You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!If an immortal medicine has a chance to create a strong man, then he must consider his daughter.

"Dad, I want to take a fairy medicine, can you buy it."

Ning Rongrong couldn't help but say something, she was still obsessed with this matter.


Ning Fengzhi pondered for a moment: "Since he rejected you, it is probably not easy to handle."

"The old man, let's take a trip. He doesn't want to believe in his face."

Sword Douluo also saw that this immortal medicine was good for Ning Rongrong, and he planned to come out in person.

"Uncle Jian, don't mix up. Once you go, you will be said to rely on the bully."

Ning Fengzhi smiled bitterly. With Sword Douluo's strong personality, he probably forced Luochuan to take the medicine. Even if he got it, he would completely offend the royal family.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect has always supported the Heaven Dou Empire. Both sides will be both prosperous and both sides will be lost. There must be no internal confrontations, otherwise major problems will occur.

Sword Douluo is not an idiot. His bad temper doesn't mean he can't think of this. After Ning Fengzhi pointed it out, he sat back.

He nodded and said: "Then you should talk about it. I guess that kid let Rongrong know about this, but it was also intentional."


The team doesn't keep moving forward. Walking a certain distance will give the horses a half-hour rest, and they will rest at night.

The second rest was already in the evening, and everyone set up camp. This time, they had to stay overnight before rushing to avoid any danger.

Luo Chuan lay on the grass, watching the sun disappearing from the horizon, feeling very leisurely, and subconsciously muttered: "The setting sun is going down, the heartbroken man is on the horizon."

In this world, his soul is lonely, because only he himself knows that he is not a person in this world.

Therefore, this is also a sentiment.

Qian Renxue, who also came out to breathe in the distance, heard this, and the corners of her mouth curled, this guy pretended to be deep.

"Boss, when did you become a heartbroken man? Isn't Lingling right by?"

Yu Tianheng turned his head, this guy was holding the lonely goose, lying lazily there.

Ye Lingling's eyebrows were slightly raised, and she was a little unhappy.

Seeing Ye Lingling's expression, Qian Renxue felt a little irritable in her heart for not knowing why.

"You are an illiterate. This heartbroken person does not necessarily mean a lovesick person. I mean a sad person, and a person who is away from home and misses his relatives."

Luo Chuan gave this guy a white look, not having a good air.

Qian Renxue's face changed, her eyes looked at Luo Chuan slightly unexpectedly.

Under the red sunset, the face of the latter was a little fuzzy, which made people indistinct.

But I don't know why, but she finds it extraordinarily beautiful, it's like a painting, which makes people enjoy it.

However, her eyes moved slightly, and when she saw Ye Lingling who was smiling softly beside Luochuan, she felt that there was something more in the picture that shouldn't be there.

When Yu Tianheng heard Luo Chuan's explanation, he hehe smiled: "I read a little, don't lie to me, is it possible that a heartbroken person is heartbroken because of lovesickness?"

"You can also be heartbroken because you miss your relatives and your hometown. The feelings in this world are not just love, but also family and friendship."

Luo Chuan shrugged, not angry, he knew this guy was talking nonsense to him.

"Okay, Boss, you read a lot and you are reasonable, but just these two sentences don't feel complete."

Yu Tianheng smirked and specifically asked Luochuan for trouble.

"It was part of it."

Luochuan shook his head. Its complete story is: "Withered vines, old trees, faint crows, small bridges and flowing water people, ancient roads, westerly wind and thin horses, the setting sun, the heartbroken people are on the horizon.

As he read, Luo Chuan glanced around, there were trees, horses and sunsets, which was really a bit artistic.

"Oh my god, boss, you are such a good writer."

Oslo applauded. Although there was no word or music at this time, this sentence was particularly charming, enough to resonate with some people.7 questions novel

Especially for the cavalry regiment outside the scene, several nearby soldiers burst into tears when they heard this, obviously because they missed their homes and loved ones.

"He can say such things..."

Qian Renxue couldn't help but glance at Luo Chuan.

As the great prince, his literary attainments are naturally not low. He has learned many things from what Luochuan said.

She couldn't help but think of her experience of hiding in the palace all the year round, her heart trembled, and she was touched by the words.

Ye Lingling also had red eye circles, and many people present were silent, savoring this passage carefully.


Someone applauded.

Ning Fengzhi walked over from a distance and said with admiration: "His Royal Highness is really literary. The words in this passage really show the situation and mood of the wandering people in the world."


Luochuan was a little sweaty.

He couldn't help but sighed when he watched the sunset beautifully.

If he doesn't have any feelings, what he said just now should be: "Fuck, the sunset is so beautiful, this kind of words, not lyrics."

The others recovered and recovered quickly.

Luo Chuan smiled awkwardly: "Sect Master Ning, I said nonsense, so don't praise it."

This song is just what he learned before, and it's just picking up people's teeth.

"Your Highness is polite, most people can't say that."

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help taking a high look at Luo Chuan.

"No, no, this is not what I said. I heard others say it before. I thought it was good, so I wrote it down."

Luo Chuan shook his head, thinking that what he had memorized in order to cope with the exam would be used at this moment.

"Being able to use it reasonably is also a kind of ability."

Ning Fengzhi spoke very well and continued to express his appreciation.

Luo Chuan was a little embarrassed and said, "Sect Master Ning is here, what should be the matter?"

"There is indeed something."

Ning Fengzhi nodded: "Let's go to the grove over there and talk about it."

"Sect Master Yining said."

Luo Chuan followed behind and drove into a quiet grove.

It's already dark here, Ning Fengzhi stopped, with a meaningful smile: "I don't know if your Highness knows. After this competition is over, Your Majesty is going to let me be your teacher. Now it seems that Your Highness is indeed something to be made."

"Sect Master Ning is my teacher?"

Luo Chuan pretended to be surprised, and then said with joy: "It is my honor to have you as my teacher."

"If your Highness doesn't mind, we can confirm the mentorship friendship in advance. You can call me a teacher now, so we can get familiar with it."

Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

"Of course I do. The students have met the teacher here, and the teacher can call me by name in the future."

Luochuan took advantage of the trend and immediately saluted.

This was meant to be done in the future, but it was a little earlier, so he wouldn't mind.

"Very well, you will be my student from now on, and Rongrong will be your sister."

Ning Fengzhi smiled, and then said meaningfully: "She is your sister. I don't know if you would like to give her a fairy medicine?"


Luochuan is a little speechless?

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