Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 966: 6 major physiques

Zizi Zizi!

As soon as he entered the pool, Fan Luo knew that it was over.

The coldness of Wuchi water has exceeded imagination. The meaning of ice cold spreads out of the bone marrow, and even the blood can freeze. Even if he is a strong man in Luoxianjing, he still feels like the whole person is frozen.

"What is this? How can there be such a cold pool of water?"

An idea that made him a little panic emerged from the idea. Before the idea was over, I saw the boy who had just attacked him, a pair of wings flickering behind him, and the whole man was floating in the air, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"You ... is ... Nie Yun?"

Lips 哆嗦, want to jump out of the water but found nowhere to use the least force, the whole body of the fairy force has also been frozen a bit frozen, not to mention jumping out, it is very good to keep it from sinking.


Nie Yun laughed lightly, knowing that these masters have a lot of means, not to say nonsense, holding a Beidou sword, a few counts of Jianmang straight straight down.


Although he did not use the seven-star sword trick, as a strong swordsman, he possesses the talent of kendo master. Each sword falls with an inescapable mystery, and each attack exceeds the Supreme Sword Art.

Elder Fan Fanluo was half-frozen. This pair was attacked again. He couldn't resist at all. For a moment, he had a lot of blood on his body.

Hot blood met cold water, and it became colder. Fan Luo only felt that his body became more and more rigid, and the whole person was about to become a puppet.

"Good boy, you are ruthless, but you want to kill me like this, dream! [Crazy burning spirit] Burning life, kill!"

I knew that in this way, death would undoubtedly, Elder Fan Luo suddenly swallowed a panacea, and howled, the whole person's breath suddenly increased.

The madman burns the spirit panacea, an elixir that can burn life and make people's strength and soul increase wildly in a short time.

Although the combat effectiveness increases in a short period of time, backwashing is also very huge. Not only does the life span decrease, once the effect of the medicine is over, the soul and cultivation will even fall.

"Burning life? Don't think about it!"

Where can Nie Yun make him burn successfully? With a chuckle, the wings of the Phoenix flickered, and immediately flew down from the air, drilling straight into the pond.


Elder Fan Fanlu then felt that his ankle was tight and he had been pinched tightly by the palms of his hands.

The Qiuchi was originally cold, and the colder it got, the lower and lower the elder Fan Luo's body hadn't completely spread out. He felt that it was difficult for him to breathe when the nose and nose were poured into the colder water.

别 Don't talk about fighting in this situation, it's hard to say if you can save your life.

He was pulled down by the other side, his body became colder, his will was impacted, and he became more and more blurred.

Elder Fan Fanluo felt that the whole man was going crazy, how could he never think why such a cold pool of water could not affect this young man ... "

"Be my obedient, I am your master. Believe in the master will reduce your pain ... 6

As soon as his will began to blur, a voice with a strong confusion sounded in his ears.

As soon as the voice entered his mind, he immediately stimulated him even more blurred.

"No, want to deceive me, deceive a Luoxian, you dream!"

When Nie Yun felt that Elder Fan Luo couldn't hold it anymore, suddenly the soul of this old guy sent out a firm expression, as if an idea could not be shaken.

"The soul realm is still too low, and I want to confuse the Luoxian Realm strong, but I have no idea

He shook his head, Nie Yun was not discouraged, grabbed the palm of Elder Fan Luo, suddenly released, and then a stone leaned over, followed by a strong and powerful current, bursting through the defensive impact.

Knowing that the other party was firm and had not completely disintegrated, Nie Yun took out a lightning bolt.

的 The current contained in these thunderbolts can not even resist a thunderbolt division. Although Elder Fan Luo is a strong man in Luoxianjing, he must not be as talented as the thunderbolt division. Just one thing, his whole body is stiff like a zombie, and his will is fuzzy.

电 For seven or eighty consecutive electric charges, Elder Fan Luo's eyes have turned pale, and white foam was spitting in his mouth.

成为 "Be my 傀儡, I am your master!"

Knowing that the time was ripe, Nie Yunxian's talents blessed the deceiver's talents. The two talents worked. After a while, Elder Fan Luo completely collapsed, and his eyes showed piousness.

"the host!"


Hearing this shout, Nie Yun knew that he had been completely bewildered, so he was relieved, and his whole body felt a little soft.

虽然 Although the time elapsed in this series of action time is not long, and everything is in his design, the Luoxianjing Powerhouse is the Luoxianjing Powerhouse, which cannot be measured by common sense at all.

As long as there is a series of incidents, as long as there is a slight error, I am afraid it is only myself who has become a corpse!

"It seems that the gap between Luoxian and Tianxian is even larger. A hundred Tianxian may not be Luoxian's opponents.

Nian Yun couldn't help but sigh about the strength of Elder Fan Luo.

Immortal class nine, each has a difference between heaven and earth, this gap is even more obvious in Luoxianjing. This time, if not for repeated use, with Xueleichi, let alone make Fan Luo into a trance, I do n’t know how to die Yes, I ’m afraid it ’s hard to escape!

"Huh? You first enter the horoscope, I will go to Cang Cheng ..."

I took Fan Luo into the Big Dipper Palace, and Nie Yunmu's vitality turned around in his body, exhausted, and then he continued to move upstream along the water surface.

Under the observation of Tian Tian, ​​Cang Yong came here without waiting for the exact news of Elder Fan Luo.

"Elder Fan Luo, Elder Fan Luo ..."

