Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 764: champion

"Jinghong actually lost!"

"One move, Yunfeng only used one move!"

"too terrifying!"

"The peak of Na Xujing will have been defeated by Jing Hong in the late stage of breaking the air. What is this strength?"

Hearing Jing Hong admitting defeat and admiring it, Ling Xiaoding's square was like a drop of water in hot oil, and the sound of venting suddenly burst and boiled instantly.

At first, Yunfeng, who was not optimistic, even won with an absolute advantage. This situation excites everyone, especially the Fengyun League, before seeing the countless eyes around him, full of good friends. Meaning.

It goes without saying that Fengyun Alliance will definitely become the most powerful alliance of Huayunzong in the future, without a doubt.

"What is this ...?"

"See clearly? What talent is this?"

"do not know……"

Relative to the uproar of all the disciples, the elders in the hall, together with the ancestor Xia Quan, were all blank.

They wanted to use their tricks to see what kind of talent Yunfeng was, but the speed of the engagement was too fast, making them unexpected.

It may not be a gift to temporarily control other people's attacks, and then fight them out, because this ability, as long as they have enough strength, can be fully exerted. It is like they are now fighting against people in the bridge environment, and they can cover their attacks. Come down, and then go back in the intact release.

Of course, this ability can only be far apart, and the opponents are much weaker, and the same level is powerless.

Yunfeng is not only at the same level, but also performed this trick beyond the level, making people wonder whether it is a talent or a magic weapon.

"Don't bother, just wait for a while!"

Xia Long Xiaquan shook his head.


Everyone thought the same, and laughed at the same time.

"This test. I successfully broke through and made great progress. Thanks to the superior strength of the Yunfeng Alliance leader, I now announce that Jinghong will start today. Join the Fengyun Alliance!"

Jing Hong in the air saw the noise slowly calm down, and then Langlang Road.


Jing Hong's decision made the noise that had just calmed down again.

As the champion who broke the potential list many times in the past, Jing Hong's influence in Hua Yunzong's disciples definitely exceeds Nie Yun. The announcement of such a supreme figure to join the Fengyun League is a tsunami-like shock.

"Ha ha!"

Jing Hong's sudden decision surprised Nie Yun a little, turned his head and saw his sincere look. A bitter smile.

Join when you say you want to join, I haven't said yet ...

Of course, this is just a groaning idea that rises casually. Although Jing Hong lost to himself just now, he really struggled with life and death.

After all, he has a skeleton of Dantian Acupoint Power in his body, and exerts the power of Dantian Acupoint with his strength in the late stage of breaking through the air. Even if the Ability Master is promoted, it is very difficult to resist.

Besides, relying on his first prestigious power and super talent, the Fengyun League will develop again in the future, and it will definitely be smooth.

In short, his joining will definitely bring greater influence and combat power to Fengyun League. This situation. Even if Nie Yun is confused, he will not refuse.


Thinking of this, Nie Yun laughed and clung tightly with Jing Hong's palm.

Jing Hong joined Fengyun League, destined to become the largest disciple alliance of Huayunzong. No other league can catch up.


The two talked and laughed and walked out of the discussion roof. As soon as they appeared, they saw the overcast clouds confined and Jinghong's thunder came.

Just now Liu Ji went out on the rooftop and thundered, but although he was injured, he is still a strong mid-air breach. It is not difficult to overcome the air disaster. He has now passed it completely and is sitting in place to recover.


It wasn't difficult for him to get through, Jing Hong was even simpler, looked up, whispered, and punched upwards. With one click, the cloudy sky completely dissipated, turning into a bright sky, and the air raid was over.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that the two had passed through the air raid, it was so simple. Nie Yun shook his head helplessly, with a grin on his face.

If the catastrophe is so simple, it has already broken through. It seems that with the special talents in the top ten, although powerful, not everything is lucky.

"Well, the competition between Jing Hong and Liu Ji and Yunfeng has come to an end. The fighting just now is exciting. The rest of us must also try hard to get a good ranking and better prove ourselves!"

