You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The screams sounded, Yu Tianheng looked painful.

His hair was burned, and a gust of wind blew by just now, and the ashes were blown away, revealing his black bald head.

However, on his forehead, a purple unicorn appeared, flashing purple electric light.

It was because of the existence of this spirit bone that he didn't have defensive skills, nor was he burned seriously without the fire attribute spirit ability.

On the opposite side, the people of the Blazing Team, except for the soul ability releaser, were intact, and the others were just burned with some clothes and hair, and slightly burned.

The Fire Crow Spiritist's face turned pale, and he was about to fall to the ground. The fourth spirit ability consumed most of his spirit power, making him a little uncomfortable.

Hearing Yu Tianheng's screams, they all noticed the grandeur of his head.

"Spirit bone?"

Huo Benqing said in surprise.

Who is a normal person?

So he immediately guessed that Yu Tianheng possessed a spirit bone, and that's why.

"Yes, your uncle, I just have a soul bone, now tell me how to pay for my hair?"

Yu Tianheng said angrily. When he was attacked by the purple electric lizard dragon, his hair was burned out, and it took more than half a year to recover perfectly.

It hasn't been a few years now, and it's actually burned out again, it's maddening.

Huo Benqing ignored this guy's complaint, but frowned at the five people who were still standing.

Under the fighting style of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred, two people were actually solved.

In other words, just now, just let them fall down a small 6 to 7 disadvantage after Huo Wu, and turn it into a small 6 to 5 advantage, without directly defeating these guys.

This disappointed him.

According to what he thought, the move just now would solve at least four people, leaving only two defensive spirit masters and one fire spirit master, and then it could be solved easily.

As a result, both Yu Tianheng and Luo Chuan actually resisted.

One had spirit bones, and the other had defensive spirit skills.

He looked at Luo Chuan, who was wrapped in wings and unscathed, couldn't help feeling very depressed.

"Say what you said, hold on, we haven't lost yet."

Luo Chuan's voice sounded.

He spread his wings and appeared among the sparks, looking lightly at Huo Benqing.

"I have to say that your tactics are very good, even I can't deal with it, I have to lose two teammates."

No one can avoid the attack that covers the entire arena, and the other party deliberately drags them, making it impossible to avoid the flames with the help of Brother Shijia.

"Hmph, I'm still stiff, now the situation has reversed, let me see what you fight with us!"

Huo Benqing looked upset at this person, why?It's all like this, and still looks calm and composed. What kind of costume?

"Captain, talk nonsense with him, let's go up together and take it down directly."

Huo Wushuang wanted to avenge Huo Wu very much, and punched this guy in the face.

"Go on, take this fat pig first!"

Huo Benqing did not lose his reason, and set his goal on Chris, who was relatively easy to solve at this moment.

Among the remaining four, Luo Chuan could fly, move flexibly, and couldn't take it for a short time.

The Shi family brothers have tortoise shells, which are more resistant to beatings and can't be picked up at once.

As for Yu Tianheng, there is a soul bone, which is unstable.

The remaining Chris is relatively easy to solve, take one first, and the others are even less opponents.

"Everyone stands together and defends with graphite and stone."

Luo Chuan appeared next to the fallen Yu Feng, picked up one of them, and then took Oslo away, and in a blink of an eye he came to the Shi family brothers.

The Shi brothers immediately stood side by side in front of their opponents, while Yu Tianheng and Chris formed a comprehensive defensive lineup.

The attacking Huo Wushuang was blocked, backing somewhat depressed.

The two turtle shells were too big, and he really couldn't make it through.

"You two are not dead yet?" Qiumo TXT

Yu Tianheng looked back at Oslo and Yu Feng, who were all charred.

"Don't curse Lao Tzu, it hurts to death."

Yufeng grinned with pain.

"My handsome face will not be ruined?"

Oslo is still in the mood to joke.

"It's all black and handsome, and handsome." Yu Tianheng said in a bad mood.

"We are going to lose, I really didn't expect that guy is so cruel, and he can be burned."

Yufeng was a little lost.

"The two soul sects on the opposite side consume a lot of money, they have a chance."

Luo Chuan said lightly, and then the third spirit ring lit up.

The third spirit ability: angel light!

Because it was in the first form, this soul skill power was not fully released, and the color was not golden, but white.

But it still has a healing effect, even if it is not as good as Jiuxin Begonia, there is no problem in helping these two guys relieve their pain.

"Ah, comfortable."

Oslo subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Comfortable shit, boss, don't waste your soul power, didn't you say there is still a chance?"

Yufeng didn't want Luo Chuan to treat him.

"It's okay, I will fix it."

Luo Chuan's face was serious, he wasn't prepared to show up too much.

But the opponent burned his teammates like this, so there is no need to be polite with the opponent.

For him, even if he doesn't use too much force, he can solve these guys by skill.

"I'm still in the mood to chat, I really don't take us seriously."

Huo Benqing was originally surprised that Luochuan had healing skills. He felt insulted when he heard the other party say this.

"You can think so, I really don't take you seriously."

Luo Chuan nodded, how could he put him in the eyes of a few small characters whose soul king was inferior in strength?

If you want him to pay attention, you have to title Douluo if you don't talk about it?

It's a pity that this matter can't be said for fear of scaring the other party.

Huo Benqing and others were furious.

They felt that the most disgusting part of this battle was the presence of this person.

The nonchalant expressions and words of the other party really made them want to grab this person and beat him up.

No, not one meal, but ten meals.

It is best to fight and fight until you vent your breath.

"Today, I will let you lie down!"

Huo Benqing suppressed his anger and was on the verge of breaking out.

"I will bounce back this sentence to you, come on, have a showdown and see who is lying down."

The corners of Luochuan's mouth rose.

Sure enough, he was still young, and he was completely irritated by a few words, and then he would probably attack wildly.

"We will face their stormy attacks immediately. We don't have to keep our hands. We will win one opponent as much as possible, and I will get rid of the others."

Luo Chuan reminded him that now that the two sides have experienced a big collision, their soul power is no longer much. He angered the other side, and he certainly won't leave anything.

As soon as he finished reminding, Huo Benqing ordered an attack, and his martial soul cyan fire lotus directly transformed into three green lotus and flew out.

The other five separated and attacked from the flanks and behind.

Purple electric light gushes from Yu Tianheng's forehead, and blue veins appear on his face, he laughs, and fully stimulates the power of the purple electric dragon horn soul bone.

"Haha, I'm finally going to force Lao Tzu to use his soul bone power once, come on, enjoy the rage of Thunder!"

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