Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 958: The 6th Nirvana Success (1)

Nie Yun entered the state of cultivation and turned a blind eye to the outside world. He did not know that Jiuyang City was boiling like a hot pot at this time.

The main reason is that there is only one person ...

I also sent a four-pin driver to come and sit in town.

As a Sanpin exorcist, Xun Qiulin was not a big behemoth such as an exorcist tower, but she was also a member of the party who suddenly died. If she did not track down, the exorcist tower would have no dignity to speak of.

Therefore, this time I came forward to make a great move, not only sent out the exorcist, but also sent six Tianxian strongmen, and even one Tianxian peak sitting on the town, the purpose is very simple, once the real cause of death of Qiu Lin was found out, the killer was immediately brought to justice. Protect the noble status and power of the exorcist by law.

A few days ago, due to the cover-up of Shen Xiong, nothing was found. Until the seventh day, a so-called "talent" finally could not withstand the investigation, and said that Qiu Lin had died because of his son's affairs and the city's mansion before his death. Contradictions occurred, and in a split second the city's mansion became a target of public criticism.

"Jiuyang City can kill Qiu Lin, and there is no sound that can't be noticed. I am afraid that only the city owner Shen Xiong can't do it!"

An old man said with a beard in a spacious room at the Pu Diyang auction house.

"In this case, sending someone directly to arrest the Shen bear for interrogation is that there is no need to analyze here!" The old man's voice had just fallen, and a cold hum rang.

I was talking about a woman wearing a robe. She had fair skin, a similar appearance to Min Xixi, and she was a beautiful woman of one hundred miles.

Although his appearance is very good, his eyes are cold and cold, and he seems to disdain the so-called city master.

"Mr. Xu Xinqian is simple to say, but it is actually not easy to handle. Shen Xiong, the city master, was appointed by Zong. If there is no evidence, the master of a city will be seized. "

The old man shook his head.

"Zong? Huh, we drive the tower to do things, do we still need their consent? As long as we doubt and kill, our drive master makes a huge contribution to the whole spiritual world. Now someone is dead. Does n’t even have this right? ? "

Xu Xinqian snorted humbly, with a unique taste of the driver in her eyes.

"It is true that there is no need to explain it to anyone driving the tower, but Zong owns the Jinxian strong to sit in the town, which is not a small gate. If there is no evidence, skip them directly, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble!" .

"No need to worry, everything is up to me. I am Xu Xinqian, a four-grade silverprint repairman. I still have the right to review a small town owner!"

Xu Xinqian waved her hand and didn't care.

女子 This woman is not very old, but I did not expect that she was the master of the four grades, and she also reached the level of silver pattern.

"Well, I'll do it now ..." Before the old man's words were finished, a shout came from outside.

"Return to Mr. Xu Xinqian, senior Hou Qian, some people are asking for help!"

"Zonglairen? Just let them in!" Xu Xinqian waved.

Although the old man Hou Qian is the peak of the fairyland, in the presence of the Sipin exorcist, he dare not hold his own identity. Everything is up to Xu Xinqian.

"Cong Yongzhuan disciple sees two people!"

After a short while, a young man in white walked in and rushed directly into the canopy. He was also a peak of the wonderland.

"Sit down!" Hou Qian quickly greeted "I don't know what advice Cang Yongxiaxia came over at this time?"

"Don't dare to see the teaching. This time, I came to investigate because my two brothers, Duan Xiao and Han Zhu, died for no reason. I heard that you are also being adjusted, so I wanted to come and see if there was any clue!"

Youth in white Cang Yong fist.

When I was talking, his eyes kept staring at Xu Xinqian, and the blinking eyes did not conceal the so-called goodwill.

Xu Xinqian's appearance is just fine, coupled with the talent of the four-grade silver pattern driver, I'm afraid anyone will be impressed.

"We have found out that this is the person killed by the Lord of Jiuyang City. Why, do you care?"

Seeing his eyes, Xu Xinqian frowned, and there was a disgust in her eyes, she said casually.

I heard her say, Hou Qian wanted to say that there was no evidence to speculate, and the words swallowed to the lips.

Xu Xinqian in front of her eyes, at a young age, has reached the level of four-grade driving master. Although her talent is good, she has an extremely powerful master.

Her master, she has reached the rank of six exorcist repairmen, even in the repair towers are countable figures.

It is precisely because of this backstage that she has arrogant manners and attitudes.

管 "No matter where? If the Lord of Jiuyang City is appointed by our ancestor, but dare to hurt the exorcist is a capital crime. Even if you don't do it, I will kill the people for myself!"

Wu Cangyong said quickly, looking pleased.

"That's all right, let's go to the city's mansion now and see how bold the Shen bear is, not only dare to kill Qiu Lin, but also your two brothers and sisters!"

Xu Xinqian stood up. Although her good figure was hidden under the robe, she suddenly stood up. The two round bumps and the plump hips were still visible. Cang could not help but swallow her mouth.

好 "Okay, I'll help you interrogate now!"

