Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 748: Yantai boom

There are no absolutely upright people in the world. The appearance of such a person can only show that the benefits you give are not enough.

In the face of interest, principles are not even farts.

Although Hua Yunzong is a well-known official, and Elder Wu Xun is just right, the temptation to break through the Dantian acupoint is too great, and it is too big to resist.

If you can enter a space-time cage area, Elder Wu Xun can definitely break through and be successfully promoted!

"Everyone heard, Elder Wu Xun has given me the right to dispose of Yunfeng. Lu Xiao, Qi Hong, you two talk about this Yunfeng brought. If he dares to resist, let you handle it!"

Zang Shuo sneered and issued an order.


Qi Hong was one of the two remaining elders on the way with Lu Xiao. After hearing the order, he looked at Lu Xiao and each saw a strong pride in the other's eyes.

"Don't go too far, Elder Wu Xun. Please also open up a space for the two elders to directly reach the peak where the cloud wind is located. We can also watch it. If this kid is obsessed with obsession and repeatedly teaches, our eight elders can also be separated. Kill it in air! "

Zang Shuo continued.

"Huh!" Wu Xun nodded, and the stroke of his hand made the space in front of him thin. For a moment, the mountain where Nie Yun stood appeared in front of everyone.

This method of thinning the space and narrowing the distance between the two places can only be carried out when Zhan Shuo is extremely powerful, but he is not much different from Lu Xiao, and cannot do this.

"Haha! Come on!"

Seeing the mountain approaching, Lu Xiao and Qi Hong laughed at the same time. Striding in, blinking. Disappeared at Ling Xiaoding.


"Xiao Long, Xia Quan, the two of you are now flying to take shelter and wait for me to come out and show up!"

After entering Huayunzong, Nie Yun let Xialong Xiaquan and Xiaolong enter the flying spirit soldier first.

Although Xia Quan now respects himself very much, Nie Yun still does not want to expose Zihua Dongfu, after all, he robbed Zihuadongfu. Most people don't know. As the ancestor of Huazong, Xia Quan may know.

Once you know it, you ca n’t hide your true identity, and the name Yunfeng becomes a joke.

Therefore, for the safety period, let them both enter the flying spirit to hide.

Well prepared. Nie Yun returned directly to the mountain where he was.

Before, he still needed to use the talent of the earth slayer to conceal the shape and skeleton. Now he has enhanced his ability to control the space. With a stroke, the time and space in front of him are broken apart.

"Bamboo, Ouyang Shixiong, you are all here. Hmm? Sister Daitai, are you here?"

As soon as he entered the main hall, Nie Yun saw people everywhere. Lingtai Lingyue sat quietly on the side, motionless, wondering what to think.

"Allied. You are back!"

Seeing Nie Yun enter the hall directly, Zhu Yin and others immediately showed joy.

"Nothing happened these days?" Nie Yun asked.

"We follow your orders. We have been on the mountain, not far away, and nothing has happened!"

"Not only is it okay, the leader will defeat the elders. The entire sect knows it. Now many people want to join us, but they are rejected!"

Zhu Yin and Ouyang Shixiong said with a smile.

"Well, don't add people blindly now!" Nie Yun nodded.

Even if Feng Yunmeng recruits people, it is necessary to recruit loyalty and willingness to do things. As before, if you run into danger, it is better not to.

"A few of you have made great progress, yes, yes!"

Knowing the situation these days, Nie Yun looked at Zhu Yin and others. At this time, they were much stronger than before. The breath on their bodies was solid and stable. At a glance, they knew that after getting enough merits, everyone gained from Zongmen Get enough baby to boost your strength.

Since Hua Yunzong is the first gate of the floating heavens, there are countless treasures. Zhu Yin and others are originally geniuses among geniuses. It is difficult to get enough treasures to improve.

"We are promoted, but compared with the alliance leader, the gap is getting wider ..."

"Allies are progressing too fast, not humans at all ..."

