Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 196 Sword Douluo and Ning Rongrong

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After calming down, Luo Chuan dismissed his thoughts and observed in secret.

Suddenly, his eyes moved slightly, and in a carriage, he noticed a very powerful breath.

Excluding the Poison Douluo that he let secretly follow, this is the breath of another Title Douluo.

Moreover, this breath was sharp and sharp, which was even stronger than the Ghost Douluo he had fought before.

"Title Douluo!"

Luo Chuan was slightly shocked: "Sitting in the carriage, it must be his own person. The one who can follow at this time is probably... the elder of the Qibao Liuli Sect!"

A smile appeared in his eyes.

This Title Douluo followed, and his trip was a bit safer.

It seems that I am too nervous.

You can't always feel that someone wants to hurt him.

"Relax, you should travel to the Wuhun Hall."

In his mind, Luo Chuan gradually relaxed.

After calming down, Luo Chuan decided to visit the two titled Douluo and the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

He is the prince, and most likely Ning Fengzhi will be his teacher in the future, and he also needs the support of Qibao Liulizong.

It’s boring to hurry, and it’s okay to get in touch in advance.

When the team was resting, he got out of the cart and walked to a carriage.

Perhaps for the sake of concealment, this carriage is not much different from other carriages. If it weren't for Luochuan's strong mental power, it would be impossible to detect the abnormality.

He strolled to the carriage and was about to say the sound of the visit when a grinning laughter appeared.

"Hehe, finally stopped, I'll go out to play for a while."

A happy voice rang from the carriage.


Before the other exhortation finished, he rushed out of a figure and happened to crash into Luochuan who was coming.

This figure was not big, she was still a girl, ninety years old, with red lips and white teeth, short hair, fair skin, and big eyes when she saw Luo Chuan, she exclaimed.


She didn't want to get someone outside, and while shouting, she subconsciously waved her short hand.

Luo Chuan was stunned, and could only hug him casually.

The girl's flesh and bones are soft, and the whole body is softer, and it did not affect him.

Ning Rongrong hit Luo Chuan's chest, subconsciously hugged him, and immediately flushed and said, "Who are you, why don't you come over without a word."

"I'm about to squeak."

Luo Chuan shrugged and put the little girl down.

"Hehe, you really want to squeak, squeak to me?"

Ning Rongrong snorted, deliberately trying to make things difficult for Luochuan.

"Rongrong, don't be rude, this is the current Royal Highness."

Ning Fengzhi's gentle and soft voice sounded, with doting and a hint of blame.


Ning Rongrong's big eyes wandered around and looked at Luo Chuan from bottom to top, feeling that Luo Chuan's skin is very good and he is extraordinarily handsome.

She muttered: "A lot better-looking than that big prince, it's no wonder that she will be the prince."


Luochuan's mouth twitched.

He didn't rely on face to become a prince, but on the strength that Emperor Ling Xueye liked.

However, since the girl said he was handsome, he didn't refute it.Daily Novel www.daydayxs.com

"You kid, what are you talking about."

The curtain opened, Ning Fengzhi walked out of it and gave his daughter a doting look.Then he said to Luo Chuan: "I have seen your Highness, this is the little girl Rongrong, this time I want to come to the show, and I have sinned, please don't take it to heart."

"How come, this girl makes sense."

Luo Chuan smiled.

Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment and curled his lips. This man had a thick face.

"Haha, I didn't expect His Royal Highness to be so funny and humorous."

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help smiling a little more, and then said: "This should be the first time my Royal Highness and I have met. After the contact, I found that Your Highness is indeed the dragon among the people."

"Sect Master Ning praised."

Luo Chuan smiled modestly and glanced at the person who followed Ning Fengzhi. This was an old man in white.

The old man covered his head with long silver hair, his white clothes were slender and dusty, and his eyes were extremely deep, with a hint of sharpness.

His expression was indifferent, as if Taishan collapsed in front of him, he would not change his face, and his temperament was sharp and hegemonic.

At this moment, even in the face of Luo Chuan, he did not change anything. Only when he occasionally saw Ning Rongrong in his eyes, a touch of gentleness appeared.

Luo Chuan's heart moved slightly, he didn't need to think about it, he knew this person.

Sword Douluo Chenxin!

The Douluo Continent Super Douluo, with a cultivation base of over 95, is also the most powerful attacking Douluo.

It possesses the first martial arts spirit with seven kill swords, and it is also one of the top weapon spirits that can rival the Clear Sky Hammer.

If it were not for a sufficiently powerful sect, the ancestors had all died in the hands of the titled Douluo of the Wuhun Hall Thousand Dao Clan, and could only be attached to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, this person would be stronger than he has seen now.

This person's martial arts is also one of the top martial arts he wants to replicate!

To some extent, he liked the opponent's Seven Kill Sword better than Clear Sky Hammer.

It's very simple, if you hit someone with a hammer, you definitely didn't kill someone with a sword.

Seeing Luochuan see his own elder, Ning Fengzhi also introduced: "This is one of the guardian elders of our Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect. You can call him the Sword Elder."

"I have seen Mr. Jian."

Luo Chuan held his fist, so he had to be familiar with his face first, and then gather enough energy to copy the opponent's martial spirit.


Sword Douluo just nodded slightly, he really didn't need to be more polite to Luochuan, because he was a Super Douluo, Pinnacle Douluo!

On this continent, being able to reach level 97 is no more than five fingers, but it is far more noble than a prince.

"Oh, don't call each other hypocritically, prince brother, you take me to play around, for example, your team, I heard my father say that you are the captain of a team."

Ning Rongrong turned his eyes wide, and felt that it was meaningless to play alone, so it was better to let Luochuan lead the way.

"You child, your Royal Highness must have something important when you come over. You have to play by yourself."

Ning Fengzhi glared at his daughter. This girl was not polite at all, which made him very dissatisfied.

"Hmph, what a fierceness, I didn't force it." Ning Rong bulged.

Ning Fengzhi smiled awkwardly and said to Luo Chuan: "His Royal Highness, I'm sorry, this girl is spoiled, you leave her alone, we get in the car and say."

"It's okay. I just came here to visit Sect Master Ning. Since Miss Rong Rong wants to go and see around, I can take her to have a look."

Luo Chuan didn't think there was much to say. He really just came to see the two of them.

However, he did not expect that Ning Rongrong, the little witch, would actually follow, causing some headaches.

In order to make Sword Douluo happy, he would trouble and take care of this ancestor.

Sword Douluo only cares about Ning Rongrong, she wants to come to this girl to be happy, and it will be convenient to contact Sword Douluo in the future.

Seeing that Luo Chuan was very gentle with Ning Rongrong, Jian Douluo glanced at Luo Chuan and said, "Rong Rong, Grandpa will take you to play."

"No, it's boring to play with Grandpa Jian, I'm going to play with Brother Prince."

Ning Rongrong shook his head. Her father wouldn't let her entangle Luochuan.

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