Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 133 The Fifth Soul Bone: Gengjin Qi

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the Star Dou Great Forest, the most numerous are not birds and beasts, but insects, among which ants and bees are in the forefront.

It is precisely because there are relatively few insect martial arts spirits among soul masters, and some insect martial arts spirits are small and difficult to be discovered, so they have become excellent intelligence collectors.

Now that Da Ming has initially established an intelligence system, he can control the situation of the inner circle and see how much potential it has.

Luo Chuan soon came to a soul beast that was hunted down. This soul beast actually reached five thousand years, comparable to the soul king among humans. It was a pity that he died for a while, but the energy harvested reached 200,000 levels. .

He urged spiritual exploration, and the power of induction spread out instantly, covering the surroundings, and found out this thousand-year-old soul beast, as well as some hundred or ten-year-old soul beasts.

This was killed by a human soul master on the way, and some of them died very shortly. Although the quality was not as good as the thousand-year soul beast, there were a lot of them.

The key is that the human spirit masters are not targeting them, so these spirit beasts didn't even take the spirit ring, and they had an extra amount of energy.

Luo Chuan left with satisfaction after touching the nearby spirit beast that had just been killed by hand, and once again received tens of thousands of energy.

This time it was lucky. Most of the spirit beasts that followed were about 1,000 to 3,000 years old, and the occasional ones were barely even 1,000 years old. Luo Chuan also touched all the corpses he could detect.

After half a day, Luo Chuan followed Xiao Huang to find more than a dozen thousand-year-old soul beasts, and hundreds of one-hundred-year-old soul beasts, earning more than two million yuan, which is pretty good.

"If I collect it every day, there will be tens of millions in a week. Unfortunately, I can't spend all my time on this. I have to practice."

Luochuan roughly speculated that the number of people hunted by humans in the entire Star Dou Great Forest was definitely ten times more than what we saw today. Even according to today’s situation, if we circled the Star Dou Great Forest every day, tens of millions or even more were collected a week. 100 million energy is possible.

He returned to the small lake and said to Daming: "Now there are fewer and fewer soul beasts to be killed in a unified manner. I will come once every half a month or a month, and stay for two more days at a time."

"Aren't you going to help count the spirit beasts hit by humans now?"

Daming disagrees.

"It's okay to take it slowly. Anyway, it's not a big deal. You know it doesn't have much value."

Luo Chuan shrugged, "Just so, just ask me if you have any questions."

"How is Sister Xiao Wu now?"

Erming asked the Titan Great Ape.

"I have entered the Junior Soul Master Academy to practice, and I have taken the first step. The next step is her rapid growth period, which can recover her strength in about 20 years, comparable to a 100,000-year soul beast."

Luochuan talked about Xiao Wu's situation, which was one of the bonds of cooperation between them.

"You have to protect Sister Xiao Wu." Daming exhorted.

"Don't worry, the academy I arranged is a low-level one, and I can't reach a powerful soul master."

"I really want to see Sister Xiao Wu, it's a pity that we can't enter the human city like this."

"What did you do in the past, I will bring her over during holidays."

"When does vacation start?"

"Went in a year."

"It's still a long time."

"For your soul beasts, a year is long?"

After talking about some situations with Daming Erming, Luochuan returned to the Yunwu Mountains, secretly returned to his room, and then changed back to himself.

"How about, Yu Qianrenxue didn't act as a demon, right?"

Luo Chuan asked.

"Nothing, she just asked the master why you are improving so fast, and there are hidden weapons... well, she gave me a golden dress temporarily." Shucang.com www.shucang.cc

A Rou recalled what happened last night and said it briefly.

"Well, I see, let's send you out, I might call you only once in half a month or even a month."

Luo Chuan nodded, went out specially, came outside, let Lightning Bird send him back.

After doing this, he went straight to the class location and joined the team to continue training.

Training with Yu Tianheng and the others is mainly to improve the control of one's own strength, and it is fun for everyone to fight and fight together.

In the evening, Luo Chuan returned to the bedroom and found that Qian Renxue was not wearing a skirt or revealing her real body today, which was a bit surprised.

However, he would not take the initiative to ask, otherwise he would become passive, so he ignored it and went to bed directly.

This made Qian Renxue feel a little uncomfortable. No matter how powerful she is, she is still inferior to Luochuan in grasping the hearts of the people, and she is in a passive state for some reason.

Luo Chuan smiled triumphantly, the enemy didn't move, I didn't move, it was not him who felt uncomfortable.

In the end, Qian Renxue couldn't help but said, "I want to know how to make other hidden weapons."


Luo Chuan spit out two words, joking, can't give the top hidden weapon, it can threaten Title Douluo.

Zhuge God Crossbow, who also threatened intermediate-level spirit masters, had nothing to do with the Wuhun Temple in exchange for benefits. A top hidden weapon like Buddha Fury Tang Lian was just threatening oneself.

"Didn't we cooperate, why not give it?" Qian Renxue was dissatisfied.

"You haven't married me yet, what's the urgency? And I haven't succeeded in researching these hidden weapons."

Luo Chuan shook his head.

"Then you should spend more time on it."

Qian Renxue frowned, not sure whether this was true or false.

"Will do."

Luo Chuan said lightly, and then ignored it.

Next, Luo Chuan was able to practice the Purple Demon Eyes safely every day, sneaking to the Star Dou Great Forest every half, and nearly three months passed quickly.

Through this period of training, Luochuan felt that he had basically adapted to the new mental and physical attributes, and had mastered the Soul Emperor level cultivation base.

He thought of one thing, and stopped in the wild after practicing the Purple Demon Eye.

With a thought, he took out a platinum object from the soul guide.

This is a right arm soul bone, collected from the White Tiger King, which contains a very majestic energy, second only to a hundred thousand year soul bone.

Without hesitation, he turned it into a burst of energy, sucked it into his body, and began to refine.

It is not too difficult for him to absorb 90,000-year spirit bones with his powerful spirit and physique. It only takes a short half a day to absorb them all.

The majestic power contained in the spirit bone directly raised his level by one level, reaching level 70 in one breath, and could absorb the seventh spirit ring.

Moreover, this time he was able to improve by 1 level on his own, refreshing the promotion mechanism, and after absorbing the spirit ring, he could continue to raise 3 to 4 levels at a very low cost.

Opening his eyes, he rolled up the sleeve of his right arm and found a faint golden tiger pattern on his right arm.

"This is the fifth soul bone, and the skill is actually offensive, very good."

Luo Chuan smiled. The spirit bone on his right arm had its own skill called Gengjin Qi, which was the golden sharp aura released by the White Tiger King when he fought with the Titan Great Ape. Its power was terrifying, and it was easy to cut gold and jade.

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