yunfeng is strong, but still feels that he cannot be Jing Hong's opponent.

Therefore, what Jing Hong couldn't do, he certainly couldn't do it. Du Yun was right in this way, maybe the current strength is just pretending!

"Pretend? It looks like I won't give you some color to see, I don't know what regrets!"

Nie Yun didn't know that everyone took himself to Jing Hong, and now sneered, his feet were still on the ground, and he grabbed them in the air.

This trick was not created by him casually, but the martial arts learned in the hands of a demon strong in the previous life, called [the dragon hand]. It is said that the dragon can be caught under one grasp.

Of course, being able to catch the dragon is definitely an exaggeration, but at least it shows that this trick is extremely powerful.


The space in front of the palm was cracked by him, and a palm like a dragon's claw pinched towards Du Yun severely.

"Impossible ... why can't you have such a strong mana ..."

Seeing this move, Du Yun almost scared to death.

He thought that the power of Yunfeng's body had been exhausted, and what he said just now was pretending. Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Although he didn't know the name of this trick at the moment, but from the mighty power alone, he could see that this kind of infinitely powerful trick relied entirely on strong mana support. Without mana, it had no effect at all.

"Nothing is impossible, come here!"

Ignoring his nonsense, Nie Yunshelong covered Du Yun in his hand, grabbed it in the palm, and brought it up.

"Let's do it together, let me die ..."

After all, Du Yun was a genius. He was caught by a move, his face flashed with confusion, and a gleaming dagger suddenly appeared on the palm. With the help of Nie Yun to pull him back, he suddenly stabbed.

At this moment, the timing was very accurate, and when Nie Yun's strength was pulled back, he couldn't avoid it, it was very difficult to prevent!

"Do it!"

Seeing Du Yun's actions, Bao Xing also flashed a hate in his eyes, a long cry, and suddenly broke into trouble.

With his actions, the remaining law enforcement disciples joined forces to attack again.

"court death!"

Nie Yun didn't expect this Bao Xing. He knew his own strength, and dared to do so.

Before, because I felt that they were all law enforcement disciples, and didn't want to make things too big, they didn't kill them. Now it seems that these people do not know how to deal with them, and they are not really hot.

In this case, leave them an unforgettable lesson!

For the dagger stabbed by Du Yun, he did not evade, and pointed his finger forward.


The extremely sharp and unique spirit soldier touched his fingertips, and a crisp sound was broken into pieces at the same time. At the same time, his body flickered, gliding a few steps in the air, his fingers opened, and suddenly, a huge Extreme mana landed like a mountain.

Although this move is still the fourth stroke of Capricorn God's palm, the star countless, but he slightly changed the violent power, but turned into the coercion of the earth's power.

Discussing with Lingtai Lingyue all the way, he regained his understanding of martial arts. Various tricks were jointly implemented to make it more mellow. Although this trick did not have the destructive power of Capricorn, the heavy pressure was even stronger in the early days of breaking the air No one can resist!


Palm strength slowly dropped, and Bao Xing and others felt like the sky and the ground collapsed. The uncontrollable bones of the whole body "creaked! Creak!", All knees were soft, and they knelt on the ground.

Du Yun was close to the ground, like a wax cake.


Dignified law enforcement disciples fell to the ground at the same time, and Bao Xing and others instantly felt dignity and red eyes.

Just now I thought that the mana in front of him was almost consumed, and now it seems that this idea is so ridiculous!

Where is there no mana? It is incredible!


The law enforcement team lost their dignity, Zhu Yin and others swallowed, standing one by one as petrochemicals.

These law enforcement disciples are not weaker than them. Bao Xing and Du Yun are extremely powerful. They are the sixth and eighth supreme figures in the potential potential breakthrough list. Such strong men can definitely stir the situation when thrown out. , Made a great fame in the floating heavens, and they joined together and even the leader did not catch a move, all fell to the ground, this ...

I can't believe it, but the scene in front of me is unquestionable. I don't know how long it took. Zhuyin and other talents accepted it helplessly ... The power of their leader has indeed exceeded their imagination and reached a level that they cannot understand. To the point!

"Since you don't know what to do, it looks like it can only be the same as before ..."

Suppressing the crowd, Nie Yun flew down from the air and came to Du Yun and Bao Xing in two steps.

"We are willing to pay compensation ..."

Seeing Nie Yun came to him, Bao Xing shivered, for fear of what he did, he shouted quickly.

"It's too late to pay the compensation now!" Nie Yun held his palm up and ignored it, ignoring his words. "I'm going to cut off your limbs one by one, and then hang it. On the outside tree, let everyone know that if you dare to offend us, consider your strength and skill first! "

What about law enforcement students? Fighting snakes and killing them, or they will definitely bite people, anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.

"You ... dare, I am the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall. If you cut off my limbs, it would be equal to hitting the face of Elder Lu Xiao, he will not let you go ..."

Seeing the juvenile radiance, Bao Xing shouted quickly.

But before the shout was over, there was a scream, the arm of his right hand was bloody, and he had been cut off with a brush.

"So big dog gall! Let me go!"

As soon as Bao Xing's arm was cut off, he heard a fierce roar, and then a violent mana suddenly rushed in, swaying away from the impact of mana, and the hall of discussion was under the impact of power. Just a moment, half of it collapsed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then, an old man in the early days of breaking through the sky suddenly appeared in the sky, showing a strong anger on his face.

The comer was an old man with white hair, a pair of triangular eyes flashing a vicious light, a green robe, thick hands and feet, and the appearance revealed the ability to understand space and destroy space.

Turned out to be a peak power in the early days of breaking the air!

When the old man couldn't hit, he fell from the air and saw Bao Xing and others kneeling on the ground. His white beard was trembling with irritation, and an unhealthy flush appeared on his face.

These are all his subordinates, and now kneeling on the ground is equivalent to pulling his face fiercely.

"Too elder?"

"The elder who broke the air?"

Although I don't know the name of this person, but seeing his strength, Zhu Yin and others all trembled, and they were afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

The four Supreme Masters of Huayun Sect and the Sovereign are not there. The elders who are too senior are the biggest. Now that such a ruthless person is shocked, can he survive?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes fell on the confederate, but when they saw the young confederate, a careless look, it seemed that they had known this person would come over without any surprise on their faces.

This expression made Zhu Yin and others start to feel restless.

"Elder Lu, it's Elder Lu! The elder rescues me. This cloud wind doesn't know what to do, and the crime is so terrible, you must kill it immediately ... Ah!"

Unlike the fear of Zhu Yin and others, Bao Xing saw the old man's eyes light up and yelled, but before he finished speaking, he screamed again, and the other arm had been cut by Nie Yun. (To be continued.)

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