Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 953: Kill Duan Xiao

"Kill you first, everything is mine!"

I was shocked only for a moment, and Duan Xiao reacted immediately, instead of rushing to **** Qianlian Xianlian, but turned to look at Nie Yun again.

With the buffer of this moment, Nie Yun has cured the injury with the spirit of wood, and the wings of the Phoenix danced and flickered quickly.

"Run away? Get me down!"

Seeing that the boy did not fight him head-on, dodging everywhere, Duan Xiao's face was as gloomy as ink.

The other party has wings to fly. Although this hall has a small space, once he doesdges sincerely, he also needs to spend a lot of effort to catch up. Is it necessary to waste that thing?

"You can let me use this thing, even if I die, I am proud!"

His complexion, Duan Xiao's palm flipped, a small jade card appeared on the palm.

"This is the life-saving thing that the Sovereign gave me at the beginning, [Frozen Miles]. Once cast, even the Luoxianjing strong will be frozen, so that I have a few breathing times to escape, and today I will kill you, count your luck!"

In the cold hum, Duan Xiao's palms were sent forward, and an extremely cold and cold power spread. The whole hall seemed to be coming from the cold wind and entered the ice country of the snow country. Nie Yun was too late to escape. Are all frozen together.

Frozen for thousands of miles, the Fu Lu made by the strong players who practiced the ice attributes. Once triggered, the strong Luoxianjing will be trapped, let alone Nie Yun.

I changed to other immortal realms and even the real immortal encountered this. I am afraid that it has already died directly. Nie Yun has the talent of beacon fire and retained a trace of heart. This did not kill her on the spot.

The heartbeat of this fiery fire keeps beating, the flames of the flames and sparks are burning, helping him to dispel the chill in his body.

Xuan Rao is so. To get rid of it completely, it takes at least dozens of breaths, and during this period, enough Xiao Xiao has killed him several times.

"Hold me to give my last life-saving sign 箓, die!"

Duan Xiao also seems to know that the frozen boy hasn't frozen the young man in front of him. He lifted a long sword with a gap and stabbed at Nie Yun. This is really a stab. Even if there is a wooden spirit, I am afraid it is too late. Operation will be stabbed to death.

"Hugh hurts my dad!"

Wu Changjian had not yet come to Nie Yun, and suddenly a golden light flashed in front of him. A huge tail matched with impatience, he drew it hard.


Xiao Duan Xiao did not expect that there would be suddenly more things in front of him. Without any precaution, he flew out in the middle of his shoulders and hit a wall not far away.

"Five-clawed golden dragon? Is there such a **** beast? Is it still a child? Haha, if I become my demon pet, I will not let me fly in the sky!"

Although was beaten, Duan Xiao did not suffer much physical harm, looked up into the air, and immediately laughed a little crazy.

He appeared in front of him as a young five-pronged golden dragon. If this ancient **** and beast can become his demon pet, he will have no problem in the world.

龙 It was Xiaolong who just shot.

Xiao Xiaolong has been in the Big Dipper Palace. When the situation is critical, Nie Yun has no worries and releases him.

Wu Xiaolong was born less than two years ago, and the body strength is only about the peak of True Wonderland, so even if he exerts his best, he may not be Duan Xiao's opponent. Nuisance

But now the situation can not take care of so much.

"Dare to hurt my father, you die for me!"

As soon as Xiao Xiaolong appeared, he could see the situation in front of him. A pair of dragons stared round and round, yelled, "Oh!"


Xiao Duan Xiao never thought of the grand five-claw golden dragon. The dragon king actually used this trick to scare his face and want to dodge, but how could he escape the speed of the dragon and be bitten on his thigh.


When the bite of the dragon's teeth was fully bitten, Duan Xiao broke off one thigh with a crisp sound.

"Ah ... you're crazy ..."

The severe pain made Duan Xiao's eyes red, and he raised his palm and patted it on Xiaolong's back.


Xiao Xiaolong was blown out and flew out, rolling a few heels on the ground, blood spurting.


He rolled on the ground, Xiaolong rushed over again, and took another bite at Duan Xiao, this time biting the other leg.


