Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 114 The Third Martial Spirit: The Blood Pupil!

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For today's harvest, Luochuan did not expect much.

In his opinion, at most more than 100,000 energy can be collected here. Compared with the Star Dou Great Forest, even if the next harvest of the Star Dou Great Forest will continue to decline, it will still be a world of difference.

However, Zhang Xiaonian was very excited. Seeing Luochuan's arrival, he hurriedly introduced.

"His Royal Highness, there are two senior spirit masters among the prisoners to be executed today. They are..."

Through Zhang Xiaonian's brief introduction, Luo Chuan learned that there are five soul masters to deal with today, of which there are two souls, and one soul sect!

Compared to before, the quality of the prisoners executed this time was very high, but it was a pity that Luochuan had even collected a billion energy, which was basically drizzle.

Wearing a mask, Luo Chuan calmly entered the execution ground, glanced at the five soul masters who were about to be executed, paused in the middle of the highest cultivation base, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

This soul master has messy hair, a thin body, and a desolate image. The surface is similar to other criminals, but his eyes are very special.


The pupils of this person were blood-red, like blood, exuding evil intentions. When he met him, he was in a trance, and a sea of ​​corpses and blood suddenly appeared around him, and countless ghosts surrounded him.

"Let me go!"

These shadow monsters screamed and stretched out dense hands to grab him.


The purple intent in Luo Chuan's eyes flashed, and the powerful mental power exploded. All the demon screamed, and the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain was like a mirror, shattering with a crack.

The owner of the blood pupil trembled, Qiqiao bleeding, his eyebrows almost split, and he looked at Luo Chuan with some horror.

Only then did Shen Jinming realize that something was wrong, and for a moment he stood in front of Luo Chuan and looked at the master of the blood pupil with some surprise.

"Mental attack!"

He was a little jealous, it was difficult to detect such invisible attacks immediately.


A braid fell heavily on his back, beating it to the ground.

Zhang Xiaonian also noticed something was wrong, so he viciously gave the prisoner a whip: "Asshole, I'm dying and I'm not at peace, come here, kill him first!"

With a big wave of his hand, the executioner stopped sharpening his knife and walked towards the prisoner.

Zhang Xiaonian said with some worry: "His Royal Highness, are you okay?"

"Quiet Soul Venerable, can't hurt me yet."

Luo Chuan shook his head and stared at the blood pupil with interest. It was the first time he encountered someone who could attack with his eyes and asked, "What's the situation with this person?"

"This guy is murderous and good at mental attacks. His spirit is very special, not a normal spirit type, but a pair of eyes."

Zhang Xiaonian said with a weird face, "This is the first time that my subordinates have encountered this kind of prisoner. I heard that everyone who meets him, if they are not strong enough, will fall into an illusion, or commit suicide, or kill other people, or Just die!"


Luo Chuan's eyes were slightly bright, and looking like this, isn't it the body spirit?And it's the spirit body spirit!


In the soft sound, the owner of the blood pupil was cut off his head in unwillingness, and the blood flowed like a shot, and he was beheaded first.56 Novel www.56xiaoshuo.com

Even after he died, his pupils were still staring, looking strange and evil.

Luo Chuan appeared next to the corpse for a moment, collecting light blobs slightly expectantly.

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the blood pupil of the main body spirit!"

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Centennial Spirit Ring*3, and the Millennium Spirit Ring*1!"

"Ding, congratulations on collecting 18,000 energy!"

Hearing the system prompt, a smile appeared on the corner of Luochuan's mouth. It was indeed the main martial spirit, which was very rare.

The spirits of ordinary spirit masters are all things that exist in nature, which can be beasts, insects, plants, or artificial products such as swords, guns, swords and halberds.

But among the soul masters, there is a martial soul that is a part of his body, even himself, which can be said to be very peculiar, which can be called heaven's nostalgia.

However, the body spirit is too scarce after all, and there is no systematic cultivation method now, so it is difficult to develop, and it is easy to be rejected as a different kind, or simply regarded as a waste spirit.

It is really rare for this person to be able to cultivate to more than forty levels. It is estimated that he himself has continued to kill and grab various resources to grow to this day.

It is a pity that the killer is always killed. This person violates the laws of the empire, and getting caught is a dead end.

This is cheaper in Luochuan.

He now has three martial spirits. Eight-winged angels belong to the most comprehensive martial spirits. Nine-hearted Begonia is a healing martial spirit. The golden sacred dragons that have not yet merged are attacking beast martial spirits, and they just lack the spirit. Wuhun.

In his opinion, this main body martial spirit is very good, because it can cooperate with the cultivation of the purple magic pupil, and its power is bound to be more powerful.

"I didn't pay much attention to this place. I didn't expect there would be a surprise."

Luo Chuan was very satisfied. Then he collected the energy of several other prisoners and watched Zhang Xiaonian for a year: "Today's prisoner is very good, Shen Jinming, reward one thousand gold coins."

Zhang Xiaonian was flattered. He thought that there was an accident today and it would be good for Luo Chuan not to blame him. He didn't expect to reward him again and again and again express his gratitude.

Luo Chuan smiled faintly: "If you have any special soul masters in the future, you can tell me in advance, I like to see the strange martial arts."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zhang Xiaonian suddenly realized that it was because of this that he was rewarded. The hobby of the prince was really strange.

After not staying for a long time, Luo Chuan left the execution ground straight away, did not stay in Tiandou City this time, and returned to Yunwushan Branch after a long journey.

"Shen Jinming, you send someone to Notting City to pick someone up. He is called a master, so I said that Xue Luochuan asked him to teach at the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou Empire."

Luo Chuan ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness, I will let Zhang Wei and the others take a trip."

Shen Jinming nodded.

After arranging the last thing, Luo Chuan let out a sigh of relief and lay on the bed with a smile and said: "After these things are resolved, I can finally be quiet for a while. Then I only need to go to the Star Dou Forest and Dugu Bo every week. There, there is no need to run around for now."

After resting for a while, he sat cross-legged again, opened the system panel, and looked at the blood pupil of the martial arts spirit and the golden holy dragon in it, and decided to fuse the weaker blood pupil first.

[Ding, you are fusing the third martial soul, the energy required is 100,000, and it cannot be cancelled after fusion.]

After taking a look at the system prompt, Luo Chuan did not hesitate to choose to continue. Soon the blood pupils in the warehouse disappeared. Luo Chuan's eyes became cold, his pupils instantly turned into blood, a sea of ​​blood.

He closed his eyes and carefully absorbed the information from the body spirit. When he finally opened his eyes, the sea of ​​blood in his eyes formed a whirlpool, which quickly converged, and finally turned into a whirlpool-like bloodstain.

He picked up the mirror and looked at it. The blood stains were still quite obvious. He frowned slightly, took out a soul bone, and muttered: "It seems that it is necessary to cover up with the camouflage effect of the angelic god's torso bone."

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