Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 135 This Woman Really Can Play

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Next to the paper, there is also a map with a red dot on it.

Luo Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the agreement with Qian Renxue.

This woman wants to come to a hero to save the beauty and come out with a reasonable and reasonable identity.

"I'm going to see how you let my hero save the beauty."

The corner of Luochuan's mouth raised. During this time, Qian Renxue seemed to know that she couldn't get any secrets from him. She was quiet every day, thinking that this woman had given up.

Now it seems that the other party is going to continue in another way, but he still can't think of how the other party can get his secret.

He continued to practice for two days, then left on the third day and came to a city marked on the map.

This is the capital of the Barak Kingdom, which belongs to the political and economic center of the Barak Kingdom.

The Barak Kingdom is located on the plain and borders the Star Luo Empire. Among the Heaven Dou Empire, its prosperity is second only to Heaven Dou City, and it is also the most powerful military power among the four kingdoms.

Thinking of this information, Luo Chuan was a little wary. Didn't this woman originally say that she was performing heroes to save the beauty outside the Star Dou Great Forest? How did she change this?

Looking at the busy streets, he took out the map and took a look, his face turned dark.

The city is so big, how does he know where Qian Renxue is?

He estimated that Qian Renxue didn't want him to come over to investigate the situation in advance, so he didn't point out the specific location at all.

"This girl is really troublesome, can you just get someone close to me?"

Luo Chuan muttered uncomfortably, as he was about to put the map away, his eyes condensed suddenly.

"Well, it seems that this point is to the west of the city. Let's go and take a look."

He wasn't sure if Qian Renxue ordered this or what happened, at least he had a goal.

At this moment, there is still more than a long time before the appointed time, maybe I can find some traces.

Walking around in the city quickly attracted the attention of many women.

He was very handsome in appearance, much handsomer than the dead brother, he was almost thirteen years old at the moment, and his height was no lower than some adults, more than 1.7 meters.

These are not the key points. The key is that the clothes he wears are luxurious and elegant, and he does not look like ordinary people, but the children of nobles.

Moreover, months of training, and his own strong physique, made him unlike ordinary noble children, but with a healthy and masculine spirit.

Young, handsome, rich and rich...These things fall to one person, and few women dislike them, just like no man dislikes young and beautiful women.

Originally, Luo Chuan had been accustomed to this kind of gaze, but he was reminded by these people that he had to come here to investigate the situation.

He walked towards a small alley, and when he came out, he had become an ordinary person, much older, his appearance became ordinary, and he became a youth.

After the aspiration, not many people look at him this time, even though the clothes on his body are still rich and expensive, but people basically look at your face, and secondly look at whether you have money.

Walking on the street, except for businesses, most passers-by will not spend more time to tell if you have money.

After strolling around, they were all unfamiliar, Luo Chuan frowned, where is Qian Renxue, inexplicably, believe it or not, he just won't go?

Thinking of some agreements between the two parties, in order to further contact the Wuhun Hall, let's bear it.

There was a flash of blood in his eyes, urging his mental exploration skills.

With the camouflage effect of the 100,000-year soul bone, even if he activates the soul ability, it can be covered, so outsiders don't know what he is doing.

Under spiritual exploration, the whole world turned into a bloody color, and the people and dogs on the street turned into things that shone bloody light. The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the bloody light.

According to the light, he can clearly distinguish the strength of the people around him, most of them are ordinary people, a few are soul masters, and there are no powerful soul masters at all.22 Literature Network www.22wenxuew.com

"There will definitely not be Qian Renxue on this street."

Luo Chuan muttered, Qian Renxue was surrounded by not only Ghost Douluo, the titled Douluo, but also other powerful spirit masters. Although it is not ruled out that there are other high-level spirit masters in this city, as long as it is not the palace of King Barak, most of it is the Soul Palace of.

Keeping his mental exploration, Luochuan continued to wander around the city, and after walking most of the city, he suddenly stopped.

"There are several soul saints in front, and there are many soul emperors!"

He thought about investigating carefully, and then shook his head: "This is the king's palace, shouldn't it be here, otherwise let me heroically save the beauty in front of King Barak?"

Excluding this place, he continued to move forward and came to a feasting place in the evening. There were many shops and restaurants, and the number of soul masters increased.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the place where a piece of red yarn was flying in the distance, and his expression was a little strange.

There are many gorgeous women soliciting guests, and the guests are all men, young and old, and they hug each other as soon as they meet.

Around one of the most luxurious buildings, Luo Chuan noticed a lot of fluctuations in the soul sage, as well as the Contra, and a figure whose breath was like the sun.

Ghost Douluo!

And this building, named Piaoxianglou, is a place for men to have fun, and it is also a gold-selling cave.

Luo Chuan took a deep breath and walked towards the back of the building. There was a willow forest here. Compared with the bustle on the street, it was extremely quiet here, and occasionally I heard some depressive sounds.

As if he had a purpose, Luo Chuan stopped in front of a willow tree and looked up.

Among the leaves, there was a person hidden. The latter noticed that Luo Chuan was watching, and was slightly surprised. Could it be that he found him?

But isn't this an ordinary person?

When he looked towards Luo Chuan, he felt that the whole world was suddenly a flower, and his consciousness fell into confusion.

Luo Chuan glanced around, and no one came over, then whispered: "Are you from the Wuhun Palace?"


"Are your saints in the Piaoxiang Lou next door?"


"doing what?"

"do not know."

"How did she get in?"

"Sold in by traffickers."


"Three days ago."

"What is the background of this spring building?"

"Not sure."

Luo Chuan asked a few words quickly, and the only information he got was that Qian Renxue pretended to be a troubled girl and was sold to Piaoxianglou by traffickers, but didn't know anything else.

Perceiving someone passing by, Luo Chuan pretended to pee and turned to leave.

On the tree, as the cold wind blew, the soul sage of Wuhun Hall recovered, his face was a little confused, he found that he was distracted.

There was a smell in the air. He smelled it and couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Where does the smell of urine come from, who can urinate and defecate anywhere?"

Luo Chuan came to the Piaoxiang Tower, looked at the woman in the building with heavy makeup and scratching her head, and jokingly said: "This woman really knows how to play, and she actually came here. I always feel that things are not that simple."

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