Wu Cangyong flattered.

I heard the conversation between the two, Hou Qian sighed.

审查 This review is too hasty. He once investigated the Shen bear. Only the real strength in the real wonderland was later. It is almost impossible to kill Qiu Lin with such strength, let alone Duan Xiao and Han Zhu who have Tianxian level.

However, he only accompanied Xu Xinqian to protect her. What she said was what, even if this Shen bear was wronged, he could only admit that he was unlucky!

What's more, now it is mixed with the previous Cangyong, and things are more troublesome.

Xu Xinqian's four-grade silver-grained repairman had a decision, and the others immediately followed it. Soon the party came to the city's main house, and Cang Yongdang rushed in first.

让 "Let your lord Shen Xiong come to see me!"

I entered the city main mansion, Cang Yong threw his hand and threw out a token of a true disciple, lengheng.


When I saw this token, everyone else knew that it was terrifying, and was shocked. I was planning to pass through the ultimatum and saw Shen Xiong and his daughters Shen Jiarong, Min Yan, Min Xixi, and others came over.

Because of Nie Yun, Min Yan and Min Xixi did not leave, but have been guests in Tielong City, only Wei Ye went back first.

"Shen Xiong, Lord of Jiuyang City, has met Zong Zhenzhuan disciples!"

Shen Xiong knew that his strength was far better than himself at this time, and quickly fists.

"I now ask you, did you kill Qiulin, the third-grade expulsion repairer at Diyang Auction? Did my two brothers Duan Xiao and Han Zhu die in your hands?"

In order to show in front of the beautiful woman, Wu Cangyong dropped the crime without saying a word.

"Master Uighur, even if I want to do it, I am not so capable ..."

Shen Xiong had long thought about his speech and was busy.

"Dare to quibble and kneel down for me!"

He didn't wait for him to finish, Cang Yong yelled, palms forward, and the immortal peak of Tianxian waved down. Shen Bear had not responded yet, and his knees fell to the ground softly.

"Master, the Cang bear is the master of the city anyway. If there is no evidence for such punishment, I am afraid that people will not accept it ..."

Seeing Cang Yong say nothing, he let Shen Xiong fall to his knees, Min Yan frowned, and quickly stepped forward two steps.

"Dare to question what I do, what are you?" Cang Yong looked scornful.

"He is the guest of Minyan, the city of Xiatielong City, and is here to be a guest ..." Min Yan busyly said.

"Guest? Huh, I was still confused before, Shen bear alone was not enough to kill Qiu Lin, I am afraid that it was the two of you who conspired to kill him! In this case, you also kneeled down and pleaded guilty immediately, otherwise, I will let you know the power of Zong's top ten torture! "

Wu Cangyong sneered again and again, palms forward again.


Just a moment, Min Yan also fell to the ground.

Min Minyan and Shen Xiong are both real wonderland, and their strengths are not much different. In front of Cang Yong, who is at the peak of Tianxian, nothing can be counted.


佳 Shen Jiarong and Min Xixi did not expect the second disciple in front of him to knelt down, forcing his father to kneel, all flushed with anger.


Only then did Cang Yong see the two women, shocked by their looks, and a stunning flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then this light was hidden by him.

"I deal fairly, do you have any questions?"

"Handle it justice?"

Hearing this, the second daughter was so angry.

不错 "Yes, if there is any question, I can specifically explain it to you, okay, I'm going to interrogate the two now, you step down!"

Wu Cang never realized what he thought, pursed his lips, waved his hands, and stared at Shen Xiong and Min Yan who were kneeling down.

"You two, immediately acknowledge **** Qiu Lin and my Duan Xiao and Han Zhu designs! If there is a false word, be careful I will kill you immediately!"

"Master, we have not designed Qiu Lin and others, and we do not know how they died, especially Duan Xiao and Han Zhu, I have never even seen them before. How can I see them killed?"

Shen Xiong quickly said ~ www.readwn.com ~ Duan Xiao and Han Zhu were killed by Nie Yun in Jiuyang Mountain. Shen Xiong did not know that he had not gone to Jiuyang Mountain.

Although Duan Xiao, Han Zhu Min Yan, and Min Xixi have seen each other, they know that the more they say at this time, the greater their crimes, and they will not mention them at all.

"I'm just a guest here, and I haven't even seen Qiu Lin, how can I kill them!"

Min Yan also said.

"Hmm, it seems you can't see the coffin and you can't cry! Well, I'll let you taste what the censorship law is now!"

Wu Cangyong sneered, pointing his fingers forward, and two air streams shot straight at the two. It is foreseeable that once they penetrate into the two, they will definitely endure hell-like torture.


Before I came to the two, suddenly a breeze flashed in the air, and the air flow disappeared in a blink.

"Qiu Lin, Duan Xiao, and Han Zhu, all three of them were offended because they offended me. What's wrong?

Immediately, a faint voice sounded in the room, and a teenager did not know when it suddenly appeared in front of everyone.




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