Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 784: 3 big palm teaching marks

There is something in Dantian. Nie Yun knew everything, why did he suddenly come up with a teaching seal?

And look at the power contained in it, no less than the two of the Yunzong and Sword God Sects, which are definitely at the level of eight major gates, why are they in their own hands?

Nie Yun was a little dazed.

There are too many strange facts today, which make him confused.

"Let's take a look at that gate ..."

Confused, Nie Yun knew that if he wanted to figure it out, he had to figure out which door was the first thing. Only by knowing this could he understand.

Spiritual power slowly spread to this palm teaching seal, and after a moment, Nie Yun stopped.

"This is ... the idea of ​​Mihua. Is it the seal of the teaching of Misect?"

In the palm of India, a familiar idea hovered inside, and Nie Yun looked at it, not others, but the great enemy, Mihua!

At this time, the idea of ​​Mihua seemed to be greatly questioned, curled up in a pile, unable to completely control the entire jade seal.

"Hum, kill it first!"

Nie Yun didn't figure out what was going on, but in his eyes there was a sharp, moving spirit, the talent of Xianyin Master turned into action, and at the same time a martial art idea pierced the past.


The scream of Miwa hiding in the corner was completely wiped out.

"Try to refine the talents of the Masters!"

Erasing the idea of ​​Mihua, Nie Yun chuckled, and the talents of the masters of the heavens and earth worked, and a spirit of heaven and earth slowly invaded them.


After a while, Nie Yun felt a powerful force coming from the shore, completely felt the power of teaching and printing, successfully refining!

The sectarian master of Mi Shenzong is a celestial master. The celestial master ranks eleventh. He also seems to think that this talent is very small. It has the same effect as the teaching seal of Hua Yunzong. Teacher talent can be thoroughly refined.

In addition, Nie Yun's talents for natural masters are higher than Mihua's. Even if the latter idea is not killed, it is not difficult to refine it.

"This is ... the seal of the Lord of the Gods? Are you refined?"

Looking at the young man's behavior, Yantai Lingyue was in place.

One person has continuously refined the three palm teaching seals, which ... it ’s too bad!

"Unintentional ..."

Seeing her expression, Nie Yun didn't know what to say. I couldn't say that because I have three talents: martial arts master, celestial master, and kendo master, I can successfully refining these palms.

"The more refining professors teach, the more powerful you are, the safer you will be, and I can rest assured ..."

Yantai Lingyue ignored his explanation and said slowly as if murmuring.

"What did you say?" Nie Yun froze when she looked a little bit wrong.

"It's nothing, just the stronger you are, the better!" The girl smiled.

"Rest assured. I will give you a reasonable explanation in the future, it is not the time to say, and I do not want to lie to you, please forgive me!"

Nie Yun thought she was concerned about not explaining in detail, and said slowly.

Unknown tactics have derived talents, which are appalling, and now their strength has improved a lot. But compared with some hidden superpowers in the world, it is still far worse, so it is not enough to say, and when it really reaches its peak in the future, you can tell her about it.

It's just not time now.

"Hmm!" The girl didn't mean to question, nodded.

"Thank you!" Nie Yun was grateful to see her without asking much. The eyes continued to fall on the seal of the Mystic Palm, and suddenly a thought came out in my mind, "I can put things silently in my dantian, and I don't know. There is no one other than the thousand fantasy. Did he give it to me? "

Thinking of this, all my experiences with the gods stealing all illusions are all recalled.

"That's right. It's him, it must have been the siege of Mihua and Yun Xuan ..."

With this starting point, Nie Yun quickly wondered what was going on.

The last time he fled from Sword God Sect, he was besieged by Miwa and Yun Xuan in Chiba Castle. At the critical moment, the old drunkard appeared to save his life. At that time, the **** stealing thousands of fantasy disguised as a boy and had contacted Mihua and himself. I am afraid that was the time when he stole the tutoring seal into his own Dantian!

"Thank you!"

