You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When he spoke, he released his martial spirit, and under the light of the two spirit rings, black vines emerged with dense barbs.

"I'm not just a flower to watch, you can do it!"

Ye Lingling hummed, she didn't like others to use her as a weak assistant, and she wanted to be alone.

"It seems that I won't let you suffer, because I don't realize how naive I am!"

Du Chongxing was taunting, still treating this as a little girl who loves fantasy.

How can a healing soul master fight other combat soul masters?

Immediately, he will let him understand how cruel reality is.

"First Soul Ability: Bondage!"

He snorted, and the vine under his feet immediately turned into a green snake, which quickly stretched out and charged towards Ye Lingling.

"Calm down, observe his flaws first!"

Ye Lingling thought of Luo Chuan's words that he must observe calmly during the battle, and glanced at the vines that the opponent was rushing over quickly, and she bounced on the ground and quickly retreated.

When the vine rushed for the most part, it suddenly stopped and its length reached its limit.

"Want to avoid it? Still smart, but unfortunately I can move by myself."

Du Chongxing saw Ye Lingling's plan and didn't care at all. He took a step and walked directly to Ye Lingling.

Ye Lingling turned to run along the soul fighting platform. Since Du Chongxing's vines could not cover the entire soul fighting platform, there was destined to have a safe area.

"Ling Ling, great!"

Dugu Yan couldn't help but cheer for Ye Lingling, a healing spirit master who can avoid enemy attacks is already very good.

"It's not a problem to keep going like this. It's hard to keep running. I guess I won't be able to hold on without getting the other party tired.

Yu Tianheng muttered and looked at Luo Chuan: "Boss, does Lingling have a chance?"

He knew that Luo Chuan had taught Ye Lingling a lot during this time, and maybe there was any way to defeat the enemy.

"How many vines does this person have?"

Luo Chuan said lightly.

Yu Tianheng took a look and said of course: "Three, but each one is very long, equivalent to a rope, or the kind of self-moving."

"You treat it as three arms, are you sure to avoid it and get close?"

Luo Chuan continued to inquire.

"This one……"

Yu Tianheng frowned and glanced, shook his head and said: "If you don't attack with soul skills first, it will be difficult to avoid it. After all, he is much more flexible than human hands."

"Lingling should be able to do it. As long as she can get close, this person will undoubtedly lose."

Luo Chuan firmly said.

"Captain, it's a bit difficult. Even if I go, I'm not sure. Lingling's speed is not as fast as me. How can I avoid the vines?"

Yufeng couldn't help expressing doubts.

"Rely on this."

Luo Chuan pointed his head, and everyone was speechless.

"Don't doubt it, take a good look, come over and cheer Lingling, and then I hear you guys say frustrating words, be careful I beat you up!" E-bookshop

Dugu Yan turned his head and glared at Yu Feng and Yu Tianheng. These two guys are really, can't they have more confidence in Ye Lingling?

"No need, just keep your voice down, don't disturb Ye Lingling."

Luo Chuan stared at Ye Lingling, smiling at the corners of her mouth. This girl was responding to this first actual battle according to some of the techniques he taught.

On the stage, Du Chongxing took the initiative to rush towards Ye Lingling, only to find that he was not as fast as the other party. This surprised him a bit. Now the Healing Spirit Master is so fast?

Even if you encounter those agile attack type spirit masters, you can't get up quickly, right?

He chased for a while, but the vines still couldn't reach, but consumed a lot of soul power.

"Little girl, don't hide if you have the ability!"

Du Chongxing was a little frustrated. How did a good fight become a game of dodge?

"It's not stated in the rules that you can't avoid it. You can't control me. This is your own problem."

Ye Lingling said expressionlessly, her eyes falling on the vine, looking very seriously.

"Hmph, do you really think I can't help you?"

Du Chongxing saw that this girl was always hiding, and said impatiently: "Second Spirit Ability: Growth!"

Originally, this second spirit ability was used in conjunction with the first spirit ability, which could strengthen and lengthen the vines to obtain a better restraint effect.

Now, he has to lengthen the vines and expand the coverage to catch this overly flexible girl.

Under this spirit ability, the original vines emitted green light and began to grow rapidly. As they became thicker, the barbs became denser and sharper, and their length increased.

Soon, three vines will soon cover the entire arena of souls.

Ye Lingling's avoidable area was about to disappear. She gritted her teeth and suddenly moved forward instead of retreating, and rushed towards Du Chongxing.

"The prey has entered the bound range!"

Du Chongxing smiled triumphantly, and the vine immediately rolled over to him, but in the next moment, his smile froze and he couldn't laugh for a while.

Because his vine was empty, Ye Lingling was like a swimming fish, just avoiding the first vine.

He frowned and allowed the remaining two vines to seal Ye Lingling's front and back roads, and at the same time entangle them, but when he was about to succeed, the latter shook his figure and dodged some incredible.

"how is this possible!"

Du Chongxing, who had not even touched his clothes, was completely shocked. He mobilized the vines to chase Ye Lingling in a hurry, while the vines near the roots curled up and stood in front of Ye Lingling.

But the vines are not tortoise shells. Before most of the vines are recovered, there are many gaps between the roots of these vines.

Ye Lingling's hand passed through flexibly, and the lightning hit the key points on her body. Du Chongxing felt his whole body numb, and some of his strength couldn't get it out immediately.

This was just the beginning. Ye Lingling turned around on the ground, her figure resembling a ghost, and she kept clicking or shooting around Du Chongxing, making a popping sound.

After turning a circle, Ye Lingling slipped on the ground, avoided the returning vine, and appeared on the other side, while Du Chongxing's eyes widened, with a color of disbelief.

Then, as if he had no strength, he fell to the ground in pain, and the vine suddenly lost its strength and fell to the ground.

Ye Lingling let out a sigh, patted her small chest, and said fortunately: "It's dangerous, I almost failed!"

She turned her head and glanced at Luo Chuan, and both Luo Chuan smiled.

"Boss, how did this happen? I felt Lingling was going to be restrained several times just now."

Yu Tianheng couldn't help but be puzzled, he just squeezed a sweat for Ye Lingling.

"Didn't you just say it? They use their brains. Everyone has their own habits. Lingling remembers the rules of the opponent's vine changes in a short period of time, so that she can avoid accurately and attack the vital points from behind to have a chance to win."

Luo Chuan briefly said, and praised: "This is the point of a knife. It must be done with sufficient precision in observation and control, which is the result of Lingling's training for two more hours a day."

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