Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 757: On the rooftop

"Compete? On the rooftop?" Nie Yun froze.

The Tiantai is the most sacred place of martial arts of Hua Yunzong. Only the most peak duel of core disciples, or the unadjustable contradiction between the elders, can compete in it. Jing Hong even invited him to compete here.

"Invite the leader to compete?"

"I heard that during the competition on the rooftop, the fighting situation will be broadcast throughout the sky, everyone in Zongmen can see it everywhere ..."

"Compete here. Without a certain ability, Zongmen will not allow it ..."

Everyone in Fengyun League was a bit silly. I did not expect Jing Hong to make such a decision.

"Yes, I have reached the limit of cultivation. I urgently need pressure to break through. Looking at all the core disciples, I'm afraid Brother Yun can give me this pressure, so I still hope Brother Yun can give me advice!"

King Hong Long Road.

"Time!" Nie Yundao said.

Jing Hong urgently needs pressure to break through, and he also needs this kind of pressure to hone and practice. Only two months are left to go to the dangerous place of Lingtai Lingyue. If you do n’t speed up the practice, I ’m afraid it ’s just like the previous life. There was nothing she could do as she left.

"In the afternoon, I'm waiting for Brother Yun to drive!" Listening to what he said, Jing Hong knew he had agreed, and smiled at the moment, turned around and walked out to Baixi.

In fluttering white clothes, despite the challenge, she is still elegant and polite, making people feel no disgust.

"Leader, do you agree to a duel with Jinghong?" Seeing the two leaving, Ouyang Shixiong's eyebrows frowned, and his eyes were worried.

"It shouldn't be promised, this Jinghong is very scary! Don't look at the strength of only accepting the peak of the virtual realm and breaking the air in half a step, but at least half of the Zongmen elders are not opponents!"

Zhuyin Road.

"Speak to hear!" Nie Yun saw that they seemed to know a lot about this Jinghong. Asked.

"This man once had the inheritance of the Confucian Confucian power. He practiced the body of 10,000 hectares. The mana in his body is endless and terrible. It is said that the mana is powerful. Because the mana is too powerful, it is very difficult to break through, otherwise, with his talent, it is not difficult to reach the peak of breaking through the air now! "

After taking charge of Fengyun League. The information was entrusted to Zhu Yin. Some of the most famous disciples such as Jing Hong were still easy to find.

"Power of Confucianism, ten thousand corpses?" Nie Yun frowned.

Although I haven't heard anything like Wanqin Shen, I have heard of some about Confucianism.

Confucianism, like Buddhism, is an extremely mysterious race between heaven and earth. Although it is not as vast as Buddhism, it is not to be underestimated. It is said that Confucianism controls 100 avenues other than the three thousand avenues of human beings, and it is extremely core. . Elegant and courteous, extraordinary manner.

Hua Yunzong didn't care about the core disciples' inheritance of other races. As long as it was not the inheritance of the demon, it would have little effect.

Confucianism, Buddhism, these are the former human beings, and they have passed on their heritage, let alone in the Yunzong of Hua, even in the entire floating continent, it will be considered a great opportunity. Instead of strangling.

It is as if Nie Yun in the previous life claimed to have inherited the Devil Inheritance, and this was the title of Blood Prisoner.

"The body of 10,000 hectares seems to be an extremely powerful physical practice method of Confucianism, which can expand people's vitality and enrich their mana, of course. This 10,000 hectare is just an imaginary number. The real mana is exerted, I am afraid that it is millions of hectares More than that! "

Ouyang Shixiong saw that Nie Yun was a little confused and told what he knew.

An hectare is a unit of land area. One hectare is equal to 100 acres. Using this unit to measure air and sea indicates that there is so much mana contained in the body.

"Awesome exercises!"

Nie Yun couldn't help feeling.

Anonymous method can increase Qiqi, which surprised him. I did not expect that there is a method to use this effect. Although I do n’t know the specific cultivation method of this 10,000-square body, but it can make the peak of Na Xujing surpass Dantian. The aura of strong points in the acupoint environment is definitely not easy.

"It's just a little bit. It is said that Jing Hong's body style is also very fast. Even Liu Ji, who was second in the potential list at the time, was defeated by him with one move and has no resistance at all!"

Zhu Yin continued: "So the lord must be careful when fighting with him, it is best not to fight attrition and speed with him, this will be very disadvantageous!"

"Yes, these two are his strengths. Abandoning these two and playing against him may have some odds!"

Speaking of this Ouyang Shixiong couldn't help shaking his head. "Actually, the leader shouldn't agree. In any case, your cultivation time is too short. If you give you another year or half of cultivation, it will be easy to defeat him, and now ... I'm afraid it's difficult! "

"I will be careful ..." Seeing the two of them were really worried for themselves, Nie Yun smiled, and was about to finish speaking. Suddenly, the whole world shook for a while, and a colorful light reflected the sky. A smooth and flat test was exposed above station.

