You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!One by one the strong men fell, smashing the whole ring.

The audience was silent for a moment.

They were still thinking about how Luochuan and others could break the defense of Elephant Academy, but they didn't expect it to be poisonous.

"this one?"

"It's so boring, it's actually poisonous."

"This poison is terrible. Seven people as strong as a cow can't stop it."

After the calm, it is more understanding of the discussion.

Everyone also realized for the first time that Dugu Goose, the new soul master, was really amazing and immediately captured many people's hearts.

"Goose, great."

Luo Chuan exclaimed.

"Hey, since the captain you helped me detoxify, I found that I have a lot more control over poison."

The lone geese smiled happily.

"Huh, sinister villain, dare to use poison!"

The muffled voice exploded, and a mountain of meat fell in front of the ring with a thud, and the powerful aura made Dugu Yan's face pale.

She felt like facing a giant beast, no matter if it was cultivation base or mind, she was completely suppressed and she could not resist.

"Why, you want to get involved in the game?"

Luo Chuan's face became cold. This old guy didn't sit well as an audience. What did he do to bully people?

"Hmph, the old man doesn't bother to intervene in your little dolls' game, just come over and let you detox them quickly!"

Hu Yanzhen was really embarrassed about what he said when he said that, so he pointed at the student who was about to pass out.

"It's not that you don't detoxify, what's the hurry?"

Dugu Yan replied uncomfortably, her grandfather was a titled Douluo, so he wouldn't be afraid of Hu Yanzhen.

She took out the antidote and let Hu Yanlong and the others take it, but ignored it.

Seeing that the students were okay, Hu Yanzhen didn't say anything.

When he came over, he was indeed afraid that the good seedlings of the sect might be in trouble.

Luo Chuan didn't say much to this big guy and led the team away.

This time he easily won the Elephant Academy, Luo Chuan realized the value of controlling the soul master.

Especially poison control, he felt even better than many control system spirit masters.

Hu Yanzhen slumped at several juniors and could only return with a gloomy expression.

"Boss, solve another strong team, and then solve the Kamikaze Academy and Tianshui Academy, we are the first!"

Yu Tianheng said excitedly.

"With wild geese, we will definitely be able to win like this time."

Oslo echoed.

"not that simple."

Luo Chuan shook his head: "Kamikaze Academy is a wind attribute. The poison of wild geese and geese will be restrained, and the poison released may be blown back to our faces, and Tianshui Academy has an ice attribute soul master, which is quite restrained."

"Ah, don't you have to fight another two hard games?"

Yu Tianheng complained repeatedly.

"If we don't play, we can choose to abstain. With our ranking, even if we lose these two points, we can still enter the promotion match."

Luo Chuan shrugged, now they are destined to enter the qualifying tournament.

Not to mention giving up these two games, even if they give up two more games, they can also advance to fifth place.

"Uh, would this be too confusing."

Yu Tianheng smiled awkwardly, he just thought it was tricky and didn't have the idea of ​​avoiding the battle.Literature 520

"It depends, our focus now is not to take the first place in this qualifier."

Luo Chuan shook his head.

"What is it?"

Yu Tianheng was stunned for a moment, but did not react.

"It must be for you to absorb the fourth spirit ring. If it is not a strong team tomorrow, I will go and see what suits your spirit beasts."

Luochuan took it for granted.

Now, in their team, after taking the fairy medicine, Yu Tianheng, Chris, Oslo, and Yufeng all reached level 40.

If they absorb the fourth spirit ring, their team will have 5 soul sects, one surpassing the others.

The Shi Family Brothers and Dugu Goose are likely to break through in a short period of time, and if they have one more, their team strength can also be improved a little, maybe they can become a full soul team.

"Luo Chuan is right. It is not too important to enter the promotion tournament first. If you want to win the championship, the key point is to become the Soul Sect first."

The master came over and agreed with Luo Chuan's statement.

Although it will be a little harder to enter the promotion match without passing the first place, it will be harder in the subsequent matches, but as long as one more spirit ring, the hard work at that time will not count as much.

"The key is to look at you, after all, you have to find a suitable soul beast in a short time."

Qin Ming looked at Luochuan.

Usually hunting spirit beasts, if you want to find the right one, it takes ten days and a half months, but to satisfy the spirit ring of four people, it will take longer if the normal method is used.

"If you give up a few games, I think it will be enough to ensure that you all get the spirit ring."

Luochuan self-reported, one more day, one more chance.

"Don't put too much pressure on you."

The master comforted.

"It's okay, I won't go back with you today, I have to see how they are looking for soul beasts."

After separating his teammates, Luo Chuan secretly came to the Star Dou Forest.

When he saw the Titan Great Ape, he asked directly: "Please, how are you preparing?"

"Find three, you see if they fit."

The Titan Great Ape brought Luo Chuan to the cage.

It was originally just a pit cage, but at the moment it was covered with various cobwebs and vines.

In the spider web, a number of spider spirit beasts occupies, among them are the famous human face demon spiders, and other types of spiders.Led by a spider king.

The vine is a plant-based soul beast, which was also captured by the Titan Great Ape. The combination of the two forms this natural prison.

The soul beasts inside were entangled to death, and there was no way to escape.

Luo Chuan came to an area and looked at three things like silkworm cocoons on the ground. Inside were a yellow bird, a wild boar, and a colorful leopard.

From the perspective of spirit power fluctuations, they are all around five thousand years, which is a limit of absorption.

"These are selected from some traitors, but the Thunder subdragon species you want is not easy to find. After all, there is Azi. Many subdragon species in the Star Dou Great Forest have surrendered to us. There is no reason, and I am not embarrassed to do it."

The Titan Great Ape touched his head and said the reason for the missing fourth soul beast.

"If you don't have the Thunder Element, just look for other attributes. Of course, the fire attribute is the best."

Luo Chuan didn't demand too much. For Yu Tianheng, as long as he was a subdragon, it was enough to show his strength.

"Okay, recently there happened to be a group of salamanders that were disobedient, and they happened to teach them a lesson."

The Titan Great Ape nodded, although the Star Dou Great Forest was unified by them, most of the soul beasts were stupid, and often disobedient chaos.

Especially the soul beasts that break the rules, he needs to tidy up from time to time to give those guys a long memory.

"Well, trouble you, I will leave your auntie Rou, and I will use her to understand the situation in two days."

Luo Chuan nodded, he resolved the other soul beasts that needed to be executed, and after collecting millions of energy, he hurriedly left.

It was the early morning of the next day when he returned to Tiandou City. He found two teachers and told the results.

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