Understand this, Nie Yun smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile.

When he first saw Qian Huan in this life, he had told himself that he would steal the seal of Mihua and give it to himself. At that time, he thought it was a joke, but he did not realize it.

Of course, he had promised him to teach Yun Xuan a meal, and it was done.

This is the brother, the promise between the brothers, even if it is difficult, complete the same, never give up!

"Are you OK!"

Seeing what Nie Yun thought of, stayed where he was, with a slight smile on his face, Lingtai Lingyue asked.

"It's okay, I plan to practice [Budo Breaking Virtual Boxing], you continue to look around and see if there is anything that can improve your strength!"

Aside from the thoughts in his head, Nie Yun laughed.

"Yeah!" Lingtai Lingyue nodded and turned away.

This is her personality, and she doesn't care about anything, but if anyone dares to hurt Nie Yun, she will definitely come out first and fight with it.

All things are not concerned, but there is only one in his heart, which is more important than life.

Huantai Lingyue left, Nie Yun flew out of Zihua Dongfu, and returned to the stone monument outside the main hall.

Because I did n’t have the martial arts talent before, I did n’t carefully observe this set of boxing skills. Now that I have successfully acquired this talent, it ’s time to learn.

Martial arts breaking virtual boxing is profound and profound, it is a martial arts master Xia Yang's lifelong research skills, and the same time as other techniques such as Vajrayana body, Jiuzhuan Nirvana, etc., even if you have martial arts talents, do not understand thoroughly, it can not be done in one go!


He whispered and looked carefully at the text on the stone tablet. Nie Yun slowly fell into a quiet practice.



In the blue sky, a bright light flashed, and an old man with white beard and eyebrows suddenly appeared outside Tiantiantian.


Seeing that the formation outside Tiantiantian was a mess, huge cracks appeared in the space, and the old man's face was low and ugly.

"Haha, Dong Dong, you are here too!"

As soon as the old man came here, he heard a voice, and then another light flashed, and an old man appeared at the same time.

He is also an old man, with a wine gourd on his back, just like a drunkard, but it is completely different from the old drunkard whom Nie Yun saw in Chiba City at the beginning, no difference in appearance or soul.

"The two of you came very fast!" Another whispered, a figure flew over, hitting a robe and a tall hat, making the whole person look a bit elegant.

"So big a thing happened in Zongmen, how could it be that we are a few older guys!"

This figure appeared, followed by an old man.

"Let's all come, won't it cause some unnecessary trouble?" Seeing so many people in a short period of time, the first person to be called the old man in the east frowned.

"Rest assured, Xia Quan's ancestors have recovered to the heyday, and everyone has been restrained, and the demon is afraid to move, but that thing has been delayed, I am afraid that it will be postponed for some time!"

The old man with a high hat is elegant.

"Well, for that matter, the retreat broke out, and it didn't appear for a long time in Zongmen. I didn't expect these little people to jump up. It seems that we really think that we have turned Yunzong into the west!" .

"Yeah, I really thought we were bullying! I didn't give them a color look this time, I really thought that Hua Yunzong was a soft persimmon!"

"Although there is an old bone, but someone really dares not be good for us to change Yunzong, I will stand first and deal with it!"

The four old men ~ www.readwn.com ~ look into the space through the space, their eyes show perseverance and fierceness.

"Well, everyone, don't be reckless. If the killing is launched, it will definitely be the trick of the demon. Once that happens, the hard work of the thousands of years of the ancestors in Futian will be in vain!" "My opinion is that we don't have to do it first, talk to them, if we can't talk, let's talk!"

"Well, that's all it can be!"

Although the other three old men were unwilling in their eyes, they also knew what to do and what to do, and shook their heads helplessly.

"Let's go!"

It was agreed that the four elders would rush to Tianwaitian at the same time and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

ps: There are still two changes today, and three changes will resume tomorrow.

My fingers hurt, I ca n’t speed up the code word, sorry. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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