Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 151 The Girl Must Be Reserved

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When he said this, his head suddenly became dizzy, and he couldn't help but glanced at Dugu Goose in amazement.

Only then did he realize that there were wisps of green mist in the air.

This woman is so poisonous, it's not just one poison, the others are also slapped.

"Host, haven't you announced the result yet?"

Luo Chuan reminded.

"Oh, I declare the Yunwushan professional team to win."

The host reacted and hurriedly announced the result.

He and other audience members were a bit surprised. They thought that the outcome would be determined by Luo Chuan, who had a unique method, but he didn't expect to have the result first because of this woman.

The lone goose was also very happy because of meritorious service, and smiled: "Hehe, you are still smart, if you drag it for a while, you will all be poisoned."

Tie Niu and the others have ugly faces, poisoning this thing is really hard to guard against, they have no experience.

"Eat this, nothing will happen."

Dugu Goose took out the antidote and threw it to a few people. Her poison was too strong. If she didn't give the antidote, it would really be dead.

"Yan Yan, you really have you, you made merit in the first team fight."

Yu Tianheng smiled and admired.

"This time is not bad, it will continue to be poisoned like this in the future, the most deadly is silent."

Luo Chuan affirmed that under his guidance, Dugu Yan did not directly release the poison gas, but quietly released the poison during the fight, which was even more difficult to prevent.

"Well, I will hide the poison gas as much as possible, so that it is really not easy to be blocked."

The lone goose nodded.

At this time, Tie Niu and others came over carrying their teammates. Someone looked at Dugu Yan a little unwillingly: "It's really mean to use poison!"

"Who do you mean?"

Yu Tianheng was angry when he heard it, and the power of thunder on his body was immediately released.

"I said you are all scumbags, and if you don't fight dignifiedly, you know how to use this disgusting method!"

Tie Niu took the lead in sneering, looking down on people.

"Yes, these people just use crooked ways and don't have much ability."

The person who had just awakened from detoxification agreed and looked angry.

"Do you have the ability to say it again?"

Yu Tianheng clenched his fists, not only him, but Xiong Zhenglin and others were also irritated.

Luo Chuan appeared in front of the crowd in a flash, and said lightly: "Don't be irritated by a group of defeated generals, it's not worth it."

After being reminded like this, Yu Tianheng and others recovered, and their anger was slightly reduced.

Luo Chuan looked at Tie Niu and the others coldly: "And you, if you weren't competing, you didn't have a chance to live just now."

Tie Niu's expression changed uncomfortably. He wanted to irritate these boys and ask them to take action after the competition was over. This violated the rules and would definitely be punished by the Arena of Souls.

As a result, this person saw through.

"Get out of here, people who can't even lose, don't deserve to be our opponent!"

Luo Chuan dismissed it, irritating in front of him?Isn't it the class?

"Grass, who do you look down on?"

Some people were also irritated, just like Yu Tianheng just now, they couldn't help but want to do it.

"I will let you go!"

Luo Chuan's eyes were indifferent, and there was a slight movement of mental power. Tie Niu and the others immediately felt cold all over, like falling into an ice cave, filled with blood, like being drawn into hell.


Tie Niu glanced at Luo Chuan in horror, and dingyly led people away.

"Boss, you are really lacklustre."

Yu Tianheng couldn't help but raise his thumb.

"Remember, if you can scold them back in the future, you should scold them first. Don't be easily affected by others." Dan Pain Novel Network www.danteng123xs.com

Luo Chuan reminded that these guys are all young and have not been involved in the world, and they are often so excited that they can't control themselves with a few words. This is very dangerous in the battle.

After being said so, Xiong Zhenglin and others reacted, if they realized something.

They found that apart from strength, there are indeed some shortcomings.

"Ahem, it's been a day, go back and rest."

Qin Ming said, feeling a little helpless. Luo Chuan said a lot of what he wanted to summarize. How did he feel that his teacher was a bit redundant?

Next, they will train in the Arena of Souls. Luo Chuan and the others did not return to the academy, but found a hotel to stay.

When it is time for free activities, the sun is setting.

Luo Chuan took the guards and leisurely came to GoerTek Junior Soul Master Academy, and glanced at the guard: "Do you still know me?"

"Yes, aren't you the noble person the dean said, please come in."

The guard said respectfully.

"Yes, reward!"

Luo Chuan smiled faintly and stepped into the academy.

Shen Jinming asked Zhang Wei to give the guard ten gold coins so that he could not talk nonsense.

Given the benefits, the guard naturally agreed wisely, hoping that Luochuan would come a few more times in the future so that he might get a bounty every time.

The college is quiet and peaceful, the scenery is elegant, some seven or eight-year-old children are doing activities, and occasionally teachers pass by.

"Just wait for me at the door!"

Luo Chuan waved to Shen Jinming and other guards. He stopped by to see Xiao Wu this time. There was no need for the guards to follow.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Shen Jinming and others knew when to close one eye, and that was when the privacy of this highness was involved.

Walking towards Xiao Wu's dormitory, he didn't go too far, a lot of little kids gathered in a square in front of him, and they were violently noisy.

"Sister Xiao Wu, come on!"

"Kill him!"

Some shouting made Luo Chuan's ears move, and some helplessly looked at the crowd, Xiao Wu was fighting a high-grade student in a furious fight.

"This girl, who is obviously a rabbit, can be so aggressive, if she is a tiger, is it worth it?"

Xiao Wu also caught a glimpse of Luochuan shortly afterwards, her pretty and lovely face showing excitement, glanced at her opponent, flicked on the ground, and launched her unique move.

"Stop playing with you!"

She bullied herself quickly, and when she got close, the first spirit ability waist power was activated, directly throwing the opponent out and hitting the ground firmly.

"Wow, Sister Xiao Wu is so handsome!"

"Shhh, the seniors actually lost!"

"Sister Xiaowu is still good."

Other students were talking excitedly, Xiao Wu quickly rushed out of the crowd, jumped on the ground, and jumped directly towards Luochuan.

"Brother Luochuan, you are here."

She giggled, bumped into Luo Chuan's arms, wrapped her legs directly around Luo Chuan's waist, and hugged Luo Chuan tightly, very happy.

"Girls have to be more reserved. You are either fighting or going to fight all day, and you are not afraid to scare your classmates."

Luo Chuan rubbed Xiao Wu's head and pulled it off.

Xiao Wu still took Luo Chuan's arm, her eyes rolled, and Gu Ling said strangely: "No, I have a pretty good relationship with my classmates, Little Fat Pig, don't you think?"

In the crowd, a little fat man walked out, it was the guy who scolded Xiao Wu at the academy.

He glanced at Luo Chuan with some fear, nodded and said, "Well, sister Xiao Wu."

Luo Chuan was speechless. Why did this girl accept this little fat man as a little brother? He said in a huff: "You girl, don't bully others."

"Who said that I am covering him, how can I bully him, right?"

"Well, I am chasing with Sister Xiao Wu, no one in the academy dares to bully me."

Luo Chuan shook his head at hearing, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, today is here to see you, come with me, what do you want to eat and play? I will take you there."

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