Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 101 1111 Attributes

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Master, your jaw is about to fall."

The Titan Great Ape reminded that Luochuan's open mouth could almost squeeze a goose egg at this moment, and the appearance of his chin was about to fall, which was a bit funny.

"Uh, my chin is a bit uncomfortable recently. I am moving my muscles and bones."

Luo Chuan smiled awkwardly and pretended to bite a few times while collecting the remaining light ball.

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the 90,000-year spirit ring."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Soul of the White Tiger King."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the right arm spirit bone."

Three consecutive beeps made Luochuan extremely comfortable.

Forget the spirit ring, in his place, the spirit ring is the least valuable, and the spirit and spirit bone are the key points.

Soul spirits can be cultivated into pets, and soul bones can directly enhance their strength.

The moment the White Tiger King was killed, he would collect the soul, and his power basically didn't dissipate. After being transformed into a pet, the soul would be stronger than Arou.

Needless to say the spirit bones, the quality of the 90,000-year spirit bones, in today's Douluo Continent, except for the rare one hundred thousand-year spirit bones and the soul bones corresponding to the angelic costumes of the soul hall, there is basically not much spirit bone power. Transcend it.

The most important thing is energy, this comes from the one billion energy of the White Tiger King's cultivation base, even if he thinks about it at the moment, it still makes his heart beat faster.

Although the last time Arou was a 100,000-year soul beast, his death took too long.

According to his many tests, it was found that after the death of a soul beast or a human, the energy with soul power as the main form dissipated the fastest, probably because there was no rule protection.

The second is the soul or the martial soul. The stronger the soul, the less likely it is to die immediately, so Ah Rou can wait for him.

As for the spirit ring, because it can be absorbed by humans, it can be stored for a longer time, but it won't grow too much. It's just longer than the spirit ring.

As for the soul bone, this thing has a physical body, it is the longest to keep, and can even be traded as a commodity.

To put it simply, touching the corpse should take advantage of the freshness, otherwise there will not be much collection, or even after a long time, nothing can be collected.

This billion of energy is basically the cultivation base that the White Tiger King has accumulated over the past 90,000 years, minus the consumption of the battle just now, it should not dissipate much.

"With so much energy, you can quickly improve your strength!"

Luo Chuan was extremely excited, and said to the Titan Great Ape: "I've done it, you continue."

After he finished speaking, he flew back to the back of the Giant Rhinoceros King Water Spirit, lay down with his eyes closed, and looked at his own harvest happily.

The Titan Great Ape breathed out: "You're done, this area will belong to our Star Fighting Soul Beast Empire in the future."

He grabbed the corpse of the White Tiger King and threw it to the Black Fiend Ape King: "Take it back and divide it again. I won't continue fighting today, take a rest."

He had fought two battles with the soul beast team before, and now he was fighting fiercely with the White Tiger King. He was also a little tired, and he was ready to wait for two days before starting his next target.

"Wang, I will treat you."

The Nebula Deer King came over, wisps of starlight scattered on the antlers, and the wound on the Titan Great Ape was quickly healed.

The other spirit beasts were not injured, and there was no delay. After a while, the spirit beast team turned and returned.

Luo Chuan was lying on the back of Shui Ling Giant Rhinoceros King, looking at the ten-digit energy with a smile on his face, this time he became a nouveau riche.The only Chinese website www.v1zw.com

"Now at level 44, but I haven't upgraded the krypton gold mechanism by level 1 by myself. This time it takes 8.8 million to upgrade to level 1, next time it will be 90 million, and next time it will be 920 million..."

Luo Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth: "A billion energy is actually enough to upgrade to level 3. It can't be used like that. It's too prodigal. I should upgrade to level 1 on my own, refresh the krypton gold mechanism, and then spend energy."

He had millions of energy last time, he could practice level 1 by himself, and the system would be upgraded to level 2, costing hundreds of thousands of energy.

This time, he was completely able to upgrade to level 1 by himself, and then the system spent more than 90 million energy to upgrade to level 4.

Still choosing the method of relatively saving energy, Luo Chuan did not rush to upgrade his level, but glanced at the third martial arts position.

"Golden Sage Dragon can give it a try. Liu Erlong and Flanders are now just soul saints. It should be hundreds of millions to copy their martial souls. As for the master... even a fraction is not enough, don't care."

Luo Chuan showed the color of thinking. This matter is more valuable. After he merges the martial spirit, he can directly increase his level. At that time, it will be more than sixty levels. There is no need to consider using energy to increase his level?

However, if he wanted to integrate a powerful martial soul, his mental and physical attributes were not enough now, and he couldn't bear the power of a soul-sage-class martial soul.

Then raise the spirit and physique of the current Soul King level directly to the Soul Sage level!

"The physique and spirit of the soul saint basically needs to reach 1,000 points, and every 0.1 attribute requires 10,000 energy, and the two attributes can be upgraded to less than 200 million, meaningless."

He opened the system panel, and immediately spent energy to point all of his physique and spirit to more than one thousand points, reaching 1111 points, spending a total of nearly 200 million energy.

Almost instantly, Luochuan's spirit and physique increased more than 10 times. If it weren't produced by the system, the body and spirit would be transformed, otherwise no one could bear such a big change.


Even though there were no side effects, Luo Chuan's head buzzed for a while. This was because his spirit suddenly became stronger and he was not used to it.

In an instant, Luo Chuan felt that he was thrown into a new world that was extremely noisy, colorful and filled with various smells.

A lot of sounds poured into his ears, such as sounds that hadn't been heard before, such as the rustling of insects crawling on the ground, the heartbeat of the giant water spirit rhino king, and all kinds of messy sounds, like the tide rushing into the ears.

Not only sound, but countless smells and colors followed his senses, and the whole world was much more complicated.

His brain, taste, and ears instantly received ten times more information than before. If it hadn't been for the improvement of his physique, Luo Chuan estimated that he would be bled by the information, and even explode on the spot.


Luo Chuan flushed, panting quickly, and it took a while to adjust to this new world.

The more he invented white, even if it relies on the system, the strength is not so easy to obtain.

When he opened his eyes, a few big eyeballs were staring at him, his pupil lines were faintly visible, and the black eye feces and broken eyelashes were all instantly noticed by him.


Luo Chuan was startled. The whole person jumped up like a spring. He jumped up to ten feet high. He hurriedly released his martial soul to stabilize his body, and said silently, "What are you looking at me for?"

"We thought something happened to you, it looks like a nightmare."

The Titan Great Ape shook his head, without much attention to Luo Chuan, until the Shui Ling Great Rhinoceros King realized that Luo Chuan's strength was a little bit strong, and he had a clear feeling when he jumped.

"more or less."

Luo Chuan didn't say much, looking at the new world that became colorful again, and found that the stronger he was, the more things in this world could be seen.

The ants may only be able to see in front of them.

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