As soon as I entered this space, Cang Yong was startled by the cold water, and hurriedly hurriedly.

"Well, something must have happened, go!"

Seeing that no one responded, Cang Yong immediately felt a bit of awkwardness, turned around and ran towards the teleportation array, trying to escape directly.

"Want to leave? Don't leave when you come!"

How could Nie Yun leave him, "Oh!" He jumped out of the pool and punched him in the air.


The fist wind was violent, and the cold water of the pool touched Cang Yong's body, and the latter immediately became an ice man.

Wu Cangyong was not as good as him. At this time, he took advantage of the thunder and lightning power of Xue Lei Chi. How could it be blocked? The two could not breathe, and they became crickets.

"Seal of returning to Yuanyuan in one go!"

He sealed Xue Leichi again, and Nie Yun led Cang Yong into the Big Dipper.

"Well, now I ask you, do you Yunyuzong have chaos?"

When Xun entered the Xinggong, Nie Yun asked the two Xuns in front of her.

"Chaos Spirit? I don't know ..."

The two men shook their heads at the same time, as if they had never heard of the name.

I ca n’t lie to the master, and after hearing this answer, Nie Yun frowned

"It is a precious spiritual fluid that can make the body get rid of impurities and wash the pulp!"

I thought that Chaos Lingyin might have been the name of the ancient spirit of Xinggong, Nie Yun asked for a moment.

"The spiritual fluid for washing and masticating? The Yunyu Sect has it, but it is not called Chaos Lingyu. It is called Yunyu Quenching Body Fluid. It is the inheritance of Yunyu Sect. Only the best disciples are eligible to use it!"

Elder Fan Luolu thought for a moment.

"Yunyu quenched body fluid? Listen to it in detail!" Nie Yun didn't know if it was a chaotic psychic fluid, and in his heart summoned the spirit of the Xinggong palace.

"Yes, Yunyu quenching body fluid is made by Yunyuzong's collection of the heaven and earth and the essence of cloud and rain. It has the spiritual breath of heaven and earth and integrates into the body. It can remove impurities in the body in a short time, making the body more pure, natural, Smart, the soul can be transformed "..."

Elder Fan Fanluo seemed to know a lot, and explained the detailed effects of Yunyu Quenching Body Fluid.

"This is not a chaotic elixir. The effect is much worse than the chaotic elixir! The chaos elixir is extracted from the sky above Jiuxiao. It comes from endless chaos. A drop of ordinary people's clothing can directly rise day by day, and go all the way from the sea of ​​gas to directly Real Wonderland! Yun Yu quenching body fluid is by no means comparable to rubbish! "

After listening for a while, Xinggong Lingxiu frowned and said slowly.

"No" ... Nie Yun sighed.

Chaos Spirit Liquid alone knows from the efficacy that it cannot be possessed by ordinary forces. It is extracted from the top of Jiuxiaotian, and 无 comes from the endless mixed dragon ... The two restrictions alone will make many people discourage.

"Although this is not a chaotic spirit, it is good for the body. If you can get more, there must be some helpers.

Seeing his slightly lost expression, the spirit of Xinggong smiled.


Nie Yun nodded.

Since Yunyu Que Body Fluid is so famous in Yunyuzong, it is useful to the disciples in Tianxianjing, and it is definitely a rare treasure. The effect of one drop is certainly not as good as that of Chaos Spirit Fluid. Can have unexpected effects.

I now want to incorporate Chiba Xianlian into my body. The most important condition is that the body is pure and the impurities are reduced. It is not necessary to use chaos spiritual fluid. Perhaps this Yunyu quenching fluid can also have a certain effect.

"The spiritual world divides pure Lingdan into six levels: ordinary, pure, essence, supreme, pseudo-perfect, and perfect. The purity of the body is also divided into six levels, namely the star power fairy body, the supreme astral body, the innate spirit body, and the ancient. Eucharist, heaven and earth, and chaos! "

The spirit of Xinggong said with a smile: "Xingli fairy body is the most common physical body of immortal body that has been tempered by stars. This kind of person senses the most common stars, and the future achievements are limited! The supreme form senses the spirit world. The body formed by a big star ~ www.readwn.com ~ This big star is at least the level of the Big Dipper, so once it succeeds, the physical body is very powerful! The innate spirit body is the master ’s innate dragon body and the light sky phoenix body! The ancient ancient body is A kind of alien species passed down from ancient times, with a stronger constitution and fewer impurities! As for the heavenly body and chaotic body, I have never seen it, nor am I clear! "

"Six major physiques ..." Nie Yun did not expect that the spiritual world has also ranked the purity of the body, and there are so many, can not help but slap his tongue, nodded, and suddenly asked: "After serving the chaotic spiritual fluid, the body can reach What level? "




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"Water Margin survival in mind," author of the novel: The Justice of Life

哪里 Where is my confidant! ?

This is the last mourn sent out by Wang Lun, the ancestor of Liangshan Pokai Mountain in the original track, before dying.

However, history has deviated from the main line because of a thunderstorm.

The turbulent Song Dynasty situation, the broken ethical dynasty outline, the wicked neighbour Jurchen, the tyrannical bully bully the master, whether to survive or perish in internal and external troubles, the time left for the white-women Wang Lun is running out.

Let's look at a modern state-owned enterprise supervisor who crossed the Song dynasty and took the path of survival of the leeches behind the famous unlucky ghost Wang Lun.

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