Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 787: Struggling to be jealous (below)

Although there are also young girl disciples in the eight major gates, carefully speaking, these seven women can definitely rank in the top seven regardless of their physical appearance and strength! The others are no different than garbage.

I used to see these, one by one, proud princesses, who are not close to each other, but now they are piled together, jealous for a man, even undressing, and so on, they completely overturned their perception.

Your sister, who is this man? He's a man. If I can have such a beautiful blessing, let alone seven, even if one, it's worth the death!

Many disciples burst into tears.

How can people be so different? Why do n’t I have such a beautiful blessing, and no such beautiful person fancy it?

"Brother, actually I have the same kind of affection for you!"

A long, dinosaur-like girl shyly looked at the tall and handsome brother in front of her.

This older brother used to have more porridges and less porridge, but also felt that the dinosaur master was very beautiful. After watching the peerless style of Huo Ying and others, they immediately felt that the world was turned upside down and the sun and the moon were dark.

"go away!"

The brother shouted.

"What's wrong, brother? Don't you love me anymore? Really don't really love me anymore? Really really really don't love me anymore? Last night you called someone Xiaotiantian, and you have to Let's watch the stars together ... "said the dinosaur sister happily.


The brother and everyone around him vomited ...

People can't be compared with each other, why the man they say has so many beautiful women like it, but I want to be with a dinosaur ... Look at the stars, look at your sister, I look at you like an orangutan, and it's still big orangutan!


Several families rejoiced and some worried. It is estimated that after seeing these seven people, I don't know how many couples will break up ...

"Don't think about it, the man they said was Nie Yun!"

"Nie Yun? Is that ... the famous Nie Yun? The Sword God Sovereign who has never appeared?"

"Of course it is him. Not him, who else can make seven people like this at the same time? Look at them, you know that they all have a good opinion of this Nie Yun, and my heart secretly promises that these are my goddesses, my idols. Ah, oops. My heart can't stand birds ... "

"An old saying is fulfilled, all the cabbages have been swallowed by pigs, awful, awful! Why didn't you leave one for me ..."

"Khan, if I really leave it to you. Then I ordered cabbage for the pig ..."

"Oh, you speak a little bit of ethics, even though Nie Yun is my idol, you can't belittle me like that ... Yes, see, no, this Nie Yun not only slept the fiancee of the Lord Mihua, as if He even convinced his sister. It's amazing! "

"Whether Madam Huo Ying or his sister is quiet, this figure, this temperament ... I can't help but drool, who brought the paper, my nosebleed ..."

The confrontation between the seven women caused a lot of commotion, and there were lively male disciples around. All felt that the heart was a bit unbearable, and at the same time, the man named Nie Yun was full of inner worship.

This Nie Yun hasn't been famous for a long time, but every thing is earth-shattering and the result is brilliant.

Of course, the simple result is more than the dispute between the seven women. Not in a grade at all, Nima, normal men have such a woman's favor, they will burn high incense. With so many and so glorious one by one, this man is really worth living ...

"Yeah, Nie Yun will not mention those who are not important. Anyway, he and I have been together for more than two months without mentioning you! Oh, just introduce yourself, just in case Nie Yun's little aunt, or little niece, we don't have to offend ... "

For Mu Qing's ridicule, where Mi Jing was willing to suffer, sneer and step forward.


Unexpectedly, the girl said something worse than herself, Mu Qing's face was ugly.

Of these seven girls, when it comes to douche, I am afraid that no one is a silent opponent. The name of little pepper is by no means a fame.

"Yeah, Nie Yun and I have been with you for a few months and I haven't mentioned you. I haven't even heard your name. It's not an impostor, so say it on purpose!"

Mu Qing, who was embarrassed at the sight of Mi Jing, was speechless. Yi Qing felt very cheerful and said with a smile.

The two major camps that were still hostile just now became alliances in an instant, and jointly dealt with the four "competitors" that suddenly appeared regardless of their physical strength.

"Who talks nonsense and has a yellow mouth, everyone knows clearly. We Luo Qingcheng and Nie Yun grew up together from childhood, and have long settled for life. Even if we get along with you, we will pick wild flowers by the road. Do you think it is true? Narcissistic! "

Seeing them joining forces, Mu Qing's eyes turned and sneered.

"Qingmei Zhuma, I ... Where can I have it!" Luo Qingcheng flushed at the introduction of Mu Qing.

Although she was the earliest known to Nie Yun among the crowd, in fact, she was still far from Qingmei Zhuma. She was thin-faced, but not as thick-skinned as Mu Qing, and dared to say such things.

"Ome bamboo horse?"

When Yi Qing, Huo Ying, and Mi Jing heard this introduction, they all brushed up their hostility.