Duan Xiao patted Xiaolong again under the pain.

His attack opened the mountain and cracked the stone. Without hitting it, a little golden blood flowed out of the corner of Xiaolong's mouth, but it was not dead or alive, just like crazy.

"Little Dragon ..."

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun burst into tears.

I know Xiaolong did it all because of him, for he was afraid that the other party would slow down and kill him who couldn't move!

"Break me!"

Nian Yun's eyes were red, and Nie Yun's whole body was concentrated to the extreme, with a loud scream.


The mind seemed to break through a certain kind of maggot, the soul of the early stage of immortality was finally broken and reached the middle stage of immortality under the anxiety.

Click! The moment the soul broke through, the flames burned, and finally the body's freezing was completely melted, and the rigid body could move.

"Dead to me!"

Red eyes were red, and the whirlwind of Nie Yun generally rushed in. The Beidou sword in the palm was like the cold light from the sky.

Seven Star Sword Third Form, Far Away!

Break through the soul, break through the third seal and unblock the third move of Qixing Sword.


[Yuan Yang] This move seems far from near, near from near, with an elusive mystery. Duan Xiao wants to dodge, but his body is bitten by the dragon. Before he can escape, he is pierced by a sword Under the invisible sword gas, the soul burst into pieces and died.

"Little Dragon!"

He killed Duan Xiao, and quickly hugged him in his arms.

Click! Click!

After a short while, Nie Yun stopped. Although Xiaolong had suffered a serious injury just now, his blood was strong, and the vitality of the wood was amazing. At this time, he was as good as ever.

"Hee hee, I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired, I need to take a break!"

He regained his body, Xiaolong's head staggered twice in Nie Yunhuai, and laughed.

"It's all right, then you take a break!"

Yunie Nieyun knew that once the ancient **** and beast of Xiaolong had to rest, he must have reached a critical point and had to break through. He smiled immediately and returned it to the Big Dipper.

Thanks to Xiaolong dragging Duan Xiao frantically this time, he had a chance to break through the ice, otherwise, this time he must be dead.

Of course, because of this battle, Xiaolong is about to break through. As soon as it wakes up to the realm of heaven or Luoxian, Nie Yun can't understand.

五 Ancient **** beast five-claw golden dragon, one of the rarest bloodlines between heaven and earth, although it is the fourth-level bloodline like ordinary Shura, the true potential is definitely greater than ordinary Shura.

Otherwise, it is impossible to lead the Devil's family for so many years, and like the Nether Phoenix to rule the Demon, it is known as the well-deserved king of the Devil's family.

"Let's see what baby is on this Duan Xiao!"

Xiao Duan Xiao is a strong man in Tianxian Realm. He must have a lot of babies on his body. Nie Yun reached out his body and swiped it. The stealing talents worked and he took out the things in his possession.

嗯 "Well, these gourds ... these monkey heart wines should have been snatched from the silent monkey family!"

The eight gourds that first came into view ~ www.readwn.com ~ was exactly the same as the wordless monkey gave himself, and unplugged the bottle to reveal the strong aroma of the wine.

Marmoset heart wine!

When he passed the place where the speechless monkey lived before, Nie Yun saw that all the wine in Qingshi was missing, and it turned out to be in his hands.

收 Put eight gourds into Dantian, and Nie Yun looked at other things.

"Fuck, it is indeed a disciple of disciples, there are so many babies!"

In this pile of things, there are not only four grades of pure elixir, but also various cheats, immortals, and many elixir.

There are even a few weapons that reach the middle class level.

I looked closely and found that there was nothing in the elixir that could be promoted, and immediately shook his head to enter Dantian. As for the middle-class fairy ware, Nie Yun had a Beidou sword, which was not very useful for these things.

Alas, if you sell these things, you can definitely sell a lot of wealth.

"Huh? This is ... this is ..."

I casually glanced a bunch of things into Dantian, and suddenly something fell into Nie Yun's eyes.

There is a watermelon-sized ore in front of him, and it reveals a breath that makes the unknown method tremble.




(To be continued. This article is provided by @ 郗 葶. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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