Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 154 Gunpowder Weapon

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan rolled up his sleeves and tied a small and delicate thing on his arm, it was Xiujian.

He took it down and threw it to Qian Renxue, and Luo Chuan waved his hand: "Let's go and play, I will continue to study other hidden weapons, don't disturb me."

Seeing Luo Chuan's calm appearance, without any apology, Qian Renxuan started from his heart and couldn't help but want to bite this guy for a while.

"Why, isn't it enough? As agreed, I'll talk about it next month. You want a hidden weapon. I can't get it out for a while."

Luo Chuan curled his lips. The more angry Qian Renxue was, the happier he was.

"Don't attack me like this next time!"

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and warned that she didn't want to be frightened by Luochuan every time and sweat.

"Isn't this training your vigilance? I don't believe you are so stupid that you will be recruited next time."

Luo Chuan shrugged and stopped talking nonsense. From the messy things, he took out an iron ball like a sea urchin and lowered his head to study.

Qian Renxue gritted his teeth, but Luo Chuan could only take the Xiujian to test.

One month later, Luo Chuan handed Qian Renxue a flying knife this time.

"this one?"

Qian Renxue was very dissatisfied, she looked like a very ordinary hidden weapon.

"This is a combination of several flying knives that are as thin as a cicada's wings. They are called the Imperius Knife. Throw it out and separate several flying knives at once.

Luochuan explained righteously.

This is not a hidden weapon in the Xuantianbaolu, but a new hidden weapon created by him based on various knowledge.

This is not too difficult for him, let alone this, he has also studied a lot of gunpowder weapons.

Qian Renxue dismissed it: "What's the difference between throwing out a hidden weapon in one breath?"

"Unexpectedly, you can see that it looks like a single handle at first. Even if you resist it, you can't think of how many throwing knives it implies?"

Luo Chuan picked up Qian Renxue's hand and put it down: "That's it. I have so much time every day. Advanced hidden weapons are too complicated. I always spend more time to make them."

Being grasped by Luochuan, Qian Renxue was a little panicked. She broke away from Luochuan's hand, holding the Son-Mother Imperius Flying Knife, and said uncomfortably: "This time, you have passed the level. Next time you have to bring out good things, otherwise ..."

"Otherwise what? Don't force me, or be careful when I touch you."

Luo Chuan retorted, giving Qian Renxue an unbehaved look.

The latter flushed, snorted, and turned to leave in a panic.

It's a pity that he still hasn't escaped from Luochuan's clutches.

"It's a little bigger, and it's almost c."

Luo Chuan muttered, and then gave himself a slap: "You mean, what do you think, continue to study gunpowder weapons."

He took out an iron lump, which is a very primitive gunpowder weapon: Iron Tribulus!

This is equivalent to the predecessor of the grenade. Through the explosion of gunpowder, the iron thorns on the surface are quickly shot out, thereby forming lethality.

He initially developed this thing more than a month ago, and it is now the third generation, and its power is much improved.

However, it is not enough, he will continue to improve.

Apart from this, there are other things.Biquge China www.djychina.com

He pulled out a metal tube from the side. This was the firecracker and the predecessor of the gun. It had just been made out, and it didn't have much power yet.

These two are the firearms he researched out of gunpowder.

He can make all the weapons in his mind that can use gunpowder as a source of power.

It's just that the manufacturing tools are limited now, and for the time being, they are all relatively low-level, such as iron briers, gunpowder arrows, fire guns, and further cannons.

These were not in the Xuantian Treasure Record, but he found out by himself based on the gunpowder weapons he knew in his previous life.

As long as the three major gunpowder weapons can be researched and perfected, their power will not be inferior to top hidden weapons. If modern weapons can be made, they will be able to compete with Soul Guidance weapons in the future.

"The supporting facilities must be improved, otherwise it will be difficult to produce sophisticated gunpowder weapons."

Luo Chuan took out a piece of paper and began to list areas for improvement.

After writing down all he could do, Luo Chuan left a little tired.

He only has three to five hours a day to study these, training during the day, resting at midnight, practicing in the morning, and occasionally going to the Star Dou Forest to collect energy.

As a result, the progress is quite slow, and it is expected that it will take another month or two to produce some results.

Next, Luo Chuan made the back arrow, which was similar to the Xiujie, but was hidden on the back and was defined by Qian Renxue as a chicken rib.

After all, this thing can only be used when bending over, and when bending over is mostly for saluting, this is destined to be used only for sneak attacks, and is for shameless villains.

Luo Chuan didn't care what Qian Renxue thought, he just had to plug Qian Renxue's mouth with a hidden weapon.

Moreover, he had decided that he would only give Qian Renxue a relatively advanced hidden weapon every other month, so that it would last a while longer.

Next, as Luochuan demanded more and more, the area of ​​the forging room in the valley expanded several times, and a special area was designated for Luochuan to study hidden weapons and gunpowder.

On this night, there was a loud bang, and the earth shook the mountains.

The sound of iron strikes everywhere suddenly became silent for an instant, and then he continued his business.

They have become accustomed to it, because there have been explosions every night in the past few months.

The sound was very small at first, and after the room was blown up soon, the prince went to the valley to study.

They did not know that tonight, Luochuan successfully studied all three gunpowder weapons!

In the room full of cracks, three exquisite objects are placed at this moment.

One is a metal ball like sea urchin, it is iron brier, the other is a rifling rifle, and the last is an arrow with gunpowder inside.

All three things possessed very strong lethality. When encountering low-level spirit masters and ordinary people, they will either die or be injured. Even if the middle and high-level spirit masters are not careful, they will also capsize in the gutter.

"Huh, I finally got it out initially. Fortunately, there is a hidden weapon manufacturing method for the bottom line. Otherwise, even if I know how to make these things, I can't make them."

Luo Chuan let out a sigh of relief. In the past few months, he was really working hard to make gunpowder weapons.

When you really do it, you will understand how difficult it is. After all, this thing is not only delicate, but also the stability of the gunpowder and the method of detonation, which are more complicated than many hidden weapons.

Iron Tribulus and Gunpowder Arrows are okay, just make sure they explode after collision.

The most complicated thing is the musket. The attack method of this thing is not to explode with one hit, but to use the trigger to ignite.

In the past life, this thing seemed to be very simple, and there was nothing to learn from when it was actually done, and there was no Xuantian Baolu for his reference like a hidden weapon.

Luochuan searched for a lot of materials and tried no fewer than a thousand times before finding a way to fire. The subsequent bullet manufacturing and rifling took Luochuan a lot of time to initially look decent.

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