You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!A light flashed in Yutian's eyes.

As one of the other three sects, he knew that the strength of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect was stronger than their Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

The two titled Douluos, combined with the Qibao Glazed Glass Tower, the top auxiliary system martial spirit, will have more combat power.

Other people also changed their eyes because of Ning Rongrong's avatar.

"This girl came here to learn from you. Let's teach her some cultivation experience. She also wants to do such a big deal with you and have such cultivation skills."

Luo Chuan waved his hand, ready to let his teammates deal with this girl, he didn't bother to care.

"Boss, it's hard to not take medicine, right?"

Yu Tianheng was taken aback for a moment.

"Just tell her that your level before taking the medicine is also not so easy to reach."

Luo Chuan shrugged, and the hard-trained Yu Tianheng and others were still not easily reachable by Ning Rongrong.

After all, the talents of those present were no worse than Ning Rongrong.

"Take medicine?"

Ning Rongrong's ears moved slightly, he looked at Luo Chuan curiously, and said with a smile, "Prince brother, can you tell me what's going on?"

"You explain."

Luo Chuan didn't want to talk nonsense, sat down on the grass and watched the sky leisurely.

When Yu Tianheng and others saw that Luo Chuan hadn't avoided this matter, they also answered Ning Rongrong's doubts, and at the same time said about the level before taking the medicine.

Ning Rongrong's eyes rolled, she hadn't heard of the fairy medicine.

She glanced at Luo Chuan secretly, the latter ignored her at all and couldn't help but feel itchy.

Thinking of asking other people, she looked in admiration and said: "You are still amazing. Among so many teams, your average age is five or six years younger, but your cultivation base is not weaker than other teams. After five or six years, you must be too. Can reach this level."

"No, it's beyond."

Yu Tianheng stretched out his fingers and shook them. Even if they didn't take medicine, five years later, they would definitely exceed their current cultivation base.

"But after taking the immortal medicine, your starting point is higher. After five years, you may all become the soul king."

Ning Rongrong sighed, and then said shyly: "It's a magical medicine, brothers and sisters, where did you find the medicine? I want to eat it too."

"The boss gave it, and we don't know where it came from."

Yu Tianheng shook his head.

Although Dugu Yan said that she knew something, she didn't want to tell this girl much.

Ning Rongrong ran to Luochuan and hugged his arm and coquettishly said, "Brother Prince, can you tell me where the fairy medicine comes from? I can buy it."

"There is no market for immortal medicines. You can buy them anywhere."

Luo Chuan raised his eyelids, smiled in his heart, and the fish caught the bait.

"I don't believe it, please tell me about the price, so I can go back and prepare."

Ning Rongrong continued to sway. She was born noble and didn't worry about eating and drinking. She felt that she would definitely be able to buy it.

"Even if you make an offer, you can't afford it, stop making trouble, let's practice honestly first."

Luochuan continued to refuse.

"Impossible, I can't afford it, my father can definitely afford it."

Ning Rongrong righteously said that as a descendant of the top rich family, she has confidence in her wealth.

"If you don't sell it, you are not my teammate. It makes no sense to help you."

Luo Chuan still shook his head, jokes, the preciousness of immortal medicines, wherever ordinary things are traded, they have to pay at the level of the sect.


Ning Rongrong had nothing to say for a while.

She is indeed not Luo Chuan's teammate, and she has only met Luo Chuan for one day. If they don't sell, she can't help it.

After thinking for a while, she said: "How about I let you touch your head?"

Yu Tianheng and others immediately cast strange glances.Butterfly Man Novel Network

Touch your head?

They don't understand what this means.

"Ah, your head is worthless, and touching it is not worth a fairy grass."

"Let you touch a hundred, a thousand?"

Ning Rongrong is still young after all, with a hint of immaturity and innocence.

"It won't work to touch you bald."

Luo Chuan was speechless, he refused so obviously, this girl still asked.

The corners of Yu Tianheng's mouth twitched.

To touch a girl's head bald, it's so crazy.

It would be strange if Sect Master Ning did not go crazy if he did that.

But they also knew this was a joke and couldn't help but laugh.

"Then I will be your teammate, so that you can get the elixir, and it will fly into the sky."

Ning Rongrong's eyes turned.

"You are too young to have time."

Luo Chuan waved his hand and said impatiently: "Don't ask. If you ask, you will not be given. You should practice honestly and become a soul deity before the age of 14."


Ning Rongrong pouted and made a grimace at Luo Chuan, and then said to Yu Tianheng and others: "I will go back first, brothers and sisters, and I will play with you next time."

After speaking, she jumped out of the car and went back alone.

Oslo watched Ning Rongrong leave and said, "Boss, you seem to want to give him a fairy medicine?"

"The daughter of the upper three sect masters is still qualified to take fairy medicine."

The Dugu Goose has a profound meaning.

Luo Chuan nodded: "Well, it doesn't matter whether this girl eats or not. The important thing is the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect at the back. If they owe them personal love with an immortal medicine, this is the most worthwhile."

"Hey, then we have to show her the benefits of immortal medicine, and I believe she will be more concerned."

Seeing that Luochuan had his own purpose, Yu Tianheng naturally wanted to help.

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it, just stimulate her more, let her understand that she is nothing at all."

Luo Chuan shook his head, he didn't need Yu Tianheng and the others to do anything, as long as Ning Fengzhi believed in the existence of Immortal Medicine, he would naturally come to him.

"The boss's matter, we do our part, and then everyone has to do a good job."

Yu Tianheng heard some meaning, and he smiled, thinking that this journey will not be too boring, it will be very interesting.

On the other side, Ning Rongrong bounced back to his carriage, and hurriedly said, "Dad, do you guess what I heard from the prince brother?"

"You didn't mess with people, did you?"

Ning Fengzhi ignored her daughter's words and instead asked if the other party had made trouble.

"Hmph, are they that bad? How can they make trouble."

Ning Rongrong suddenly said in anger: "Ignore you."

Ning Fengzhi smiled helplessly, knowing that he might have misunderstood, which made this girl angry.

However, he did not immediately apologize. This contact with the prince also revealed that Ning Rongrong was a little too spoiled and had to change his temper to avoid offending too many people.

Seeing that his father didn't apologize, Ning Rongrong was very angry, so don't overdo it.

However, she wanted to talk about Luochuan and the others taking the fairy medicine, but she wanted to give in, and her heart became uncomfortable.

"Oh, why are you making trouble with a child? Rongrong said that he didn't make trouble. Is it sure that he didn't make trouble?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Jian Douluo spoke kindly and gave Ning Rongrong a step down.

"I knew that Grandpa Jian believed me the most."

Ning Rongrong smiled like a flower, happily ran into Jian Douluo's arms and hummed at Ning Fengzhi.

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