Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 193 Wife, I'm Seeing You

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Taking the turtles, Luochuan returned to the sunset forest in one breath.

After this, more than a day passed, Yu Tianheng and Chris had an extra spirit ring on their bodies, and their auras went up a step.

Among them, Yutian Hengxiu was the highest, rushing to level 43 in one breath, 2 levels more than normal.

"Not bad, I put a little more effort, the champion doesn't have to run."

Luo Chuan thought to himself.

He dropped the turtle, and he quickly informed the two teachers of the situation.

The game was almost over, the next day, everyone came to the manor outside the eyes of the ice and fire.

"Boss, you found it so quickly, really amazing!"

Graphite was surprised to see the turtle.

He only broke through recently, and he didn't have much confidence in absorbing the fourth spirit ring immediately.

"There are three days left, we are going to the finals, you hurry up."

Qin Ming spoke.

"Everything, after killing the soul beast, directly absorb it."

Luo Chuan stepped back, giving the three people enough space to absorb the spirit ring.

On the second day, Dugu Goose also broke through.

Dugu Bo was alarmed and ran over with some joy.


When Dugu Goose finished his practice, he saw his grandfather looking at her excitedly.

"Very good, very good, you have far surpassed Grandpa back then, as long as you work hard to cultivate, you will surely become Title Douluo in the future!"

Dugubo laughed from ear to ear. The granddaughter not only solved the problems that plagued their family, but also became even better. He felt that there was no regret in this life.

"It is up to the captain to give me a fairy medicine, otherwise it will take three to five years to achieve this."

The lone goose smiled.

"Well, I really have to thank Your Highness."

Dugubo sighed that he had lived for so many years and was cruel, but he was really grateful to Luochuan, otherwise he would not choose to be his hand in return.

"It looks like I have to find you a soul beast right away."

Luo Chuan came over at this moment.

Break through another one, there is still time to absorb.

This makes the latter a little embarrassing.

She said to Luo Chuan, "Captain, if the time is too short, then forget it."

"It's too late."

Luochuan is full of confidence, and there are many snake-like soul beasts.

"Why don't the old man look for it."

Dugu Bo said, the spirit ring of Yan Yan was not difficult for him.

"It's okay, I've been searched for in advance, and within a day, it can be delivered."

Luo Chuan shook his head. Although Dugu Bo is not a titled Douluo, it is still relatively difficult to find a suitable five-thousand-year spirit beast immediately.

And they don’t have much time to stay.

"Then trouble your Highness."

Having said that, Dugu Bo didn't insist anymore. He thought that Luochuan could find the five soul beasts before, and he should be able to quickly deal with the soul beasts that the geese needed.

For Luochuan, there is really no difficulty.

He only needs to go to the Star Dou Great Forest and bring back a poisonous snake.

The next day, Dugu Goose absorbed the spirit ring smoothly.Tsinghua Novel www.qhxs.org

This time no one finally broke through.

Shimo and Xiong Zhenglin are still a bit worse, and it will take ten and a half days to say nothing. It is estimated that the game will be over by then.

As for Ye Lingling, it would be good to be able to reach level 39, and it was not far from absorbing the fourth spirit ring.

In this regard, among the ten of them, seven have reached the soul sect, and it is completely guaranteed that all the teams on the field are the soul sect.

When the Dugu Goose was absorbed, it was less than a day before starting to go to the promotion and finals.

Luo Chuan wanted to practice in the eyes of the Binghuo Liangyi, and Shen Jinming came over and told him that Xueye wanted to see him.

Had to come to the imperial city alone in advance to see Xueye.

"I heard that how many people from your team broke through to the Soul Sect recently?"

Xue Ye asked directly.

Luo Chuan was not surprised when Xue Ye knew about this.

After all, his team is also from the Royal Academy, and Qin Ming will definitely report the situation.

"Well, six people broke through, plus me, there are seven soul sects!"

Luo Chuan answered.

Xue Ye's eyes flashed, she couldn't help but sit up a bit, and took a deep breath: "Isn't it much higher than the team's cultivation level?"

"Yes, I am very confident in the championship." Luo Chuan nodded. The medicine he gave Yu Tianheng and the others was not for nothing.

"Yes, very good. If you can lead the team to win the championship, you will not only increase the face of the empire, but I believe that no one will oppose you to become a prince."

The snowy night has a lot of meaning, and the championship of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is very valuable, and Luo Chuan as the captain has many benefits.

"Let's get the championship first."

Luo Chuan is noncommittal. To be honest, he is not too interested in political struggle.

"Don't worry, no matter what the result is, after this game, I will let you gradually accept the army and take control of the power you should control."

Luo Chuan was quite surprised by what Xue Ye said.

"Do you feel a little anxious? Don't be anxious. I am now old and unable to do what I want. It is estimated that I will give you my position within ten years. The premise is that you fully control the army, otherwise you do not have enough power in your hands. I can't sit still."

Xue Ye said earnestly: "Today the kingdoms and principalities of the empire have different intentions. You must arm the entire empire's army with hidden weapons as soon as possible. If you can reclaim their royal power in the future, it is best. If you can't, you must have the strength to frighten them. They dare not mess around."

"I'll try my best."

Luochuan has a headache, he really has no experience in managing a country.

"Let you come to get rid of these things, and one more thing. The finals of this competition has been modified from Wuhun Hall to Wuhun City. After you pass, you should have the opportunity to meet your fiancee and take this opportunity."

Xue Ye sat back again and said with a smile.

"Meet her?"

Luo Chuan was stunned for a moment, but he had seen the woman many times and had touched it.

"Of course I have to meet. The Spirit Hall has been very tense with us before. This time there is finally an opportunity to relax. Don't miss it. After all, our empire is really not suitable for a death fight with the Spirit Hall. Their hidden strength is too strong. Up."

Xueye said at the end, she couldn't help but sigh.

Don't look at him as the emperor, who is actually sitting on pins and needles. How could he not know some of the previous movements and meanings of the Spirit Hall.

It's just that the Heaven Dou Empire is suffering from internal and external difficulties, he really doesn't dare to be too tough.


Luo Chuan nodded, it seemed that he had to act with Qian Renxue again.

"That's it, you go back and prepare for the game. For your father, you are very satisfied with your strength. If you can surpass being your father and become a Titled Douluo, many things will be easier."

Xue Ye let Luo Chuan leave with a look of expectation.

The latter walked out of the palace, thinking of meeting with his fiancee this time, it was best to discuss with Qian Renxue in advance.

He went straight to Qinghe Palace, walked to the door of Qian Renxue, knocked on the door, and said, "My wife, I'm coming to see you."

Qian Renxue was practising, and when she heard this, she almost lost her mind.

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