Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 735: Cooperation

"Yun Xuan? Former Sword God Sovereign?" Mihua stunned.

He Yunxuan knew him, but the title of the former Sword God Sovereign made him a little dazed.

Since the last time he met with Yun Xuan, he has been in retreat, and he did not know that the God of Sword God has undergone an upheaval.

"Yes, there was a big turmoil some time ago. The former Sovereign Yun Xuan was defeated by the new Sovereign and escaped from the Sect!"

An elder seemed to see his doubts and explained.

"Defeat Yun Xuan? Who is this new suzerain?" Mihua froze.

Yun Yunxuan's methods, he knows very well, no matter the effort or strength, is not worse than himself, how can such a strong person be defeated? Even the position of suzerain has been replaced?

"Jian Shen Zong blocked the news very well, we don't know, but it is said that he is a Kendo master and has been recognized by the ancestor of the sword god!"

The elder answered.

The news that Xie Nieyun became the Sovereign of the Sword God is very tightly sealed. Not many people know it, and the Mi Shenzong has not received the news. It is only a mystery that a Kendo master has inherited the position of the Sovereign.

"Are there such a thing? Kendo, how could Kendo appear? Let her in!" Mihua was surprised.

"Yes!" Mi Lin promised, and then heard a footstep sound, a slender and enchanting figure came in from outside the hall.

"The Lord Mihua is here!"

The snoring sounded, with the power of fascinating charm, coupled with the beautiful appearance and fairy-like **** body, all the elders in the hall all had red eyes for a while.

"It turned out to be Lord Xuan Xuan. I wonder what happened to me at this time?"

Mihua said lightly.

"Natural benefits for Mi Shenzong!" Yun Xuan chuckled softly, holding her hair in her ears.

"Benefits to Mijinjo? Listen to it!"

Mi Mihua raised her eyebrows.

"Hehe, then I said directly that the Lord Mihua chased and killed the young man named Nie Yun, it should be for the sword of heaven! Now this Nie Yun has snatched the position of my suzerain and became the suzerain suzerain, I do not know this News, has the sovereign heard of it? "

Speaking of Nie Yun, Yun Xuan Qiao's face showed a trace of viciousness and coldness.

"Nie Yun robbed you of the sovereign? You mean the swordsman who robbed you of your position, is Nie Yun?" Mihua's eyes widened.

"Yes, this little beast!" Remembering Xuan Yin's teeth clenched, remembering that all the means in Nie Yun's hands were frustrated and insulted.

"Impossible! How could he be a Kendo?" Mihua couldn't believe it.

As far as he knows, this Nie Yun should be a Nagushi (Nantan Dantian), a healer, an alchemist, a beast trainer, a vigorous division, a disguise division, a beacon division, an immortal division, a land traveller ... Nine Dantians! How could it still be Kendo talent?

You must know that having Kendo Aura and Kendo Master is completely two concepts. Being able to gain the approval of the ancestor of the sword **** can make Yun Xuan defeat. It cannot be accomplished by Kendo Air. After all, Yun Xuan is the lord of the sword god. There is certainly a lot of kendo air.

"Does ... this Nie Yun has the ability to change talents and increase talents?"

Suddenly an idea came to mind.

想法 This idea caught a trace before the retreat, and now finally realized it.

However, although I guessed, I still felt ridiculous. Talent and Dan Tian were born as soon as they were born. Changing talent, I have never heard of it since ancient times!

"I'm afraid it's this Nie Yun who got some kind of artifact that can run the talent more perfectly. If I can get this kind of thing, the strength will definitely increase!"

According to common sense, talent can't be changed. There is only one way to say that this Nie Yun has some kind of artifact beyond imagination, which allows people to freely use the spirit of talent, and can exert the same effect as the special talent.

These thoughts flickered in my mind, but Mihua's face was not shown, but her fingers were tapping on the handrail on the throne, saying: "Secretary Yun Xuan means that I will help you regain the position of suzerain and take this Nie Yun killed? "

"No! The position of Sword God Sovereign, I am bound to get it. I do not need your help. This time I come to discuss with the Mihua Sovereign, how to make the Lord of the Eight Sects!"

Qi Yunxuan said.

"Make Yasamune the first of the Eight Sects?"