On the rooftop!

"Jing Hong, who topped the rankings in the last session, and Liu Ji, who is in the second place, are talking about the rooftop. The test will start now!"

Immediately, a roar rang out through the sky.

"Jinghong also challenged Liu Ji?"

"It seems that he has really reached the level of cultivation and wants to break through, otherwise, it is impossible to meet Liu Ji and the leader!"

"Although Liu Ji was defeated by him last time, it was not easy to deal with. I heard that this time the hard work has made great progress. The purpose is to defeat Jing Hong, and a dragon fight begins!"

"It seems that the order of Jinghong's challenge has been planned for a long time, first challenge Liu Ji, and then challenge the leader, it seems that he has the confidence to win ..."

Hearing this, everyone first understood, then all understood.

It seems that Jing Hong has such a big ambition to challenge several people in a row, and use the challenge pressure to make himself a breakthrough.

I really don't know who else was challenged besides Liu Ji and the leader Yun Feng.

"Go, let's go to Ling Xiaoding and take a look. It just happens that we can see what Jing Hong's dependence is!"

Everyone understood, Nie Yun didn't know where, and secretly praised Jing Hong's actions.

Dare to do so, and indeed have great courage.

Being able to stand out among the many disciples of Hua Yunzong and become the second place, Liu Ji certainly has great means. Even if Jing Hong is strong and has challenged such a character, I am afraid that he must take a break to continue to challenge, and he is partial, and immediately follows I also made an appointment for myself. This courage and courage is really amazing.

After all, a person's mana is limited. Even if the air is wide and the battle continues, there will be a lot of wear and tear, and it will be very unfair to him to not resume after the battle.


The crowd flew towards Ling Xiaoding.

Zhu Yin and others also signed up to participate in the competition, but before such a big event happened, it is clear that the competition between the real disciples must be postponed.

The square directly in front of the Ling Xiaoding is extremely wide. The blue sky and white clouds meet the ground plane. The cranes fly around. A long bridge erected entirely by the rainbow runs through the void to set off a strong Xianmen atmosphere.

Tian Wai Tian is not the space created by the ancestors of martial arts, but he found it by accident!

At that time, many people wanted to compete for this supreme treasure to establish dharma. Only he won and succeeded in one fell swoop.

Because of this, the unique atmosphere of Tianwaitian and the strong immortality of Xianmen are the envy of other ancestors and the true guarantee of the talents of Huayunzong.

Otherwise, even if Hua Yunzong is very strong, it is not possible to go beyond the seven gates too much and truly become a giant of the floating heavens and continents.

Of course, when there is prosperity, there is decline, and when there is strength, there is weakness. Even under such conditions, Hua Yunzong has now begun to decline, and the status of a giant is completely gone.

"A lot of people!"

"I'm afraid all the disciples in the entire gate are here!"

Everyone came to the square and saw crowds of people, almost without a glance.

Hua Yunzong has recruited many disciples over the years. In addition to ordinary and core disciples, the number is even more alarming. I am afraid that it has exceeded one million.

Ten thousand people are full of people, hundreds of times more, it is conceivable.

"We're late, there's nowhere!"

"The closer you get to the rooftop, the more you can see the battle, the greater the benefit. The disciples, I am afraid, already knew that there was this battle, and they were waiting in line here a few days in advance!"

"Looks like we can only do it last ..."

Seeing so many people, all the good positions have been occupied, and Zhu Yin, Ouyang Shixiong and others laughed bitterly.

Watching the battle at the scene and watching it through the screen outside the sky are completely two concepts, and watching the scene is the best place to occupy the forefront. Usually, this position is where many disciples were sitting a few days ago. Waiting, even if the benefits are more, it will not let go.

Since the crowd was late, it seemed that they could only hide behind the crowd and watch.

"Get out of here!"

"Let's sit here well, why should we let it go?"

"Are you blind, haven't you seen it? Feng Yunmeng, the one flying in the forefront is the Alliance Lord Yunfeng!"

"Yunfeng? You said that Yunfeng, who was in the law enforcement hall, was called by the elder of the Eighth Party to preach, and came out safely?"

"Not who else is he!"

"That's my idol. The position must be ..."

Nie Yun and others were about to fly out to find the outermost place ~ www.readwn.com ~ I heard a discussion below, and then countless excited and admired eyes came over. In the place that is most dependent on the classic roof, "Wa La La" Make a clearing.

"Haha, still the prestige of the leader!"

Seeing this, everyone in Fengyun League laughed.

Unexpectedly, these people took the initiative to give up the position when they saw the leader.

"Oh, thank you!"

Nie Yun smiled and nodded.

It was strange for these people to take the initiative to give up.


As soon as he had finished speaking, Nie Yun heard several rapid winds sounding on the roof of the discussion.

The competition between Jing Hong and Liu Ji has begun! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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