Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 740: Masters


"Where have you been?"

The two monsters were startled at the same time, but soon understood that angry growls.

"Someone hid here just now and took the vanity fruit away!"

"Abominable, abominable! We spend all our mana to nourish the mature, and we must not let others take it away!"

The three corpses jumped so angry that the two demon almost did not faint.

Although the Nine-day Void Fruit will escape on its own, it is always a fruit of no wisdom. It is impossible to escape the spiritual glances of the two Great Breakthrough Powerhouses. It can disappear so quickly and disappear without a trace. It can only explain one reason and be affected by others. Take it away!

It took them so much to ripen the fruit, and even spent all their mana, before they had time to enjoy it, they were stolen. The anger in their hearts can be imagined.

In the roar, the spirits of the two monsters kept gazing, but after tens of thousands of miles, no half figure was found, as if this thing had really evaporated from space!

"You must find this thief ..."

Roaring at the same time, the two monsters have red eyes.


Regardless of the wrath of these two demon, Nie Yun now hid quietly for dozens of kilometers below the ground, looking at the bright red fruit in his hands, with a look of excitement.

It was only him who shot just now. The Hidden Master plus the talent of the Earthmaster, and the soul that is not weaker than the opponent, Xiaolong's help, if they can still be found, it is really weird.

As for why the two demon were not killed directly, since they are some planned pieces. There must be special means of contact once it is killed. Those who fail to make a plan will be alert in advance and cause unnecessary trouble.

Anyway, the other party is just in the early days of breaking through the air, let alone Xiaolong, even if there is no threat to himself, it doesn't matter if you kill or not for the time being, it is better to keep it, so as not to frighten the snake.

"Slam, slam!"

Looking at the fruit. Nie Yun was excited, and was planning to swallow the promotion strength. He heard a sound and turned his head to see that Xiaolong's mouth was full of drool, and a cat looks like a cat.

"I want to eat……"

Xiao Long looked at the fruit and blinked with big eyes.

"It's useless if you eat it. I can improve my strength if I eat it ... well. Give you half ..."

Xiaolong itself is a five-pronged golden dragon, which is strong and strong. It should not have much effect if you eat it, but you can improve your control of space and the combat power is greatly improved ... Nie Yun did not intend to feed it, but saw this guy so sting Xixi look. Had to chop the fruit in half.

Although the effect will be greatly reduced if you divide it in half, you can't make this little guy unhappy because of this, after all. After a while, he also plans to let him surrender the ancestor of that dragon.

If you do n’t eat it. This guy is really troublesome at the critical moment.

Although this little dragon regards himself as a dad and obeys his words, he has never been tamed by the tamer beast Tandan, which is not a demon pet. Even if he is not obedient, there is nothing he can do!

Because of this, many battles in Nie Yun hope that he can do it himself, and do not rely on it, just because he is afraid that he will suddenly quit, but he will be defeated by the generals.

"Thank you Dad!"

After receiving half of the fruit, Xiaolong bent with excitement into a crescent, and swallowed the fruit with an open mouth.

Fearing that this guy would continue to ask after eating, Nie Yun didn't dare to hesitate and ate the remaining half into his belly.

The fruit melted at the entrance, and I felt a heat flow from the lower abdomen into the body, giving him a new perception and understanding of the entire space.

I don't know how long it took, and felt that the power of the fruit was completely digested, Nie Yun opened his eyes from the feelings and shot a ray of excitement.

Although the strength is still in the late stage of accepting the virtual realm, the soul already has a certain ability to control space. It is indeed a nine-day vanity fruit and it is well-deserved.

Swipe your finger lightly in front of you, a crack appears in the space not far away, and flick it gently, as if forming a space door.

Although I was able to defeat the strong in the early days of breaking through the air, but I could n’t control the space so freely. I did n’t even have the ability to tear the space to jump. There is no need for a dragon to jump in space.

The seventh realm of breaking the air is to have a strong control of space. Nie Yun now has this ability. Although the mana has not been enhanced, the combat power is much stronger. If he encounters an opponent like Lu Xiao, he does not even need to use all his power Can be easily defeated.

"Patronizing with Xiaolong to grab fruit to eat, but after a little while, the two demon did not know where they went ..."

After feeling the change of strength, Nie Yun looked up and found a circle that did not find the two monsters just now, not only a little depressed.

I just got the fruit. I was afraid that all the dragons would eat it, and I would lose the opportunity to be promoted. So I just wanted to swallow the void fruit to ascend.

"It doesn't matter, I know the breath of the two demons just now, the tracking gas can be easily traced!"

Coming out of the ground, with a little fingertip, a trace of tracking air emerged, pointing in one direction, still moving along the veins.

Nie Yun did not hesitate, and continued to hide his good shape, and flew forward slowly.

"Why did you walk for so long without a nine-day vanity, and the news we got was wrong!"

"You ca n’t see the mistake. You have n’t seen the Nine Heaven Void Vine. There must be fruit in this thing. Continue to find it. As soon as you find it, you can break through the current state immediately and reach the middle of breaking the air!"

"I'm still careful, Nine-day Void Fruit is not so easy to get, we can get the news, and others can certainly!"

"So we must work together, once we get the baby, we can't swallow it alone ..."

After walking forward for a while, carefully moving, after passing through a broken space, the voices of several conversations passed into the ears. Nie Yun looked up and found that there were four more people in front.

All four are the strongest in the early days of breaking through the air, with every move carrying the power of tearing the space.

"The Supreme Elders of Xianwu Zong and Rosewood Zong?"

Taking a look at the costumes of the four, Nie Yun recognized it.

Of the four people, two should be from the Emperor Wuzong, and two from the rosewood sect. When they reached the void, they were Supreme Elders. It seems that these people did not know where to get the news.

During the conversation, the four of them continued along the veins of the rattan. Nie Yun was trying to chase after him, his eyes moved, and his body was hidden again tightly.


Just hiding, two more people flew over.

The two men wore different clothes. The first one was Tsing Yi. The footwork was light and fast, and the second soul carried a sense of solidity. It was as void as Anshan, even though it was for Nine Days. As a result, the fiery eyes are much smoother than the first.

"This time someone notified us that Qingyunzong and Jingtianzong were born with different treasures. Now it seems that it should be nine days of vanity!"

"This is indeed a rare treasure for those of us who break through the air!"

"Yeah, it can increase the control of space. It must be obtained. Don't take it away from others!"

"Once you find out, Brother Ke Chen, you will show your fastest stature, and take things away in one fell swoop. I will cover you. Then we can do it again ..."

"it is good!"

During the conversation, the two flew forward.

"Demons, Xianwu Zong, Rosewood Zong, Qingyun Zong, and Jingtian Zong, wouldn't the eight major gates be all but Huayun Zong?"

My heart froze ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned.

It seems that the old dragon ancestor of Hua Yunzong did not come here by accident, but was designed by someone!

"If you can tell so many gates to come together, they must be the eight major gates. I want to see who it is!"

Nie Yun squeezed his fist and quickly followed.

The fact that so many Supreme Masters of the Eight Major Sects can appear at the same time must be the message given by the strong leaders of the Eight Great Sects. Otherwise, how can they be all dispatched?

However, no matter who it is, we must check it out today. Listening to the tone of the demon, the other party has already formed an alliance with them. For those who harm the human interest with the demon alliance, Nie Yun will never let go!

Even if he is a strong man in Dantian acupoints, he will die today!

Nie Yun's eyes flickered with murder. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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