Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 123 The Light of Time and Space Touching the Knowledge Blind Zone

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Su Yuntao was said to be a bit hot, and smiled: "Hehe, where is such an exaggeration, I am just an errand runner, and I did go to some places to help the children wake up."

"What the mainland needs is your soul master who works hard."

Luo Chuan affirmed.

"Thank you for your approval. Let's talk again when we have time. Let's do business now."

Su Yuntao was in a much better mood after receiving approval, and quickly put the six black stones into a hexagonal formation, and then took the blue crystal and said to Xiao Wu: "Little girl, come first and stand inside. "

When Xiao Wu entered, he said, "Close your eyes and feel the martial spirit in your body."

Seeing Xiao Wu closing her eyes obediently, a ray of blue light appeared between Su Yuntao's eyebrows, and at the same time she drank, "Martial Spirit Protector!"

As the cyan light spread, his black hair turned gray, his eyes lit up and turned green, his nails stretched out, his muscles swelled, and his whole person grew a bit taller.

In the scared gaze of several children, he turned into a werewolf in a blink of an eye, with two spirit rings rising from the soles of his feet, one white and one yellow, a very common combination.

Consoling the bewildered child, he took the blue crystal and started the awakening ceremony.

After he poured his soul power into the six stones on the ground, a circle of golden light emerged, transforming into a shield to envelope Xiao Wu.

These golden lights fell on Xiao Wu's body, and soon wisps of pink light emerged from her hands, turning into a pink rabbit.

Su Yuntao was stunned for a moment, and muttered: "Are you a rabbit? Not too powerful, but it's not bad. A rabbit bites people in a hurry. It's better than blue silver grass."

"Come, see if you have spirit power, if you have one, you can become a beast spirit master."

He handed out the blue crystal, and Xiao Wu put her little hand on it. Soon the crystal filled with brilliant blue light, which surprised him who didn't bring much hope.

"Innately full of soul power, how is it possible!"

Su Yuntao was a bit speechless. He only met a blue silver grass with innate soul power a few days ago, and now he actually encountered a rabbit.

Can't a more normal Martial Soul come?

"Xiao Wu, not bad, you can start absorbing the first spirit ring directly."

Luo Chuan smiled. Xiao Wu is naturally full of soul power. If a 100,000-year-old soul beast turns into a person, he doesn't even have full soul power, and she turns into a fart, just hit the wall.

"Yes, little girl, congratulations, you have no talents, but unfortunately you are a rabbit."

Su Yuntao sighed.

"Huh, what's wrong with the rabbit, it's also very powerful." Xiao Wu wrinkled her nose, a little dissatisfied that Su Yuntao looked down on the rabbit.

Luo Chuan touched Xiao Wu's head and said, "Xiao Wu, stop talking, let others try it."

Xiao Wu didn't say anything, Su Yuntao looked at Luo Chuan more, knowing that he was born with soul power, and it seemed that he was not an ordinary person.

He didn't ask much, and said to the child with a runny nose: "Come on."

The latter sucked his nose and stepped into the formation. After Su Yuntao was activated, the golden light poured into his body and quickly gathered in the palm of his hand, turning into a faint silver light.

Then a strange scene appeared, and nothing appeared in the hands of this little guy.

"how is this possible!"

Su Yuntao rubbed his eyes and looked at the child's empty right hand in disbelief, "Everyone in Douluo Continent has his own martial spirit, it shouldn't be that way."

Luo Chuan was also dumbfounded, because indeed everyone in this world has a martial soul, but the key to becoming a soul master is whether he has innate soul power, not a martial soul, which means that this child should have a martial soul.Tomb Raider Novel Network www.daomuxswxs.com

He couldn't help but glanced a few more times, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe his martial spirit is light, this silver light is very unique."

Su Yuntao came back to his senses and found that the snot kid's right hand did indeed have a ring of silver light, very faint, and still different from the awakening formation.

"Could it be light, what use is this thing?"

Su Yuntao felt that this peculiar martial arts soul touched his blind area of ​​knowledge for a moment, thought for a moment, picked up the blue crystal and said, "Let's see if there is soul power."

It's a pity that when the nasal child put his dirty hand on it, he didn't react at all.

"It looks like a waste light martial arts soul."

Su Yuntao suddenly lost interest and let the remaining two children continue. This time, a hoe and a wooden stick appeared, which were regarded as ordinary martial arts.

As for the soul power, it still hasn't appeared. Obviously, among the four children today, except for Xiao Wu, no one else has the talent of a soul master.

"It's not bad. I often go to ten villages and not necessarily meet one. The little girl will work hard to cultivate, and maybe she can become a beast spirit master who can shoot."

After Su Yuntao finished, he left a word and hurriedly left. His business was very busy, so he had to travel the rest of the village before the start of the Soul Master Academy.

Luo Chuan glanced at the kid who kept sniffing, walked over and touched his head and said, "What is your name?"

"Brother, my name is Ergou."

The child answered blankly.

Luo Chuan nodded, he turned on the system curiously to see what this little guy's martial spirit was.

[The Light Martial Soul of Time and Space is detected, whether to collect it?]

Seeing this prompt, Luo Chuan also looked dazed. What is the light of time and space?

He clicked on the introduction.


Wuhun: Light of Time and Space

Type: time, space, light

Introduction: This is a rare time-space martial spirit, difficult to cultivate, but if it grows up, it will have miraculous effects.


Seeing this information, Luo Chuan suddenly felt tall and stunned. This was actually a martial soul of the space-time type, and he had never heard of it.

However, I have heard of soul beasts that involve time or space, such as the dragon of time and space, the emerald dragon king, and the slow field of the azure bull python should also be related to time. The ultimate skill of the dark demon and evil god tiger also involves time and space changes.

However, among human spirit masters, there are almost no time-space martial spirits, at most there are space or time-type spirit abilities.

He couldn't help but look at the snot baby. It was rare to be able to awaken this special martial soul, but it was a pity that he had no soul power and couldn't cultivate.

Even if you have spirit power, it is more difficult to find a suitable spirit ring than a spirit type spirit master.

He thought for a moment, and spent 1 point of energy to copy this Wuhun.

Since the cost of copying a martial soul is linked to strength, this kid doesn't even have any soul power, so he naturally costs very little. It can be said that this is the cheapest martial soul he has copied.

After copying it, he didn't fuse it, so he put it away. Anyway, there was only a little energy, which had no effect on him. Just as a collection of this strange martial arts spirit.

If there is a similar spirit ring in the future, he might consider fusion, and let's just stand.

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