"Mr. Yun Xuan means to make Sword God Sect surpass Hua Yunzong?"

"how can that be……"

"Even if the family of Huayunzong is big, even if it is now declining, there are eight elders and four elders in the Dantian acupoints who are out of the realm. It is difficult to overdo them ..."

Hearing this, the whole hall was in an uproar first, and then all the elders couldn't help shaking their heads, thinking it was an impossible task.

Although Hua Yunzong's prestige is not as strong as before, it is still very powerful. It is not that their other gates can touch their fingers. Otherwise, Tianwaitian, such a holy place of cultivation, would have been captured.

"Mr. Yun Xuan has any suggestions, let's talk and listen!" Although my heart was as confused as everyone else, Mihua asked it.

"It's very simple. As long as you can encourage the other six major gates to deal with Hua Yunzong and siege Ling Xiaoding, even if it is the first gate, there is nothing you can do!"

Qi Yunxuan laughed.

"Encourage the other six sects? Each sect has its own ideas. With a few words, they can be used to deal with Hua Yunzong?"

"No one is a fool. Although the siege of Hua Yunzong may have great benefits, it is also dangerous. They will not agree!"

"The eight major gates are all in peace, whoever is so stupid, takes the initiative ..."

"There is an agreement between our ancestors first, and the first thing to do is not reasonable ..."

Everyone thought that Yun Xuan had a good way. When they heard this, they all shook their heads.

The eight major gates have always been safe and sound, and the gap in strength is one reason. More importantly, there is a conventional agreement between the gates that does not violate each other.

It's not necessary to unite one or two sect gates. It is impossible to combine six other sect gates to besiege the Huazong sect!

安静 "Quiet, listen to Lord Yun Xuan's explanation!" Mihua interrupted the discussion among the elders.

According to his understanding of Yun Xuan, this woman has always planned to move afterwards. Since she dares to say so, there must have been a final decision and it will not be groundless.

"Oh, it's not easy to instigate the six sects at the same time to besiege Yunzong. After all, each sect has its own abacus, but what if it has enough profit?" Yun Xuan said with a slight smile and paused. "Like ... the Big Dipper?"

"Big Dipper House?"

"As the top of the eight major gates, you should all have heard of the Big Dipper House left by the Big Dipper King. It records things about climbing the ladder of heaven, and has a way to make people break through the Dantian acupoints! And turn on this star The keys of the government are Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianxuan, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang Seven-Handed Long Sword! "

Yun Xuan said with a smile: "Seven-handed sword, one handle alone cannot open the Big Dipper, two handles, and three handles? The three-handed sword is almost half. Even if the core of the star handle cannot be opened, the periphery should not be a problem! No one knows what the Big Dipper has ~ www.readwn.com ~ In case there is a way to break through the Dantian acupoints, haha, what do you think will happen? "

Although some people have entered the Big Dipper House before, the entire army was annihilated and almost all died. I don't know what it contains.

However, although people are dead, they also know that the Beidouxingfu is divided into the periphery and the core. The nine jade seals in Zihuadongfu can enter the core, and three can enter the periphery. The Beidouxingfu is similar. It may not be possible to have one or two long swords. Enter, but if the three-handed sword is united, it will definitely cause a change and enter the periphery!

This is not speculation, but it has been implemented before. It can be checked and documented.

"What do you mean? There is an agreement among the eight gates, have they been united? Have you got three swords?"

Sure enough, when he heard Yun Xuan's words, the face of Mihua and a elder all showed a dignified color.

"It's not that you have three swords, but ... At this point, Hua Yunzong has gathered three swords!" Yun Xuan's white face revealed a cold and indifferent light. You should know that he is now the Sovereign of the Sword God, and he has obtained the Sword of Heavenly Power. If we add the Tianshu Sword that Hua Yunzong itself has, how many?

The chirping sound was cold and steady, and it sounded in the hall. Immediately, cold water was put into a hot oil pan, and it suddenly exploded.

Ps: Khan, there are only four monthly passes. . Where is the passion? Here is the monthly pass. . [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ 郗 葶] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation] ◆, if you have any questions, please Go to Piaoxu to ask questions, if you want to join, you are welcome to join Piaoxu platform ◆

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