Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 182: A Man Still Playing With Flowers

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Compared with the calm Luochuan, Yu Tianheng and the others knew more about the threat of their opponents, so they all responded mentally.

On the opposite side, seven tall figures wearing golden and red robes stood in triangles, with fiery and violent auras.

Similar to other colleges, these people are basically around 20 years old, and the older ones will be close to 25 to ensure that their cultivation reaches the peak as much as possible.

However, there are also relatively young people. For example, one of the women with a hot body is about the same age as them.

This situation is also relatively common. There will always be several top geniuses in each college, who are strong enough to replace the elderly.

They can basically participate in the next competition, so joining the team early will help accumulate experience for the next competition.

Luo Chuan glanced at the woman more.

Long burgundy hair, outstanding figure, faint flames all over his body, like a fire rose, enough to attract most men's eyes.

Without his interference, this woman would meet Tang San in the next competition.

Huo Wu was also looking at Luochuan, and felt that this person was unique, and seemed to be the only one who was not nervous among the seven.

Is this pretend?

"Unexpectedly, at your captain meeting this time, I thought you would continue to welcome us with the previous lineup."

At the front of the team, this time Captain Blazing Huo Benqing spoke.

His figure is slender, his cheeks are slightly concave, his eyes are faintly blue, and the flames all over his body are a little weird, and it is actually blue.

Luo Chuan had read the information, this man's martial spirit was very unique, it was a kind of fire lotus, and it was also a cyan fire lotus, belonging to the force attacking martial soul.

"Cut, if our captain doesn't get on, we can solve you."

Yu Tianheng said tit-for-tat, even if the opponent's strength is really good, he can't lose in momentum.

"If it can be resolved, why should he come up?"

Huo Benqing looked at Luochuan provocatively: "Last time you won with skill, this time you have no chance. I will end your winning streak."

"I hope you can do it."

Luo Chuan's expression was calm, and he didn't care at all about this kind of pompous talk before the game.

If you take it seriously, you might be upset, and you will be led by the nose.

"After the queue is over, you can release your martial soul!"

The referee also didn't let the two sides fight by mouth-cannon skills. After speaking, they stepped back to leave a fighting space.

As soon as the voice fell, the fourteen people present immediately released the Wuhun.

In the Blazing Academy, all flames are beating, bursts of hot breath rushing toward the face, causing the air to constantly twist and twist.

Huo Benqing and the other person next to him had four spirit rings, two yellow and two purple, which belonged to the best spirit ring combination.

A delicate green lotus emerged in the cyan flames of the former.

The whole body of this green lotus is like jade, with six petals. The cyan flame in the center is just like substance, which looks elegant, but it makes people feel hidden and dangerous.

A croaking crow screamed beside the other Soul Sect.

In the golden-red flame, black feathers appeared on this person, his hands turned into sharp claws, and he turned into a crow in a blink of an eye.

To be precise, this was Fire Crow, and the flame power radiating from his body was no worse than that of the Huo Benqing holding Qinglian. It belonged to the agile attack type spirit master.

As for Huo Benqing, according to the master's information, it is a force attacking soul master, which is quite strange.

Excluding these two people, the remaining five people only have three spirit rings. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, who were specially reminded by the teacher, are Huolong and Hokage respectively.

The other three people, one Wuhun is the Fire Sparrow of the sensitive attack type, and the two are the Fire Wolf and Fire Leopard of the strong attack type.

Obviously, all of the Five Element Colleges in this session are following the limit current.

On Luochuan's side, Ye Lingling still didn't let the auxiliary spirit master of the system play, and Xiong Zhenglin, who played more recently, did not play either.Jiuhe Book Court www.johotxt.com

In other words, among the seven of them, except for the Shi Family Brothers, they are level 39, Luochuan is level 41, and the others are level 40.

Even though there is one less soul sect on the bright side, in comparison with other individuals, no one has a cultivation base lower than the other.

But they didn't underestimate them either, the fire spirit masters have always been known for their high bursts, and the fire spirit power is very lethal, and it is easy to be taken down by accident.

"I'll deal with this flying crow, Yu Tianheng, you can solve this flower, everyone else is free."

Luochuan simply assigned tasks.

The opposite is all offensive spirit masters, except for the two soul sects, he doesn't worry that there will be a gap between others.

"Who do you think is the crow? Lao Tzu is the Golden Crow!"

The soul master mentioned by Luo Chuan said in anger that the golden crow is a top martial arts soul, and the crow is often an unknown thing with a different concept.

In his anger, the flames on his body rose again a lot, and his wings vigorously waved, turning into a golden flame, and pounced on Luochuan.

When the person was in the air, his first spirit ring lit up, and he opened his mouth at the same time.

Fire Crow's first spirit ability: Flames are all over the sky!

The golden-red flames ejected from his mouth, not forming a straight line, but scattered, directly covering a range of several meters.

Luo Chuan squinted his eyes. This guy was a range attack. With this intensity of fire, if he was hit, the Shi family brothers would be fine, and the others would definitely be affected.


Luo Chuan spit out two words, and he was not afraid of being broken by each.

After all, in the comparison of the five souls, they have an advantage.

Moreover, with his speed, he can support at any time.


The flame fell on the ground, smashing the ring into small holes, the power is evident.

And all the seven in Luochuan avoided, basically the blow was in vain.

"Huh, it's really flexible, everyone makes a quick decision, don't be consumed by them."

Huo Benqing saw that the opponent could avoid even this kind of range attack, realizing that these people would indeed be tricky.

The electric light flickered in front of him, and Yu Tianheng rushed directly amidst the crackling sound.

"A man still plays with flowers, yin and yang are weird, watch me burst your flowers."

Huo Benqing's face sank: "You can try!"

His first spirit ring lit up, Qinglian shook slightly, and a ball of cyan flame flew out and directly hit Yu Tianheng's claws.


This Qinglian exploded on the spot, flying Yutian Hengzheng back, and burning her hand to black.

"So hot."

Yu Tianheng shook his hand, if it weren't for the depth of his soul power that was comparable to the soul sect, he would have been injured just now.

"The skin is quite thick, I think you can stop me from the fire of Qinglian!"

In the cold war, Qinglian trembled again, and a group of cyan flames quickly smashed at Yu Tianheng like a meteor.

Yu Tianheng showed dread, knowing that his claws and flames were still too fragile, so he no longer tried to fight hard, but stepped on ghosts and began to avoid.

Others took the initiative to choose their opponents to meet him. Oslo turned into a flexible panther and looked at the opposite side coldly: "Everyone is a leopard. See who is better."

Yufeng entangled with the fire sparrow on the opposite side, and Chris collided with the fire wolf.

As for the Shi family brothers, after hiding a little further, they stood there, waiting for Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang to attack.

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