Seeing that Jing Hong and Liu Ji survived the thunderstorm and repaired to completely consolidate, Elder Wu Xun flew out of the hall, suspended in the air, and looked around for a week, Lang Lang said: "Now, I announced that the competition for the empty potential list officially started. As for Jing Hong and Liu Ji have already reached the top of the air, and they have been promoted to the prestigious elders. They have also lost their qualifications. Yunfeng, as long as he participates in this competition, will definitely be unstoppable, and he will be set as the champion. Everyone should have no opinion!


All disciples shouted in unison.

Everyone knows Yunfeng's strength. He is nominated as a champion.

"Well, start competing for other places, and the game officially starts!"

Elder Wu Xun screamed again, kicking off the competition for breaking the potential list.

"Three of you, come with me!"

After the announcement of the start of the game, the law enforcement elders and the cabinet elders were arranged to organize well. Elder Wu Xun looked at Nie Yun, Jing Hong, and Liu Ji.


The three nodded at the same time and followed closely.

Before that, Liu Ji was defeated in Jinghong's hands. I felt very uncomfortable, but when I saw Jing Hong's and Yunfeng's unique skills, he realized that he just stayed behind. If he used these methods at the beginning, Out, definitely not an opponent!

Understand these will be relieved.

Although geniuses will be jealous, and they will be competitive because of the test, but this is a small gap. The gap is too big, completely incomparable, and keep tangling, it is not a genius, but a fool.

Liu Ji is not a fool. He understands the gap with Jinghong and Yunfeng, and naturally feels a lot better, no longer tangled.

"First of all, congratulations to Jinghong and Yunfeng for becoming elders. Starting today, you can enter the [Huayun Palace] for cultivation! The prefecture level of the treasure hall and all the following exercises can be reviewed and presented, and each person will give away 10 million worth of meritorious service, free to buy all kinds of cultivation materials! "

Entering the hall, Elder Wu Xun said with a smile.

Huayun Palace and Huayunzong's cultivation sacred place can only enter the practice if they reach the level of the elders. Among them, they have the martial arts ancestors ’experience and traces of martial arts. The progress of cultivation will be very fast.

Hua Yunzong ’s Treasure Pavilion method has its own unique grading method, which is not the same as the unified division method of the floating heaven and earth. There are three types of heaven, earth, and people. The core disciples are only qualified to practice human-level exercises. Level is too high for elders to be qualified to practice, as for the level, only the head is qualified.

These are the rules inherited by Hua Yunzong for tens of thousands of years. It is no secret. As soon as Elder Wu Xun said it, Liu Ji and Jing Hong opened their eyes at the same time.

Both Huayun Palace and prefecture-level exercises have great appeal to them.

"Yunfeng, although you have not yet reached the level of breaking through the air, but you already have the ability to break through the air, so you also enjoy the treatment of the elders. Like Jinghong and Liu Ji, you can practice in the Huayun Palace and study the prefecture level. The following exercises, of course, because you are not too old, it is impossible to give you 10 million merit! "

Elder Wu Xun continued ~ www.readwn.com ~ Thank you! "Nie Yun nodded.

It is not important for him to practice in the Huayun Palace and obtain prefecture-level exercises, so he is not very interested.

"Oh, but if you don't give me 10 million worth of merit and win the empty potential list, we can work together to help you empower you and let you directly break through the empty realm!" Elder Wu Xun said.

"Help me empower?"

Nie Yun froze, then looked around the hall, and saw Xia Quan and others come over, all with smiles on his face.

Seeing the appearance of the crowd, Nie Yun suddenly understood it. It seems that they see their potential is endless and want to help them break through. As long as their strength soars, it is possible to rely on the realm of breaking through the air and have the combat power of Dantian Acupoint. This can be used to resolve the Zongmen crisis.

Understanding this, Nie Yun couldn't help laughing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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