After hearing the compliment, Zhu Yin and others looked at themselves and Nie Yun, all of them wry smiles.

Although they have been promoted and their strength has improved significantly, they are still far behind the leader.

Nothing at all is the same.

"Haha!" Nie Yun came to Lingtai in two steps in disregard of the entanglement of the crowd.

"Yueer, you are here!"

After the trip to Dajuehui Temple, the relationship between the two has obviously improved a lot. Nie Yun's title has also been changed from Master Yantai to Yueer, but this title belongs to only two people. In front of outsiders, she still calls her sister.

"Why did you hit the elders too?"

Seeing the boy's happy face, Yantai Lingyue shook his head helplessly.

"Hehe!" Nie Yungan laughed.

"If you hit it, you'll hit it. The trouble is the trouble, but it should be fine. If they hold a meeting of elders to punish you, I can help you excuse me!" Lingtai said.

Although in the eyes of others, the assault on the elder Tai was very convicted, in her eyes, it was the same thing, not particularly concerned.

As a disciple of Supreme Elder, her status was carefully calculated, higher than those of Lu Xiao and others.

"Thank you!"

I thought she would blame her for being reckless, and she shouldn't argue with the elder Tai Shang, but did not expect to hear this sentence. Nie Yun's eyes lighted up, and she almost jumped up in excitement.

She has always been lawless, and if she teaches herself all the time, she will be dead.

"Well? What are you talking about? They are here!"

Seeing Nie Yun's appearance, Lingtai Lingyue chuckled and was about to speak, and suddenly frowned, looking away.

At this point Nie Yun also felt the anomaly, and before turning his head, he heard a fierce roar outside.


The entire space of the mountain peak seemed to be confined for a moment, and then a raging raging mana flow swept up, smashing the gate of the hall into powder, and the colliding bamboo sound almost fell.

"Small beast, too much to the elders' council, let you plead guilty to Ling Xiaoding, come with us!"

The power stopped, and Lu Xiao and Qi Hong appeared in the hall. Seeing that Nie Yun stood not far away, he did not escape, and sneered excitedly.

"Get out, hand in the name card, I'll let you in, come in again!" Seeing the two rushed in impolitely and broke the portal of the hall, Nie Yun's face sank.

"Post a post? A dog-like person, what do you think we should post a post? Follow us immediately, don't let the elders wait, otherwise you'll just wait to die!"

When he heard that Nie Yun had asked them to post a name, Lu Xiao laughed immediately, with a strong disdain in his eyes.

"Don't toast or eat or drink. The two elders and our elders came here to find you personally. They already gave face, and even asked us to get a name card. Something that I don't know, really thought we were personal."

Qi Hong was also Lengheng, looking at Nie Yun as if looking at the dead.

"Who do you say are dog-like people?"

After the roar of the two was over, before Nie Yun spoke, he heard a cold voice on one side, and immediately saw Lingtai Lingyan's face sank.

"Don't worry about Xiantai Fairy. I'm talking about this little beast. I didn't say you ..."

Lu Xiao didn't expect Lingtai Lingyue to be here, but he didn't care. After all, Huantai only had the strength to accept virtual reality, and there was still a certain gap between him and breaking through the air.

I shouted casually, but before I finished speaking, I saw a flower in front of me, and a figure had appeared in front of me ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was Lingtai Lingyue.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Xiao didn't expect her to be so fast, her face sank, her palms raised, she was about to play, and suddenly thought of her identity, hesitated immediately.

However, he hesitated, Lingtai Lingyue didn't stop in the slightest, just listening to "Pop! Pap!" Two times, Lu Xiao's face turned red, and a heel fell to the ground.

"Slap! Slap!"

Lu Xiao was knocked over, followed by two crisp sounds. Qi Hong hadn't responded yet. He also made the same mistake and lay on the ground with a red and swollen cheek.


"Huntai Fairy shot?"

Yantai Lingyue's shot was beyond everyone's expectations. Even Nie Yun was startled, his eyes stared at the girl, his face was incredible. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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