You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The master touched his chin: "In the promotion match, if the opponent is willing to do this, it is really a headache."

"This will cause damage to the game at home, and all damage will be detrimental to subsequent games."

Qin Mingzhen felt that this Blazing Academy had made a bad start.

"It's okay, teacher, we have already been burned once, and we will definitely be more resistant to beatings next time."

Yu Tianheng smiled, not caring too much.

"Don't think so, unless you really can't avoid it, don't give your opponent a chance to die together."

Qin Ming's face was straightened, and he felt that he had to analyze the possibility that the subsequent opponents would die together.

"Teacher, let me play, my poison can limit them to death."

A soft voice sounded, and Dugu Yan happened to come over.

The thunder and the blue flame collided, and the thunder obviously had the upper hand. With a thunder, Qinglian was slapped and flew back by Yu Tianheng.

Chris on the other side exploded at the same time, turning into a wild boar burning flames, knocking one person over.

The Shi family brothers also rammed an opponent directly according to Luochuan's arrangement, and tried their best to hold the opponent.

Yu Tianheng quickly solved one, so Luochuan only had one opponent left.

"Take care of your crow first."

Luo Chuan didn't fly either, so he stepped on the ghost shadow.

A ball of flame flew over, he just leaned sideways and easily avoided, and appeared in front of the latter a few steps.

"If you had an indiscriminate attack that could hit me, it would be too naive if you want to solve me with this single attack."

When the words fell, Luo Chuan's palm fell on the opponent's face, and he flew it out with a snap.

"This slap was given to you for my teammates. Up to now, you are the first person to burn them like this."

Luo Chuan caught up, kicked the latter's chest and kicked it directly out.

Just after finishing this, a cyan fire lotus flew over behind him.

Obviously Huo Benqing would not let him do it at will.

Luo Chuan seemed to have eyes behind him, and when he was about to be attacked, he moved horizontally, and the fire lotus flew past him.

But at this moment, Fire Lotus actually exploded without colliding.

Luo Chuan was slightly surprised, his wings quickly closed and wrapped himself inside, and at the same time, he stepped a little bit faster and backed away quickly to avoid the subsequent impact.

The flame burned some of his clothes that he had no time to cover, but it didn't cause any serious problems.

Seeing that Luochuan still hadn't been resolved, Huo Benqing secretly sighed, "It's a pity."

His previous Qinglian did not explode in flight, mainly because doing so would consume a lot of his energy, so he was regarded as a killer.

Released at this moment, just to solve Luochuan.

As long as this person falls, Yu Tianheng who attacked him at this moment will not last long, and victory will belong to them!

Luo Chuan fell in the distance, looking at the remaining people, and believing himself: "You have lost."

At this moment, the disadvantage is turned into the advantage again. He only needs to move around and solve others.

Huo Benqing's face was a little unwilling.

Why do these guys have so many hole cards, so that all of their hole cards are used, and they have no advantage.


After a man was approached by Luochuan, he cooperated with Graphite to directly knock him off the ring.

And under the fierce blast of Yu Tianheng that released the thunderstorm, Huo Benqing was also shaky, and there were only two others left.

They once again faced a situation similar to that of Thunder Academy.

If you continue to play, if you have no hole cards, you will basically lose.

His face changed for an instant, and Huo Benqing said with a gloomy face: "Stop it, our number!"

Luochuan stopped and said: "Everyone is tired, stop, we won!" Online e-book

As soon as he finished saying this, the purple electric light on Yu Tianheng's head collapsed, and immediately fell to the ground like a discouraged ball.

He had completely exploded, in fact, there was basically no soul power left, and after a few more breaths, it was estimated that he would fall first.

The Shi family brothers and Chris were also panting, and they had reached their limit. If it were not for perseverance, they might not be able to persist.

"we won!"

Chris murmured, sitting on the ground, sweating profusely.

"Really won."

Oslo sighed as he couldn't fight, he thought he still lost just now.

"Huh, it's almost!"

Huo Wushuang was a little unwilling. If they persisted for a while, they might win.

"You think too much, I didn't consume much soul power."

Luo Chuan said indifferently, he used two spirit abilities from beginning to end, even if only the soul sect was cultivated, he still had the power to fight at this moment.

"Good luck for you."

The other person is still unwilling.

"Okay, this time we are convinced of the loss."

Huo Benqing snorted and looked at Yu Tianheng: "As expected of a person from the upper three sects, there is a soul bone. We miscalculated!"

He felt that the main reason for the final loss this time was Yu Tianheng's spirit bone explosion, which instantly resolved them all alone.

As for Luo Chuan, the fire crow that the other party solved was very expensive, and the other person's cultivation level was too poor to be counted as much.

"No way, I have a soul bone, you don't."

Yu Tianheng smiled triumphantly and glanced at Luo Chuan secretly.

This soul bone was given by the boss, and finally came in handy today.

It's just that the consumption is so great, under the thunderstorm state, his spirit power is consumed just a few breaths.

"Goodbye to the promotion game!"

Huo Benqing left a sentence and turned and left.

The referee announced the result, causing much discussion among the audience.

This battle actually reversed twice.

In the beginning, the Royal Deputy Team cooperated to solve Huo Wu, thinking that it had an advantage, but the Blazing Academy used a tactic of killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, turning the disadvantage into an advantage.

Just when they thought that Luo Chuan and the others would lose sooner or later, Yu Tianheng exploded with spirit bone power and solved one person with a thunderous force.

Luochuan's melee ability is also very strong, taking the opportunity to solve the over-consuming opponent and completely set the situation.

To be honest, this is really exciting. No game can be as good as this one.

Luo Chuan and the others helped each other down the ring, Ye Lingling immediately greeted her and released the nine-hearted begonia to heal Oslo and Yufeng.

"You guys are pretty good."

Qin Ming looked at these students with satisfaction.

To be honest, before, they all felt that the probability of winning the team was not high, and they could come back. It really depends on perseverance.

After all, if the other party persists for a while, the situation is estimated to be different.

"I'm afraid they have made a bad start this time, and they will like to use the same trick when they encounter opponents in the future."

Luo Chuan was slightly worried.

I have to say that the tactics of the Blazing Team are indeed unsolvable.

In the next game, if anyone still uses a similar method, they will suffer.

"Not that there are few soul masters who can cover the entire attack, and at most one or two people can be pulled."

Qin Ming wanted to comfort him, but when he talked about himself, his face changed slightly.

It doesn't hurt to pull one or two people together, especially if you are in a bad state, it is definitely a headache.

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