When they were with Nie Yun, they all knew that there was an irreplaceable figure in his heart. Was this the Luo Qing city?

Seeing her gentleness and tranquility, it is really possible ...

Although the girl denied that women were naturally jealous, they were also full of hostility towards this Luoqing city.

"You guys are so boring. What's the use of fighting? I ask you, do you know where Nie Yun is now?"

Seeing the tit-for-tat crowd, Bai Hua shook his head helplessly, interrupting the discussion and asking.

They had originally heard that someone was talking about Nie Yun, and they were going to come and ask about whereabouts, but they didn't ask about whereabouts. It was really funny to attract a few enemies.

"do not know!"

"I seem to have heard of chasing Yun Xuan, but I haven't returned yet!"

"What? Who is Yun Xuan? Why is Nie Yun chasing her? Is she even more beautiful than her sister in the city ..."

"Isn't she more temperament than Madam Huo Ying?"


Hearing that a woman named Yun Xuan suddenly appeared, Mu Qing and others were getting bigger for a while, but when they finally figured out that it was not "chasing" but "hunting and killing", all of them were awkward.

Although one word is added, the nature is completely different.

"It can be seen that you all have a good opinion of Nie Yun, but arguing here is useless. The key is who Nie Yun likes. When he comes and asks clearly, arguing here will only make people laugh. "

In the end, Bai Hua shyly interrupted everyone and said.

Of the seven women, she is probably the largest by age, so she also has the most say.

"Okay!" At the words, the crowd stopped immediately.

That ’s right, the key is Nie Yun. Who he likes is the king. He does n’t like you. It ’s useless to speak nicely.

Instead of arguing here, wait for him to show up and ask, if you do n’t like yourself, you can only stop there. The strong twist is not sweet, uh, of course, if you can twist, you have to twist ...

"Mi Jing, don't leave yet, what are you doing here?"

As soon as they reached an agreement, they heard a rage.

"Ah, brother!"

When he heard the drink, he turned his head quietly and saw that his brother's eyes were scarlet and bloody. He immediately spit out his tongue, his face was awkward, and he quickly followed.

But she told her brother that she didn't know Nie Yun, and now, cough ... It's so far away, he probably didn't hear it ...

Quiet self-consolation.

Mi Jing left, and the other women also felt that it was meaningless to quarrel again. Each of them looked at each other, noted the physical appearance of each other, and turned back to their respective teams.

"Hey, two idiots!"

Yuan Ning, the lord of the exquisite fairy ancestors, saw his ancestral door, two holy virgins who were holy and unreliable, and shook his head with a bitter smile in order to fight for a man.

The word "love" is the most difficult to understand. Even if she is so strong, she cannot understand it.


Upon hearing Master ’s emotions, the two women ’s eye circles were slightly red, especially Yi Qing, with a deep sense of loneliness.

She and Nie Yun have been together for a long time. She has a deeper affection for him than Huo Ying, so she worked so hard after entering the ancestral gate, although it was also for that matter, it was more to attract his attention, not to drag him. The oil bottle really gained his recognition.

It now seems even harder for him to fully recognize himself.

There are so many "red-confidants" that he can form a squad!

"Forget it, don't think so much, let's think about how to save ... my mother!"

Shaking his head and throwing away the loneliness in his heart, Yi Qing turned his head to look at Mihua, who had left quietly in front of him, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes.

This Mihua is not only the enemy of Nie Yun, but also her enemy!

Compared to Yi Qing and Huo Ying's thoughts, Luo Qingcheng returned to Jing Tianzong, and his eyes were a little free.

Nie Yun's growth, she saw a little bit, Fangxin started from Luoshuicheng, and was firmly tied to him, but she also knows that more women like such excellent characters are normal and want to stand out. It is certainly impossible to occupy the most important position in his mind.

"Don't think about it, it's because you can't run away, it's not that you can't force it, Nie Yun is not a thing in the pool, and it will fly into the sky sooner or later ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's not something we can trap in a small pond. ! "

When Luo Qingcheng was a little lonely, a sigh sounded in his ears, and he turned to look, and saw Master Baihua standing in front of him quietly and quietly, with a slight sadness on the white and cold jade surface.

"Master ..."

Although she re-worried others as a teacher, Luo Qingcheng still called Bai Huaxi as a master. At this time, when she heard her say this, she knew that although the boy looked very close, he was actually farther and farther away from himself and others.

Even after desperately chasing his footwork, he still couldn't.

What she experienced was clear in her heart, and she was taken to the depths of time and space by Supreme Master Elder Jingfan as soon as she worshiped. Although it seemed that the cultivation time was not long, in fact, it had been decades there, and decades of hard work could not keep up. His steps ...

Maybe ... I'm really not a pair with him. I can't be with him. The ending of this life is just ...

Forget it! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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